Mike- just get up and ready to move for work. Mom, plz! Don't force. We don't need to go outside for work. We can do all from home. Such a verse after pandemic earth. Is it ok? Pandemic makes to fall from the regular version of lively life in earth.
Pandemic makes hibernation state in our earth. Nobody dares to come out. All normal things are turned to a doomed one. Life engages in a new version- the online platform.
What a mysterious time! Online plot is such an awesome thing that, it acts as a hypnotized one. It's very hard for all of us to protect the pristine thirst of heart.
Now the time is like a paranormal earth. Pandemic may be gone away for another motion. We can desire to breathe under the blue sky. Oh my God! We really forget this azure, the zephyr. We need to fly like the butterflies. Raise the inner child from the core of heart. Hello--- dear all. Plz come and take a deep look. What a lovely earth! God gives us this palatial plot.
Mike can't hold the breath. He starts to recite one of his writes...
(Life should move on)
Camouflage for the heart
To submerge the agonized part
Life can't stuck as a gloomy jinx
It should move on anyway by wearing starry attire
The art scatters some bizarre sights
So tough to pick the gist of colors
Some are blurred some are not
A confused section is rising now
A smiley sketch within your face
Lots of painful darts are locked behind
Not need to worry dear one
Life is God's gift-just remember
"Unfurl the wings of butterfly to soar up the sky. Pandemic makes him a writer. So he can write from this captivate stage..."
"Mike is a normal guy but now such an artist!"
He says to Mom-
"Poetry arrived in search of me
A door of heaven would open
Hidden dreams from the core of heart
Would fly as angelic birds
Poetry arrived as an uncontrolled waver
I would like to drown
I would love to die thousand times
By the touch of mighty sword
Poetry arrived as a friend
An eternal relationship would rise up
Such a wonderful earth would appear
Poetry arrived as my beloved"
"Realm of words- the most outstanding form of friend, help me to restore the spirit of life."
(My pen and paper)
I have a pen and blank sheet,
I try to make a poetry blanket for warmth soul.
Emotions come as cascade of words,
Tip-toe stepping such artistic manner.
Poetry is such a motif for life,
An amplitude of heaven's mountain.
No matter-whatever the sense of humor,
Good to bad all are acceptable.
Don't forget thy artistic power,
Words can show all abstract wavers.
Such a tranquility verse may appear,
To give you the heavenly gossamer.
Accept that passionately by opening heart,
At last you can realize thy artistic power.
Amidst all alluring sights- a calmness soul.
Nothing can drainage- my mystic verse,
My artistic power- such a blessing shower,
A golden crown for heart.
When the outskirts cover my earth,
I love to cherish my realm of words.
It takes a long time to see the sunshine heartfully. How are you king of sunshine? Do you know me? I'm Mike, a mere human being. Don't hide in the corner. Show thy mighty power to destroy all evil darts. We don't want to live in the scary realm.
Now the environment seems so change. Nobody dares to laugh by opening heart. A scary sight always haunts us. I'm coming as a poet. I make my emotions in a visionary form. I tell all, plz dear-come on and look, what a beautiful attire! Why do you hide? You can't lead life in this way. But be cautious at each step. Don't pay thy heed at the unwanted fears. Nourish thy golden soul. Nothing can destroy our paradise.
From the very captivated stage, now come to the freedom verse. At first, mind can't hold the sail perfectly. Day by day, it loses the prime concern of lively existence. Now that black night is over. We can smile. We can dance. We can sing under the sky. Amidst the nature, we're ready to accept all hallucinations. We are ready to drape the Halloween attires. We want a peaceful life. No more unwanted fears. We can fight with all but for that, we must recognize the enemy. It's ok. Let's celebrate this moment. Life is a plot of celebration....
Mike recites his celebration poem---
(I don't know how or when)
Such a notion I touch in my mind
What's the purpose of existence in life
What's that kind of love
I need to know all the answers
I don't know how or when
I'm deeply emerged in love realm
The universe such a wonderful plot
God's magic is beyond the imagination
I don't know how or when
I'm falling for sublime glamour
The mighty touch of God
Must be my searching potion
Life moves as a lane of uncertain waver.
Waves come to drench soul in lively verse
Sometimes there's ebb as a trendy style
Stop the rhythm of life in a mystic pattern
As a car it moves towards the goal
Dictation map is important to make it rock and roll
Don't worry too much if there's a barren area
Outskirts need to increase the passionate verse inside
Control the speed of car to see surroundings parts
To acknowledge thy fear how can reach the destination
Bitter to lovely all must welcome
Life is a lane to show lively opera
Accept all challenges to beat the alluring verse
Without spiritual motion nothing can attain in life
Take it easy as to walk beneath bluish azure
Eternal hues can make thy way so colorful
Mike was surprised. Oh my God! Is it true? Am I not dreaming? Am I wake up? I hope so. He is pinching!!! Ouch!!!!! No. It's ok. I'm in real world. What a mystic verse! Fragrances of flowers- so lovely. How long was I in that hibernation state?
After the long sleeping period- queen of nature comes as a soulful pride. The spring!!! Sweet fragrances of crimson flowers and eternal hues cover whole earth. Such a shining attire drapes all hearts. The mystic verse of dream in the spring’s heart . Now, the earth must restore the pristine rhythms of life.
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