Embracing the Unexpected

Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Romance Drama

Sarah stepped out onto the balcony of her small flat, a glass of wine in her hand, and savoured the balmy summer evening. What was it that drew her outside on this particular night?

Perhaps she was looking for the gentle caress of a cooling breeze on her flushed cheeks. Or maybe she longed to bask in the glow of the rising stars and savour their soft radiance to calm her restless mind.

More likely, however, it was the distant whisper of a male voice that lured her outdoors. She leaned against the metal railing and sipped her wine as she strained to catch the words wafting from a nearby apartment.

The sun was just dipping below the horizon, colouring the sky in rich shades of orange and pink. Sarah sighed as she peered out over the city. As she stood there, she thought about the unconventional lifestyle that had so often made her feel like an outsider.

Unlike her peers, she had never been drawn to the achievements of traditional success—the climbing of the corporate ladder, the lavish weddings, the manicured suburb with the white picket fence. Instead, she valued freedom and a connection with the natural world.

After graduating from university, she turned down the typical nine-to-five office job and instead travelled around the British countryside in an old camper van.

While she was lost in thought, a movement nearby grabbed her attention. She glanced over and her breath caught in her throat. There, leaning against the railing of his own balcony, stood the most handsome man she had ever seen.

He had dark, greying, unkempt hair, and a strong, well-defined chin. The way the fading sunlight played across his cheeks made him look like something out of a dream.

Sarah was moved and could not look away. The man was lost in thought, his eyebrows arched in seriousness as he stared at the glowing screen of his mobile phone.

She wondered what was going through his mind, what problems or worries occupied his thoughts. She longed to find out more about him, to know his story.

Before she could stop herself, she cleared her throat, hoping to get his attention. The man turned round and their eyes met. A sudden jolt of electricity made Sarah shudder. For a moment, the world around her disappeared and it was just the two of them.

 The man smiled, and Sarah’s heart fluttered.

“Hello.” His voice was strong and warm.

“Hi.” She giggled, feeling embarrassed. “I, er, didn’t mean to disturb you. I was just enjoying the view.”

 “Not at all.” His grin widened. “I’m enjoying the view, too.” He paused, his gaze lingering on the woman in front of him. “By the way, I’m Marcus.”

She swallowed. “Sarah.” It was impossible to hide the slight tremor in her throat.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, each content to enjoy the other’s presence. She couldn’t help but look at him, mesmerised by the way the dying light played on his pristine white shirt.

Soon he spoke. “Excuse me for a moment.” Marcus turned away and walked back into his home, where a small light flickered.

Despite nodding in agreement, she couldn’t help but feel a sinking sensation. Although this was her favourite time of day—when the active streets quietened down and the place took on a peaceful, almost magical quality—she was unhappy. Sarah, once known for her free spirit, now found herself at the centre of the neighbourhood.

The pain of loneliness tugged at her heart even more when she saw her only friend walking with her new flame. The cheerful couple walked with arms entwined and heads bowed. They moved along the path just below her balcony, oblivious to her presence.

Regardless of their beauty, she knew she would remain alone. She had resigned herself to the idea that she would never find love.

Marcus walked back on to the balcony and raised a glass of deep red wine. “I thought I’d keep you company. I hope you don’t mind?”

She turned to him and smiled. “That will be nice.” She lifted her own glass and took a sip. The rich, velvety Merlot slid over her tongue with its notes of dark berries and a hint of oak.

“Sarah, what are you doing with your days?” He heaved a long-drawn-out sigh.

“Well, for years I worked odd jobs and freelanced as a writer and artist.” She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I lived in remote cabins, communes and eco-villages where I studied permaculture and explored alternative spiritual practices.” After talking about her unorthodox lifestyle, she felt a nervous fluttering in her stomach. Would this be the end of a new friendship?

“Sounds interesting. You must tell me more.”

She smiled, knowing that he was looking at her with fascination, and took the last sip of her drink.

This unconventional lifestyle nourished her soul, but also made it difficult for her to find romantic partners who could understand and accept her unorthodox way of life.

Most of the men she met were either intimidated by her fierce independence or did not share her values.

Now, at fifty-one, she was alone, somewhat due to a deep-rooted fear of intimacy that had plagued her since her youth.

“I grew up with emotionally distant parents, so I had learnt to be self-sufficient and count on my own resources. Hence the non-nine-to-five job and the old, beat-up campervan in the carpark.” The prospect of opening her heart and letting someone get close to her filled her with fear, but with him, the stranger, it seemed safe.

Even when a man accepted her, she pushed him away and built invisible walls to protect herself from possible hurt or abandonment. This defensive instinct, stemming from past hurts, persisted in her younger years.

“Um, you look well, Sarah. A natural life has done you good.” He took the bottle from the square table balanced on three legs and filled his glass. With bottle in hand, he reached over the partition of the balcony and she held out her empty glass for him to refill.

After what felt like an eternity, but lasted a few minutes, Marcus took the floor again. “You know, I’ve been living next door for almost a year now and this is the first time we’ve met.”

A pang of regret flashed over Sarah. “Oh, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know I had a neighbour. I don’t know anyone in this building, not very well, anyway.”

Marcus chuckled. “No need to apologise. I’m not the most sociable person. But I have to say, I’m glad we’ve met.”

Sarah blushed, her cheeks feeling warm. “Me too,” she murmured, licking her cherry-red lips.

 She stood with her back against her balcony railing and took a nervous sip of her wine.

 “What a beautiful evening,” he remarked, gazing at the landscape.

 “It is,” she agreed, returning his smile. “I’m so glad to have company tonight.”

They started talking and realised they had a lot in common. He was charming, with a quick sense of humor and a down-to-earth way that she found very appealing.

 “You know, I’ve always wanted to try the upcoming art gallery in the neighbourhood.” Her eyes flashed with excitement. “I hear the exhibitions there are amazing.”

Marcus nodded, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Then we’ll have to go together.” He rubbed his chin, his deep accent making Sarah’s heart flutter somewhat.

His attention focused on the soft curve of her fine lips, the delicate sweep of her lashes and the soft blush that emphasised her cheekbones. When she spoke, his eyes crinkled at the corners, as if he were tracing every detail of her facial contours.

Her gaze travelled over his firm jawline and the modest stubble of his beard. The way he leaned forward, his shoulders relaxed, made her feel the full force of his attention. It was as if she was the one person in the world who mattered at that moment.

The night air had turned colder, but the warmth of their connection kept them talking, and she didn’t want the opportunity to end. A soft glow crossed Sarah’s face as she ran her fingers through her wavy hair.

 “I should probably go in.” Her stare turned to the open double glass doors and into her living room. “It’s getting late.”

 “Of course,” Marcus nodded, his tone lowering a little. “I don’t want to keep you.”

“Before I go, may I ask what you do for a living?” She tilted her head.

The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. “I was… am a musician. A drummer.” The pitch of his voice reflected the beat and tempo of his chosen profession.

Sarah’s eyes lit up at his words, and she let out a soft, delighted whimper. “That’s amazing.” She breathed, leaning closer to him. The faint notes of her perfume—a blend of rose and lavender—floated in the evening chill, circulating with the odour of diesel and ozone hanging in the streets.

As Sarah studied Marcus, she could feel him absorbing her warmth. Her enthusiasm seemed to spark an excitement in him, or so she thought. However, she could tell that a fleeting thought of his own commitments was swirling in the back of his mind.

She wondered if he would be the one to appreciate her passion. Was this the endless search for the perfect mate she had imagined? She hoped that he would put aside his last doubts and enjoy this moment with her.

“Will I... Will I see you again?” The words tumbled out before she could stop them.

A warm, radiant expression spread across Marcus’ face. “I certainly hope so. We could go out for dinner together and check out the art gallery?”

Sarah’s heart leapt. “I’d love to.” She blushed, unable to suppress her excitement. Her fingers wiggled as they exchanged contact details. Her stomach tingled with anxiety, but it also filled with the anticipation of seeing him again.

With a final, definitive look, she retreated to her flat. She hid a cocky smile that was written all over her face. She couldn’t believe what had just happened-she had found and met a handsome companion, and he had asked her out.

As the days went by, Sarah and Marcus grew closer and closer, and their initial connection developed into a relationship of great intensity.

Her balcony became a familiar and special place where they would meet in the evenings, the cool night air kissing their skin as they engaged in conversation.

Marcus’ presence awakened something deep inside her—a spark she had long been searching for. She could feel an energy flowing through her veins. It was as if the universe were alive, pulsing with an ancient melody that only she could hear.

The soft glow of the town’s lights would sweep across their faces as they leaned in, their bodies drifting towards each other.

Sarah reached out often, her fingertips tracing Marcus’ smile. A wave of pleasure flowed through her as his cool, moist lips pressed against hers, the touch causing a pleasant flutter in her stomach with each kiss. Her heart raced with excitement and uncontrollable desire.

The sound of their laughter seemed to merge with the distant murmur of the streets and spread an atmosphere of happiness around her. She closed her eyes and savoured the moment.

The rich flavour of the wine they were drinking excited their senses and heightened their intimacy.

For her, time slowed down in these precious moments.

One evening, as they sat on the balcony watching the city lights shimmer below them, Marcus turned to Sarah. He looked at the situation with a mischievous wink, then his face broke into a joyful grin.

“Sarah, there’s something I need to tell you.” He shivered and swallowed.

A flutter of fear spread through her chest, but she reached out and squeezed his hand. “What is it, Marcus?”

But before he could answer, she noticed him looking down at his mobile phone. He let out a faint, “Oh,” and slid it back into his pocket.

“Another busy schedule?” Sarah asked, infusing her remarks with a certain light-heartedness. She hoped the casual question would encourage him to talk more about his life. After all, he knew so much about her own background and the reasons why she often felt alone.

“You could say that.” Marcus gave her an apologetic grin. “Work keeps me busy most days and nights. I’m afraid I will have to hit the road soon.”

Sarah nodded. She suspected there was more to the story, but she did not want to pry. “I can understand that. Sometimes it’s hard to find time to just... breathe.”

He hummed in agreement, his gaze becoming distant. “Yes, it is. I cherish the moments I can snatch for myself.” He bowed to her, a hint of good-natured laughter flitting across his features. “Like this one.”

She reached out her hand again, and placed it on his knee, her touch light yet firm. “You were just about to tell me something.” She swallowed down the fear building in her throat.

He took a deep breath, held her gaze, and spoke the words. “I think… I’m in love with you.” With such unadulterated sincerity that they stole Sarah’s heart.

Tears of joy welled in her eyes as she leaned in and kissed him. She poured all her love and affection into this one tender moment.

When Marcus’ words of tenderness —“I love you” — broke through Sarah’s barrier, she gasped at the weight that had been lifted from her.

As they continued their relaxed conversation, she noticed how he, all of a sudden, fell silent and turned his focus to a figure moving along the street below. His brows gathered, and something dark flashed across his features.

“What is it?” Sarah followed his line of sight.

“The woman down there, walking this way...” Marcus broke off, his voice sounding strained. “I… I think that’s my wife.”

Her heart dropped. “Your wife?”

But there was no deception, no attempt to hide the truth. The look in his eyes, the tension in his jaw, it all spoke volumes. This was no casual acquaintance, no hospitable neighbour—this was his wife, the woman he had once promised to love and honour.

Sarah’s pulse quickened, and the questions boiled up in her head. How could she have been so blind? How could she involve herself with a man who was already taken, tied to another woman? A bitter taste of betrayal filled her mouth.

She waited almost breathlessly for him to speak, for him to give an explanation, a justification for the web of lies.

Sarah’s gaze searched his face, her eyes pleading with him to say something, anything, to make sense of this.

In the end, Marcus nodded, and his mouth engaged. “We... haven’t spoken in days. I didn’t expect her back so soon.”

A tense silence surrounded them as they watched the woman walk into the building.

He turned to Sarah, his eyes reflecting a world-weary sadness. “I am sorry, but I must go. I...” He paused, conflicting emotions flickering across his face. “It’s necessary for me to see her.”

Before Sarah could say anything in reply, he was gone, slipping back into his flat and leaving her alone on the balcony, the wine in her hand now feeling heavy.

She stared at the empty seat where he had once sat, a thousand questions racing through her mind.

She had allowed herself to be vulnerable, to open up to the charming stranger next door. For a few happy days, she had felt a connection that she hadn’t experienced for years. But as the sun sank behind the horizon, reality caught up with her.

Tears stung her eyes as she stared at Marcus’s darkened balcony. The brief flicker of hope she had had was now extinguished, leaving her colder and lonelier than ever.

As Sarah crept back inside, her phone buzzed with an incoming text message. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw it was from Marcus.

“I’m sorry I left so fast. That was my ‘wife’—in fact, she’s an undercover agent. I’m under witness protection. It’s too dangerous for you to be near me. You must forget about me and stay safe. Goodbye, Sarah.”

Her fingers trembled as she read the message. A prickle of anger crept up the back of her neck. Witness protection? Undercover investigator? She stared at the text and frowned. Did he really expect her to buy this flimsy story that could only be found in books?

Yet despite the shock, a part of her longed to reach out to him, to understand the whole truth about his circumstances. But as his last words sank in, she knew that was no longer possible. With a resigned sigh, Sarah deleted the message and felt the last flicker of hope go out of her.

She wiped away a stray tear and dropped into her armchair; The shadows engulfed her as she withdrew from the life that had flashed before her eyes.

July 24, 2024 15:36

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