The Joyriders Club

Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story about a character who wakes up in space.... view prompt


Romance Coming of Age Science Fiction

Chewing Juicy Fruit during a Border Enforcement interrogation isn’t a great idea.

   “Lose the gum, kiddo!” Officer McNally said, reaching for his waste basket. 

   “Who says so?”

   “You’re on the Moon now,” he said, proffering the bin. “That’s our rule here.” 

   I had one last chomp on the gum, plucked it from my mouth in a pincer movement and flicked it into the hovering receptacle.

   “Thank you, Erika,” McNally said, passing the bin to his fellow officer, who removed my pack of gum from the table with a sneer on her face. 

   I lowered my eyes. “Help yourself, why don’t you?”

   “Now…” McNally checked his notes. “Where did we get to—-?”

   “You’d just asked me why I’d stowed away on an interplanetary shuttle.”

   “Oh, yes,” McNally said, pressing the record button. “Officers McNally and Toll resuming interview with female suspect at Moon Base Omega—-”

McNally peered at me over his glasses and cleared his throat.

   “How about a name?” Officer Toll said, staring at me with beady avian eyes set in a granite escarpment. “Well?”

   “I’m Sheena. Sheena Bridge.”

   “A bridge too far, eh Ted?”

   McNally gave Toll a sideways glance.

   “I’ve never heard that before.”

   “She’s got balls, Ted.”

McNally shrugged and pressed the record button again. “It’s zero-eight-hundred hours, dateline two, fifteen, twenty-forty-one. Officers McNally and Toll are with suspect Sheena Bridge, who is calm and poses neither an immediate security risk nor an obvious terrorist threat…”

   I never imagined I’d wake up in space, to be honest. I thought Jimmy was joking around and we’d just curl up for a couple of hours and leg it before anyone noticed us. It’s funny how things work out. However, I’m not laughing now.

   I guess it all started when I said, ‘But how much do you love me, Jimmy?’ and he said, ‘More than all the stars in the universe.’ 

   How do you prove a love like that? I mean, that’s a tall order for anyone.

   Afterwards, Jimmy told me it was supposed to be a surprise for Valentine’s Day. He just wanted to show me a sight I’d never forget. Jimmy was old-fashioned in that respect and a true romantic at heart. On a previous occasion, he’d prepared a surprise picnic and illuminated our rear garden with dozens of flickering tea-lights, leading me there blindfolded for a midnight feast. I couldn’t believe it when he whipped off the scarf. He’d transformed our scruffy garden into a glowing shrine of soft shadows and scintillating dreams. 

   Anyway, despite our attempts to count the stars, we never achieved a good view of the night sky because it was too cloudy, maybe not dark enough, or perhaps a sudden downpour would curtail our reverie. We’d abandon our plan, retreat to our living room carpet, and lie side by side on a tartan blanket, pretending we were shipwrecked on a deserted atoll. However, peering up at the night sky through a gap in one’s curtains doesn’t cut it. I’ve got to hand it to him, he tried. He always rose to the task, filling the room with twinkling fairy lights and shimmering candles. We both tried. We had fun trying. It’s just that, well. You know how it is? There’s always more out there. Life’s always about defining the limits.

   Jimmy had been a baggage handler at Heathrow’s Terminal Eight for a year. He’d worked the night shift and knew the spaceport inside out. Jimmy had done plenty of moon shots as cargo crew and knew the routine. He’d access to all the secure areas, so a night of star watching beyond the main runway wasn’t all that intrepid, if we were careful.

   To be honest, I didn’t think he was serious when he said he’d prepared a picnic and asked me to grab a bottle of fizzy. We started off the evening in the control tower’s shadow and skulked past security to the space shuttle’s hangar. There’s less light pollution being away from the city and it’s darker out there.

   After we’d finished our picnic, we grabbed our blanket and basket and headed to the cargo area at the rear of Terminal Eight. We’d had a bit to drink and I remember clambering over luggage in the fuselage's rear. I know we were daft to make out inside the shuttle. Falling asleep in each other’s arms was a big mistake, too. 

   When I woke up, it was dark and Jimmy was snoring beside me. I tried to bring him round, and he groaned. We soon discovered they’d locked the cargo doors prior to departure. Then, before I knew it, we were on our way. It was Jimmy who suggested chewing the Juicy Fruit. He told me it helps avoid ear ache. ‘Sudden changes in cabin pressure can be painful,’ he said.

   Hours later, Jimmy nudged me awake and handed me a scarf to cover my eyes. I got to my feet, and he led me in darkness through the pressurised cargo hold. I followed Jimmy, still blindfolded and holding his hand, and we clunked our way up the creaking metal walkway until we reached the spherical observation deck and then, Wow! A three-hundred-degree view of the stars; up above and all around. It was way beyond my comprehension. A myriad of stars twinkling in the velvety darkness of the universe and infinite clusters of tiny lights that spiralled on forever more.

   “Was it worth it?” asked McNally, turning to Toll, who rolled her eyes.

   “God yeah! Who wouldn’t catch their breath, opening their eyes to see billions of stars in every direction?”

   “Believe me,” said Toll. “It gets like wallpaper after a while---”

   “You were saying?” said McNally, stroking his bristly jowls.

   “I recall collapsing down on my knees and covering my open mouth with both hands. Jimmy sat down beside me and I saw a look in his eyes that I’d never seen before. His lips moved towards mine. We kissed each other. I can’t describe to you what I felt. It seemed as if my life had built in a slow crescendo to that perfect moment, and then Jimmy fumbled open a little metal box and I bit my lip…”

   Toll looked up from her paperwork and gave a gentle snort.

   “Then he said, ‘Marry me...’” 

   McNally drew a deep breath and twisted his mouth into a lopsided smirk.

   “Am I in trouble?”

   “Well,” he said, removing his glasses to clean them. “This happens more than you might imagine.”

   “We should throw the book at her, Ted.”

   I swallowed and rotated Jimmy’s precious ring on my fourth finger.

   “You mean the special book, Officer Toll?” McNally extracted a two-inch thick, dusty ledger from his desk drawer, and held it aloft.

   “That’s the one,” Toll smiled, staring at me. “Do your worst, McNally.”

   “But we didn’t do nothing—-”

   The hefty volume thudded on the table top like a body-slammed wrestler hitting the deck. I recoiled from the impact and swallowed, but my throat was dry and my eyes stung like crazy as they welled up. 

   Toll leaned back in her chair, extended her forearms and braced her interlocked fingers. She chuckled as her knuckles cracked under the strain, making sharp pops like chicken wishbones snapped for good luck. I imagined she enjoyed stripping down and shredding a carcass for kicks. 

   McNally was oblivious to her behaviour, plucked a pen from his breast pocket and flicked through the ledger’s many pages to locate the last entry.

   “You need to disclose your contact details and sign the book,” he said, smoothing down a page of scrawled names and addresses. “You just joined the joyrider’s club.”

   “The joyrider’s what?”

   “This happens more often than you’d believe, young lady.”

   “But I don’t under—-”

   “We’re sending you back home with a slap on the wrist and—-

   “No way…. Is that it?”

   “Not unless you want a charge.”

   “You’re joking, right?”

   “There’re no second chances.” Toll popped the last two sticks of my Juicy Fruit between her teeth and clacked down hard. “So, don’t push it.”  

Her exaggerated jaw movements continued and did little to contradict her charmless bovine manner, scoring her worthless points in a game nobody cared about.   

   “We’re done here, Ted.”

   “Interview with suspect Sheena Bridge concluded at zero-eight-ten hours. Miss Bridge has signed all the interplanetary transportation disclaimers. Officers McNally and Toll will escort Miss Bridge onto the next available flight to Heathrow Terminal Eight. No further action required. Case closed.”

The End

March 30, 2024 03:52

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Claire Trbovic
16:20 Mar 30, 2024

‘Chewing Juicy Fruit during a Border Enforcement interrogation isn’t a great idea’ what a line! Rest of the piece did not disappoint either! Great work!


Howard Halsall
08:26 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Claire, Thank you reading my story and sharing thoughts; they’re much appreciated. First lines are always tricky to get right; they’ve such a lot to achieve to set the tone and grab the reader. I’m relieved to discover this one worked well for you and did it’s job… Take care HH


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19:13 Apr 05, 2024

Hi Howard, some great lines in there - my personal favourite - Her exaggerated jaw movements continued and did little to contradict her charmless bovine manner, scoring her worthless points in a game nobody cared about. I found the story really quite charming. How long will it be until we can catch a casual flight from Heathrow to the moon?


Howard Halsall
21:43 Apr 05, 2024

Hey Katharine, Thank you for taking the time to read my story and share your thoughts. I had a lot of fun writing this one so I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope it’ll linger a while…. Concerning your question about the future of lunar trips from Heathrow to the moon…. Isn’t it funny how time has overtaken those predictions about space travel? I remember watching ‘Space 1999’ as a youngster and thinking how easily the moon had been conquered and recall reading about journeys to Mars and beyond, believing that was the future…. In my opinion, t...


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Crystal Wexel
22:23 Apr 04, 2024

This is such a moment in time ! And space ! How charming , and romantically imagined . I loved it .


Howard Halsall
23:36 Apr 04, 2024

Hey Crystal, Thank you for reading my story and taking the time to share your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. I’m pleased you enjoyed it and hope the idea resonates for a while or provides food for thought…. Take care HH


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Debbie Wingate
16:51 Apr 04, 2024

It's good to know Juicy Fruit gum will still be around in 2041. I haven't had it for years, but as soon as I read the words, I could taste it. :) Killer opening line! From there, it just kept getting better. What a fun story. I usually gravitate to a single character as my favorite, but you made them all so likeable, I couldn't choose just one. Thank you for writing this and for sharing it.


Howard Halsall
18:00 Apr 04, 2024

Hey Debbie, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. I’m glad you enjoyed my story and pleased you liked all my characters. I had great fun writing this piece, so I’m happy that energy translated to the page…. It must be all that Juicy Fruit :) Take care HH


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Kailani B.
20:30 Apr 03, 2024

If it happens all the time, maybe they should create an all-inclusive proposal package! Thanks for the fun and cute story!


Howard Halsall
21:02 Apr 03, 2024

Hey Kailani, You have a valid point, it would make a lot of sense, and thank you for reading my story and offering the suggestion. It made me giggle, anyway:) Take care HH


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Paul Littler
06:59 Apr 03, 2024

Great fun, loved the premise and the humour.


Howard Halsall
07:59 Apr 03, 2024

Hey Paul, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your positive reactions; they’re much appreciated. I’m especially glad you enjoyed the humour because that’s the hardest element to crack… Take care HH :)


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S. E. Foley
21:44 Apr 01, 2024

I am curious about where Jimmy was. The main character's lack of concern about where he was hints that either she knows where he is and isn't worried, or she's got some broken things in her head. A brief mention of his whereabouts should tie things up nicely.


Howard Halsall
07:42 Apr 02, 2024

Hey S.E., Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. To put your mind at rest concerning Jimmy and his whereabouts, it would seem that Sheena has an inclination that all is well; she has his ring which comforts her during the interview and since Jimmy ‘knows the spaceport inside out’, that again reassures her things will probably work out. However, it could be clearer, but then no one would care what happened…. Take care HH


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02:38 Apr 01, 2024

But . . .where's Jimmy? Interrogated separately? I'm worried. Of course, you'd have to chew chewing gum on a flight, to counteract the pressure. Relieved they saw her trip to the stars as an innocent joyride. I was worried for her as well. Gripping tale, Howard. Loved it. Starting with the drama, then the build up to it, then the grim interrogation. Exciting stuff.


Howard Halsall
07:50 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Kaitlyn, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much and hope that Jimmy’s absence didn’t cause a problem. Sheena is somewhat comforted during the ordeal by Jimmy’s ring and the knowledge that he ‘knows the spaceport inside out’ and therefore is aware of the notorious club, by reputation at least…. Take care HH


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Kathryn Kahn
00:41 Apr 01, 2024

When McNally said, "This happens more often than you’d believe, young lady," I laughed out loud. What a wonderful moment, the moment the story turns. Very funny idea. Nice job.


Howard Halsall
08:06 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Kathryn, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed it and laughed at the reveal. The idea is based on a real life incident; the express train from London to Glasgow locks its doors at Euston station about 5 minutes before departure. Often, people assisting their travelling companions with heavy luggage etc are trapped on board. The first stop is an hour away and the guards at that station are used to this regular occurrence, and possess a similar book ready to record the event…. Take care HH


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Martin Ross
22:25 Mar 31, 2024

“Her exaggerated jaw movements continued and did little to contradict her charmless bovine manner, scoring her worthless points in a game nobody cared about” — love that! Fun, breezy, and with a cynically sweet (or sweetly cynical) nugget. Nicely done!


Howard Halsall
08:10 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Martin, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback; it’s much appreciated. It was all very tongue in cheek and I’m relieved the humour worked; I wasn’t quite sure I got the balance right…. Take care HH


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Diana Jo Filip
22:24 Mar 31, 2024

Case closed, back to London, marriage proposal expired at zero-seven-10h. Great story!


Howard Halsall
08:12 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Diana, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated…. Take care HH


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Robert Egan
15:05 Mar 31, 2024

Great title, and this feel-good story drew me in from start to finish! I wish I'd been as suave as Jimmy when I proposed (assumed Jimmy was being questioned separately, but could've been fun to have seen some element of him near the end). Officers McNally and Toll brought a lot to the story with their crisp dialogue.


Howard Halsall
08:16 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Robert, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your reaction. It’s great to get your feedback. Concerning Jimmy’s presence; there are one or two hints about his involvement and understanding of the spaceports operations and he’s not entirely absent from sheena’s mind during the interrogation…. Take care HH


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Harry Stuart
17:44 Mar 30, 2024

A fun read, Howard. We’ve all been in that joyride.


Howard Halsall
08:19 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Harry, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m pleased you know where I’m coming from with this little misadventure and trust you survived your own experience unscathed :) Take care HH


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Alexis Araneta
15:06 Mar 30, 2024

Well, thank goodness, when my fiancé proposed, I didn't end up in space. Hahahaha ! Splendid job, Howard ! Such a creative tale with such a bite to it. Lovely, vivid imagery, as usual. I kept wondering what would happen next. Splendid one !


Howard Halsall
08:31 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Stella, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your positive thoughts. I’m glad it held you in suspense and carried you through to its conclusion. I can’t ask for more, other than hope the idea lingers a while or becomes a talking point…. Take care HH :)


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Michelle Oliver
11:44 Mar 30, 2024

What a proposal. Such a lovely story, with just enough tension to keep us wondering what would happen.


Howard Halsall
08:36 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Michelle, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive comments; they’re much appreciated. I’m pleased I kept you wondering what would happen throughout the piece and trust the conclusion met your expectations… Take care HH


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Darvico Ulmeli
08:15 Mar 30, 2024

Very nice and romantic. I envy Sheena for having to see that view. Beautiful story.


Howard Halsall
08:41 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Darvico, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. I’m pleased you enjoyed it and relieved it wasn’t too sweet; I guess the Juicy Fruit took care of any excess Saccharin. Take care HH :)


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Kristi Gott
05:37 Mar 30, 2024

Whimsical and unique - I enjoyed this!


Howard Halsall
08:43 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Kristi, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive feedback. I’m pleased you enjoyed and hope it delivered a satisfying conclusion…. Take care HH


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Mary Bendickson
04:46 Mar 30, 2024

Young lovers gazing at the stars. Happens all the time.♥️


Howard Halsall
08:47 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Mary, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they suggest happy memories and recent ones, perhaps…. Keep reaching for the stars :) HH


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04:31 Mar 30, 2024

Sweet and quirky - love it!


Howard Halsall
08:49 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Melissa, Thank you for reading my story and leaving your positive thoughts; who could ask for more? Take care HH


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Trudy Jas
04:28 Mar 30, 2024

Fun. Thar's a proposal to tell your grandchildren about.


Howard Halsall
08:51 Apr 02, 2024

Hey Trudy, Thank you for reading my story and sharing your reaction; it sounds like I hit the mark :) Take care HH


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