Sad Romance


“Good morning everyone!  We will be announcing the autumn specials in just a moment. Here we go!  First up is a vanilla cream, next our pumpkin spice latte, and my favorite the cinnamon swirl!”  the girl in the coffee shop announced.  She is so beautiful.  We actually go to school together. Her name is Lilly.  I have liked her but I am scared of rejection.  I ordered a vanilla cream coffee to go so I won't be late for school.  Mondays am I right?

I made it in like a few seconds.  Phew!  Lilly’s staring at me in a cute way.  All the boys in the class know about me liking Lilly.  I wrote a note to Lilly and so we passed it down to her.  She looks around and we all smile at her.  I see her smile.  Her happiness is my joy.

I look over at Lilly.  Crap.  She’s passed out!  And nobody noticed!  I rushed over to her, told the teacher, picked her up and ran to Mrs. Huffner (the nurse) office.   She said we need to call her parents.  So as Mrs. Huffner called her parents, I sat by Lilly.  I am scared for her.  Her parents said that I could come with them to the hospital with them.  They’re really nice.  

A few hours later she wakes up and looks lost.  Earlier the doctor told us that she might have cancer.  I can’t believe it.  Well if she has cancer I’ll help her beat it.  She’ll beat it.  She’s strong and brave and smart.  

Her parents talked to her for a minute and then I walked in. 

 “Hi Lilly.  You’re probably wondering why I’m here.  I saw that you passed out and brought you to the nurses office.  I also wanted to give you this.” I kissed her.  I can’t tell if she likes it or not.  Then I hand her a paper heart I made while I was waiting for her to wake up.  She reads it and smiles.  Then she hesitates before writing her answer. I walked over to see what she had put down when she pulled my head in for a kiss.  A long kiss.  She filled in yes.  And that kiss showed it.  

One Week Later…

I think Lilly is strong.  She’s  doing a good job.  She did lose a lot of  hair in the past week so I went out and bought her a wig.  She loves it.  Lilly has been getting picked on a lot.  I try to be her knight in shining armor.  But that's not always how life works.  I found a spot up by a waterfall where me and Lilly go on Fridays.  I’m going to give her a ring and an emerald.  Green as her eyes.


We walked up the hill and sat down in our usual spot.  Something is wrong.  She laid down and is not talking or moving or breathing...


Today at Wilder Coffee we have some new drinks.  I love the cinnamon swirl. It's so warm and cozy. Oh crap!  I have 5 minutes to get to school.  I text my friend Ameila “Hey can you swing by Wilder Coffee and pick me up??” I know she doesn’t leave until she has 2 minutes because she likes to race to school.  She pulls up and says “Sure thing!”  she is very funny.  We got there early because she drives like a crazy person.  I scurry to my first class and sit at my normal seat.  Right as the bell rang a boy from my class with glasses and brown hair ran through the door.  I think his name is James. 

About 9 minutes after class starts someone passes a note to me.  I look around at all the boys, they all smile.  Then I read it “You looked very beautiful at the coffee shop today♡☺”  I’m trying to remember what boys were at the coffee shop today but it’s Monday, the busiest day of the week!  Could I have a secret admirer?  I need some water…  I woke up a few hours later at the hospital.  James, my parents and Mrs. Huffner is here too.  Wait!? Why is Louis here?  First Louis leaves and I have a moment with my parents.

“Hey honey how are you feeling?” My mom asks, then I see tears with black maskara roll down her face.  Why is she crying?  Then my mom tells me “Lilly did you know you had cancer?” she whispers so i can hardly hear.  I tell her to speak up and she says it louder.  My dad is crying really hard in a chair over by the window.  Cancer?  No.  I can’t have cancer.  My parents left and James walked in.

“Hi Lilly.  You’re probably wondering why I’m here.” Duh.  “I saw that you passed out and brought you to the nurses office.  I also wanted to give you this.” He kissed me.  On my lips and it felt good.  He gave me a note as well and then walked over to the chair by the window.  I slowly opened the note which was neatly folded into a heart.  Inside it read, 

“Will you be my girlfriend Lilly? We will beat your cancer together. ☐YES ☐NO”  I thought for a second before filling in ◼️YES box.  He came over and looked.  A smile lit up his face even though he had little tears blooming.  I pulled him in for another kiss.  This time it was longer than before. 

One week Later…

James drives me to school everyday.  The whole school found out about my cancer and my ex boyfriend made a rude video.  He was such a jerk.  Now he’s dating the head cheerleader who has had like 20 boyfriends.  Louis bought me a wig.  It’s perfect.  Same color and everything.  Just a little itchy.  Which doesn’t matter.  I have passed out 1 in the last week but I just needed water.  

The rumors are thick in the air.  But you just can’t help that people are jerks.  COMPLETE JERKS.  Sometimes I cry.  But never at school.  Me and James have a secret spot we go.  It’s by a waterfall.  We climb up there every Friday and watch the sunset.  It’s a breathtaking view.  We stay up there until it’s dark and you see the stars.  When I die I hope the last thing I see is stars.


Me and James are going up to the waterfall today.  It’s so pretty.  All the stars...

October 13, 2020 19:43

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Jubilee Forbess
18:30 Oct 18, 2020

Hi! I love your stories! Very sweet. I just wanted to let you know that on Reedsy we don't put our ages in our bios for safety reasons. Thanks! Welcome to the community, Rhonny


Lauren :)
00:28 Oct 19, 2020

Okay thank you. I changed it.


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Ruby Collins
21:12 Feb 12, 2021

I love you story it is sad but i like sad stories keep up the great work :)


Lauren :)
21:15 Feb 12, 2021

Thank you I'm glad that you liked it!


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20:19 Oct 31, 2020

This was sooooooo pretty. And sad. But the way you wrote it was so beautiful and sweet. At first when I was reading it, I thought the story was progressing really quickly but as it went on I started to enjoy it more and more. The transitions from character to character were also really GOOD! I like how you put that she died but you didn't exactly say it. The readers just sorta knew that shes gone. It was so beautifully written, I enjoyed it so much!


Lauren :)
17:16 Nov 01, 2020

Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked it!


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02:48 Oct 20, 2020

Wow, sorry can't spell, *one


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02:48 Oct 20, 2020

The drinks sound delicious! Great job describing the drinks! I wanted on so bad!


Lauren :)
18:02 Oct 20, 2020

I know me too! Starbucks I have some ideas!


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C.j 🤍
19:01 Oct 17, 2020

But I loved it !


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C.j 🤍
19:00 Oct 17, 2020

Liked this story! I am so sad that she died :-(


Lauren :)
02:40 Oct 18, 2020

I am glad that you enjoyed it!😊


23:29 Nov 07, 2020

I love your story! Like I said on Brooke D.’s story, they should add a Love button to go next to the like button I would definitely press the Love button! I know it might seem weird but I love sad stories!


Lauren :)
23:54 Nov 07, 2020

Thank you so much CJ! I agree! Sad stories are one of the best kinds of stories besides romance for me!


00:02 Nov 08, 2020

Your welcome! I like sad and suspenseful stories! I finished another story earlier this afternoon called “Boyfriends or Best Friends” please go ahead and check it out and if you want please leave some tips for me to help improve my writing!


Lauren :)
02:22 Nov 08, 2020

I will! I'm excited to read it!


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