Got You Back

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Suspense Sad

It was a stormy night, the girls we're all gathered downstairs at the small table in the living room at Brianna's house for a sleepover with their favorite board game Candy land. They we're all laughing, joking, eating the snacks they prepared and then it was Brianna's turn to roll the dice." Brianna, it's your turn." Nancy said as she put a mouth full of popcorn in her mouth sitting with her legs crossed on the couch. Brianna then picked up the dice and rolled it with a smile, but frowned when she picked up her board game piece finding out that it landed in the swamp meaning she had to miss a turn." Ah ha, you got to miss a turn." Dana said as she laughed and Brianna shrugged her shoulders even though she was a little bit sad, handing over the dice to Nancy who was ready to collect them until Dana said something." This game is too boring, we need to spice it up." She said as everyone sighed this meant that whatever twist she would put on this game would make it super not fun and someone would end up hurt or something.

" Yo, no, remember what happened last time?" Nancy said as she looked at Dana and Dana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms." What, Michelle cried and told her mom on us because she got upset that we-" "You." Everyone said correcting Dana, she is a real pain in the ass and she knows it, honestly a lot of them don't even know why they're even friends with her." Well, I dared Michelle to tell her biggest secret and instead of keeping it among you guys I posted it on social media, I didn't see a big deal because her biggest secret is that she had a crush on Josh." Dana said like she was disgusted and they all sighed and rolled their eyes, it's the principle, it's the fact that if it we're done to her she wouldn't like it, and Michelle suffered embarrassment and on top of that Josh talked about her with his friends."

Well it was a big deal." Nancy said ending the conversation." Whatever, let's play truth or dare again, or are you guys scared?" Dana said as she looked around and seen that all of them we're bored and honestly didn't want to continue on with the game." Yeah, we are, and we are scared of you, we don't want to be friends with you anymore." Brianna said standing up as Dana gave her a disgusted look." What? you agree with her?" Dana said looking at Nancy and at first Nancy just scratched her arm because she was nervous then nodded her head, we all used to be so close until she drove them a part they didn't even know what she even wanted from their friendship.

"Okay, fine." Dana said as she pulled out her phone to call her mom and left out of the front door without letting Brianna's mom know she was leaving and it was a stormy night Brianna's mom would want her to let her know that she was leaving, but no one cared and Dana got picked up sooner than anyone thought, honestly they thought she would get scared from the storm, but it didn't matter they looked at each other, the friendship was over, but they felt that Dana was about to raise hell.

3 weeks later

Brianna and Nancy reconciled with Nancy and apologized on behalf of Dana and she invited them to a senior party which they were in the middle of right now acting like introverts with a cup of juice in their hands trying not to make eye contact with anyone, but they didn't have to be in the corner of the party anymore." Everyone come party outside." Michelle said as she ran outside of the house, she had everyone shook, but they ran after her outside and so did Brianna and Nancy because they had no idea what was going on." Let's play telephone." She said as everyone laughed thinking she was joking, when we literally could've done that in the house, she honestly was out here like this was her party Brianna and Nancy we're shocked, she became so different." Let's play traders." Dana said walking in slowly for dramatic effect as if anybody did anything to her." Why are you here?" Michelle asked confused," Because I want to be." Dana said as she titled her head to the side and Michelle rolled her eyes." Whatever, telephone, I hope you guys don't mess up this clear message I am about to whisper in John's ear." Michelle said as she whispered in John's ear and the front yard became so loud and hectic. When Brianna and Nancy heard what Michelle said they looked at her and she winked, they didn't know if the information was true, but Dana wasn't going to be the one hearing it or repeating it out loud so when it finally got to the last person they stood up.

"Okay, what was said was-" "I didn't get to hear it? What was it? Whisper it in my ear, I didn't get to hear it." Dana said as she looked around she seemed nervous, but I don't think she wanted to hear this, this would be the karma she would finally get for not caring about Michelle's feelings." You really want to know Dirty Dana?" The random guy said that was standing up and Dana looked at him confused and almost cursed him out." Well here goes if I heard this correctly, what was said was not to whisper this to you, and that you we're the one to make him talk bad about Michelle because you liked him, but he curved you ." The random guy said sitting down then shrugging his shoulders and everyone went nuts when they heard it out loud." So is it true." Some random girl said as she looked at Dana." No, it isn't true." Dana said as she made a face and then everyone's phone starting lighting up and videos we're being sent and Michelle had the biggest smile on her face." What's going on? What do you guys see?" Dana said as she tried to look at everyone's phones, but they kept her from seeing it making her make a mean face at Michelle." Final chance, is it true?" Michelle asked with a fire in her eyes." NO!" Dana said screaming and then showed Dana a video of Dana trying to sloppily kiss Josh somewhere and he curved her and his friends we're in attendance and she was in shock, covering her mouth and tears began to flow, everyone knew Dana was on the edge a mean girl but doing this to her own friend just so they wouldn't go out because she liked him is cruel." Any last words?" Michelle asked and Dana left crying without saying a word, karma does come back to bite, but was it all worth it?

May 07, 2021 19:55

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