Friendship Happy High School

I sprint out the door, the cool breeze tasted like sweet honey and flowers, the air smelt of roses. "Spring" I sigh as I close my eyes and spin in circles, my arms stretched out beside me. I open my eyes, I stand in a large field outside my front door. There were bees buzzing, and flowers blooming. "Tylin! Get back in here!" I grunt, yes it was late and yes we were in the middle of eating dinner but this was my favorite time of year and at this exact moment, spring had started. I see my older brother latch onto the door and pop his head out "Tylin come on, I dont want dad in a bad mood" I glare at him "Coming, coming" I holler back to dad and drag myself inside. I nudge Kai in the ribs "OW!" He screams and I laugh, sprinting down the hall away from him. I slide into my chair and my dad shakes his head then takes another bite of steak. I shrug and pop a potato in my mouth. "What? I love spring" I say between chewing my potato. Dad sighs "Yes I know Tylin but we were eating dinner" I roll my eyes "Cranky" I mutter under my breath and Kai muffles a laugh, I grin.

I wake up in the morning too the birds chirping, I smile brightly and head downstairs. My blonde hair was tied up in a bun, and I was wearing a hoodie with some shorts. "Morning" I yawn and plop down at the dinner table "Morning" Kai shoots back as he busily walks in and out of the kitchen, "What are you doing" I say suspiciously, and tilt my head, watching him. "Track tryouts are in 30 minutes, im packing" "What you going to florida for tryouts, looks like you could leave for a week and be fine" I scoff and chuckle. He rolls his eyes and shoos me away "Shush" He mumbles. "Wheres dad" I ask, ignoring his attempt to leave him alone. He shrugs "His cars gone, must have gotten called into work" I sigh, typical. I slide out of my chair and walk into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and pouring myself some cereal. "Really Tylin?" "What?!" I say as I shove food in my mouth. He groans and rolls his eyes, not answering. I grin and slip past him back to the table, Kai runs up the stairs like a killer clown is after him. "This kid" I mumble to myself.

I take my time getting ready for school, I throw on a some ripped jeans, a white crop top, well cropped ish, and some white Nike Air Force 1s. Then I do my hair in some nice french braids before grabbing my back pack and walking downstairs. The doorbell rings and I take one last sip of orange juice before sliding out the door and hugging Macy, my best friend. "Ready" she grins "Sure am" I grin back and we start down the sidewalk towards the school. "So, ya gonna do it?" Macy nudges me playfully a few times " Maybe" I shrug. Macy had long brown hair with green eyes, she was wearing a green sweater, ripped jeans and checkered Vans. Macy was always very organized, she had her backpack hung over her shoulders, and her volleyball bag clipped too it, her curled hair fell neatly to her sides, and her walk was even somehow organized, unlike me who was walking all over the place. "C'mon just do it" she begs, "i said Maybe" I say stubbornly but flash a grin. For two months now shes been begging me to ask out Whyatt, the cutest boy (in my opinion) at our school. I had a major crush on him since we were little, but we've also been best friends since we were born, our parents are friends. "Hes my best friend, I dont really wanna risk that" Macy flashes a glare "Wow i see how it is" she laughs and I do too as we walk through the main doors, my the high school was big and I never realized it. I shrug. I spot Whyatt and smile, jogging up to him "Hey Whyatt" I grin and so does he "Hey Ty" that was a nick name he gave me, cause when we were little he couldn't pronounce my name right, I laugh. "You doing anything after school, my family's having a barbeque and your invited" Wyatt says as we walk to class. I think for a second "Nope I dont think so" I say "Good, we can go to my place right after school" he says and puts his arm around my shoulders, I smile "Ill tell Kai later that I wont be home for dinner. Want to here something" I say and get excited "Hm?" I tell him the story of dinner last night, with spring starting and the flowers blooming then how Kai made me come inside. He laughs "I knew youd do that, when the time hit 5:30 I knew youd be out that door" He laughs and i punch his shoulder "shut up" i tease with a laugh. We get to class right as the bell rings.

It was the end of the day now, me and Wyatt were walking back to his place "Ugh math was so boring" I laugh "Agreed" He says with a grin and a small laugh. His house was in sight, I would race him but hes way more fit then me and I dont want to be sweaty. We walk through the front doors and head up to his room to place our stuff down before going back down stairs and sitting on the couch "We got an hour or two until everyone arrives" he says and flicks on the TV, i grin, I know what hes turning on. It was 'our movie' it was a comedy about best friends exploring NY, like we always wanted to. "Whos all coming?" He lists off a few of his friends, and then some family friends I nod with a smile. A few hours later his friends show up, I feel a bit out of place but I still laugh and have fun. "So" One of his friends, Jake, says with a eyebrow raised and a smirk "Yall a thing or" I feel my face flush red and I try to hide it, me and Wyatt look at eachother then back to Jake "No" we say, but both of us hesitated "Mhm" he says with a smirk still and drags Wyatt away. I see a sprinkle of rain coming down and I smile brightly and run outside "More signs of spring" I say happily as I lift my head up so its facing the clouds, I close my eyes and let the rain fall on me, it was no longer a sprinkle and was now raining. I hear the door open and Wyatt laughing softly, I open my eyes and turn to him and run and hug him, soaking wet "Hey!" he laughs, he throws me one of his hoodies and I take it, i was flushing again but I already was from the cold so it was hidden. I throw it on and I see his friends in the back whispering and snickering. I roll my eyes and laugh.

Its been a month now, me and Wyatt are a couple now, I still love spring and it just keeps getting better each day. I kiss Wyatt on the check as we walk back to his place where we sit outside and have a picnic. I smile, oh how much I love spring.

March 26, 2021 19:38

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