what a powerful word dilemma....

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt


Coming of Age Drama Fiction

Back when i was a soft more in high school, I had a history teacher who was super chill, he never gave us home work and we basically learned from him by his experience in the army, he would tell us about his time serving our country, he wanted us to take notes and be a active member in his class, He always knew who to call on if someone was talking while he was teaching, He would get very upset and sometime drop a book on the floor and get the attention that way, I sat between two girls who would come to class and talk about their boyfriends, It got old real fast, They were the stuck up ones, He was really cool, until you pissed him off, oh boy that was real bad cause he wouldn't just punish the kid who was dis respectful but he would make us all pay, He would change like night and day, He laid out what he expected from us on the first day of school, so we all knew his rules. He sure could tell some wild stories,some i think he made up. His class was my first one of the morning,

He would all of a sudden say pop quiz and divide the class into two sections, Then he would make the class pick a student to do all the answers, and if they got it wrong we would have a written test the next day, The day came and we got surprised with a two page exam and everyone in my class was stressing, His tests were hard and long, Well I was sick the day of the exam and so I had to makeup the test the day i came back, I was not ready for the test, A friend of mine had made some cheat sheets, she made them so small that the paper actually fit in the palm of her hand, She said I could use them if i wanted cause he would put in the the back of the class and separate me from the class, My teacher gave me a days warning, so I had enough time to come up with a plan on how to hide the cheat sheet, The time came and he put me in the room with a curtain that separated the class, He then left enough room for him to watch me and teach the class at the same time. I sat down at the desk and read over the test questions, There was no way i was going to pass this test, I started to panic, What was i going to do, If i got caught cheating I would get suspended and the teacher would never trust me and he would probably make me the class example, As i slowly pulled out the cheat sheet, something came over me, I knew that i was being watched and I didn't feel so good any more, I was not a cheater and I felt like was letting one of my favorite teachers down, I got all sweaty and anxious, He then asked me if i was ok, I said yeah, I just felt like i was going to fail his test , He winked at me and said do your best I trust you, you have a innocent face and my stomach felt like i got kicked in it, I knew from that moment, I was looking pretty suspicious, When he went into the other class room, I took that cheat sheet and crumbled it up, I then put it in my bra, I don't know how but i passed the test, I barely got threw all the questions before the bell rang, That day i learned a valuable lesson, I knew that me cheating was dishonest and i was taking a risk for a test that I could have ended up getting into some serious trouble, I realized that cheaters never win,and if it feels funny from the start,no matter what it is, Then its not worth it, I felt bad for even having that cheat sheet on my person,My dilemma was worrying about getting caught and being like everyone else, I actually left the class room that day with a better way to resolve a potential situation, My morals were tested and I knew that he passed me cause he knew that I was better then that,.When i graduated I went back to visit a few teachers, and I ran into him, I told him that I enjoyed his class and he was one of my favorite teachers, He said that I made him proud, and that he never even had a doubt in his mind that i cheated on that test.My head created a dilemma, but I let my conscience do my thinking. I have been in many dilemmas, some where the choice you make creates guilt and depression, Many times it was defending people who i thought was honest and i found out that they lied tome in my face, and as much as I wanted to help them, I had to shut my heart to them, It was a matter of safety for my family, And even though I played tough guy, I have had to live with the fact that i might have caused them to be where they are now, My moral obligations stick with me like glue, and I try real hard to avoid any events that will end up in a mind or matter dilemma, That word gives me a stomach ache, To be a adult we think we know everything, we dont, Dilemmas are bad, and it makes you question your own values as a human being, No dilemma is good, its just another wake up call that the world keeps spinning and we are all trying to manage threw what ever or who ever creates a situation that makes us stress so hard that it automatically make a issue called a dilemma.

May 26, 2021 00:33

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