Mystery Fiction American

Under the blazing sun, the air shimmered with heat above the hood of her old Mustang. The desert stretched out in all directions, a vast and unforgiving expanse of sand, rock, and scrub brush. Mountains rose in the distance, their jagged peaks a stark contrast to the flatness below. To Lyla, a wildlife photographer who had spent years capturing the untamed beauty of the Southwest, this was her home. This untamed wilderness with its surprising gems, hidden oases and gorgeous mountains was where she often found solace, her camera a constant companion in her quest to capture the soul of the land. The desert’s silence spoke to her, its vastness a canvas for her thoughts. She reveled in the solitude. It was hers to keep, to treasure, and to enjoy.

Lyla had just returned home from her latest expedition around the Magic Circle, her camera filled with images of various creatures she sought to immortalize. Now, back in the modest cabin, she settled in to review her work. The room was cool and dark, the heavy drapes drawn against the midday sun. She booted up her laptop, eager to see the results of her labor.

As the images loaded, Lyla's practiced eye quickly scanned through them, pausing to admire the occasional shot that captured something truly special—a coyote mid-leap, a hawk soaring majestically against the azure sky. She was halfway through the photos when something unusual caught her attention. At first, it was just a feeling, a strange sense that something was off. 

Then she saw it.

“What the hell is that?” she whispered to herself, her skin prickling in waves across every surface of her body. Then she felt her pulse pounding in her ears as she looked at it, into its eyes. She nearly fell out of her chair, the urge to run flowing through her body, tensing her muscles. Run. She fought down the panic, the unmistakable urge to get away. Far away.

Despite herself, she zoomed in on the photograph. It had been taken at the edge of a dense pine forest, the trees standing tall and proud against the backdrop of the setting sun. There, nestled in the copse of pines near the edge of a shimmering lake, was a shape she hadn't noticed before. Her heart skipped a beat as she zoomed in further, the pixels sharpening to reveal an elongated form, nearly as tall as the surrounding pines. Much taller, she realized, if it had been standing.

The creature, if it was indeed a creature, was crouched low, its massive but gaunt frame half-hidden in the shadows, but it was there. Unlike anything Lyla had ever seen—it was nearly skeletal in its thinness, and in its eyes she saw an eerie, almost ethereal presence. Its eyes glowed faintly, perhaps catching the last rays of sunlight, giving it a haunting, otherworldly aura. She thought she could make out horns like branches, and long strands of hair like dried brush. Lyla's mind raced with questions. How had she not noticed this when she took the photo? What was this creature?

With trembling hands, she moved to the next photograph, taken mere seconds later. The beast was gone, replaced by nothing but a thin spot in the pines where its form had been. Lyla scrolled back and forth between the images, her disbelief growing. The creature had vanished without a trace.

Lyla's thoughts spiraled. Was this some sort of trick of the light? A figment of her imagination? She rubbed her eyes, trying to make sense of it. But the image was clear. That creature was there. She leaned back in her chair, the wooden frame creaking under her weight. Doubts gnawed at her. What if she had stumbled upon something not meant to be seen? What if she was losing her mind?

Determined to uncover the truth, Lyla packed her gear and headed back into the wilderness. The summer heat bore down on her, but she pressed on, driven by a mix of curiosity and fear. She retraced her steps, returning to the very spot where she had taken the photo. The forest was as she remembered it, serene and undisturbed, the lake still shimmering in the sunlight. She took picture after picture, but nothing turned up.

Days turned into weeks as Lyla searched for any sign of the creature. She camped by the lake, her camera always at the ready, but the beast remained elusive. She questioned local tribal nations and old-timers, but their stories only deepened the mystery. They spoke of ancient spirits and guardian beings, creatures that lived in the land's hidden places, seen only by those deemed worthy or in times of great need.

Lyla's obsession grew, but the creature never reappeared. She returned to her cabin, the photograph now framed and hanging on a wall tucked behind clothing in her closet. A secret reminder. It haunted her and taunted her, its image seared into her mind. She would wake from dreams drenched in sweat, the creature’s glowing eyes and skeletal limbs looming in the darkness. She couldn’t shake the feeling that it was watching her, a silent sentinel in the corner of her vision.

“What are you?” she would mutter to herself, staring at the photograph. Somehow, she always ended up back in her closet. Clothing pulled apart to reveal it, staring back at her. Into her. Its presence was a constant reminder of the unknown that lurked in the wilderness. The experience changed her. On one hand, it ignited in her a passion to learn about nature and land spirits across various cultures. She delved into myths and legends, becoming an expert in the field, her knowledge growing with each story she uncovered.

Her work as a photographer took on a new depth, capturing not just the physical beauty of the wilderness, but, according to many, its mysterious, almost magical essence. She traveled far and wide, building a portfolio that gained her acclaim and awards. Secretly searching. Hoping for further proof, but content to showcase what fruits she did have of her long hours alone in the wilds. Her passion for the wild places of the world and advocating for their preservation became her life's mission.

Lyla's reputation soared, but the photograph of the creature remained her most prized possession. It fueled her, a constant reminder of the mystery and wonder that the natural world held. The creature’s presence lingered with her, and she fancied the now familiar old feeling as a silent guardian watching over her work. In truth, it haunted her. She would wake from dreams where it stalked her through the forest, its eyes glowing with an unearthly light. In those moments, she felt a strange connection to it, as if it held the key to a greater understanding of the world. 

Lyla's encounter with the unexplainable led her down a path she could never have imagined. The desert and mountains of the Southwest continued as her muse, their secrets woven into her life's work. Lyla knew she would never stop searching, never stop exploring. And though the creature remained a mystery, it had given her a gift far greater than a mere photograph—it had ignited a passion that burned brightly within her, pushing her to the edges of her courage and creativity. The unknown was what made the wilderness so wondrous, and her life so profoundly rich.

In the end, the creature remains a mystery, but she believed a part of it became a part of her that fateful day, a silent companion on her journey through the wild. The photograph, still hanging in her home, was always more than just an image for her; it was a symbol of the endless possibilities that lay hidden in the world, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek them out.

July 06, 2024 11:07

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James Johnson
12:39 Jul 18, 2024

This is nicely written prose with some good description - the first paragraph is particularly strong and successfully creates atmosphere. Will look out for your stories in future.


W. H. Goodwater
14:33 Jul 18, 2024

First impressions are so important! That feedback is really appreciated. Thank you.


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Karen Hope
11:11 Jul 14, 2024

Inspiring and well written story. I love lines like “….it had ignited a passion that burned brightly within her, pushing her to the edges of her courage and creativity.” We all hope for this type of inspiration in our lives and work. Great job!


W. H. Goodwater
14:33 Jul 14, 2024

Thank you so much!


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Kristi Gott
14:29 Jul 12, 2024

Haunting, with beautiful, vivid imagery that draws the reader into the main character's experience. Very immersive. Well done!


W. H. Goodwater
16:29 Jul 13, 2024

Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback.


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Alexis Araneta
15:57 Jul 17, 2024

The use of imagery here is such a feast ! Lovely work !


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Crystal Lewis
15:05 Jul 13, 2024

Lovely description 😊


W. H. Goodwater
16:36 Jul 13, 2024

Thank you!


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Darvico Ulmeli
16:39 Jul 11, 2024

Nice one. I was cheering for Lyla but somehow I knew how is going to end.


W. H. Goodwater
13:50 Jul 12, 2024

Thank you!


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