
Chloe bounded down the stairs and popped her head into the living room where her mother was settled into her ratty, worn recliner, reading the latest thriller by yet another female author dubbed “the next Gillian Flynn!” “Mom, I’m heading out! Taylor’s here.” Evelyn glanced up at her 20 year old daughter, wistfully recalling the time when she had unlined skin and curves in all the right places. “Chloe, no later than 1:00. I mean it, no more hours past curfew. And text me if you go somewhere else.” Chloe replied exasperatedly, “I know, Mom, I know. I always text! We’re just going to Chase’s house to hang out. Taylor’s going to drive me home later, too”. “Yes, I know you text, but like I said - enough of breaking curfew. While you live under my roof, there are rules, even though you think you’re grown. Understand?” Evelyn gave Chloe one of those mom looks; the one that could bore holes into you. Chloe sighed. “Yes, Mom, I’ll be home on time.” “Ok, kiddo, have fun - and be safe!” Evelyn replied. “Sure, Mom. See ya!” With that, Chloe shut the front door behind her and her mother returned to her book for a long night of waiting.

Chloe got into her BFF’s front seat. “What took you so long?” Taylor inquired. Chloe rolled her eyes. “Ugh, you know moms. Always needing to know where you are, who you’re going to be with. Do you know she waits up for me?” “Oh my mom does that too. Or sometimes my dad, they switch. And always remind me not to drink too much, blah blah blah”. Both girls smirked and head off towards Chase’s house.

When they arrived, the party was in full swing. Everyone had a cup in hand. Most were standing around in small groups or wading their way through the crowd. There was a line leading from the kitchen where the alcohol was kept. A few pairs were hooking up in corners of rooms. Some of the guys were doing kegstands out back. Chloe and Taylor entered the house and were handed red Solo cups full of beer. There was music playing somewhere, but it was drowned out by the sound of conversation; old friends catching up on their last summer break before returning to college. This was their last true summer; the one free of most adult responsibilities. After graduation, most will jet off to the four corners of the world; some will enter the workforce, others will continue their education. For now, they are young and carefree. 

“Ladies, welcome! I see you already have a beverage. There’s plenty more where that came from!” boomed Chase’s deep voice behind them. He was easily one of the best-looking guys in their graduating class, and he knew it. There was always a small harem following him around (and posse of equally attractive guy friends). “Hey, Chloe, there’s Ethan. I heard he just broke up with his girlfriend”, Taylor nudged her friend.  “Eh, not really my type” Chloe replied. “What?! Weren’t you always going off about how cute you thought he was?” Taylor said. “Yeah, he’s cute, but, I don’t know, he’s just been giving off creeper vibes lately”. “Well, if you’re not into him anymore, mind if I go say hi?” Taylor winked. “Sure, go ahead” stated Chloe, who headed off in the direction of the kitchen. Taylor watched her walk away and shook her head. Chloe could be so picky. Taylor certainly wasn’t going to miss her chance. She sidled up to Ethan while Chloe went to go get a refill.

“Hey, Ethan, what’s good?” “Oh you know, this and that. Looking good tonight, Taylor”. “Thanks!” she replied, flashing him a brilliant smile. “Looks like you need a refill. How about I go get us some?” said Ethan.

Meanwhile, Chloe had gotten her own refill and found some friends to talk to. One of them was Max, a quintessential “nice guy”. The kind who would give you a ride home if you missed the bus, or loaned you notes if you missed class. Chloe had always thought he’d had sort of a crush on her, but she was never interested in him that way. But he was a good guy, and easy to talk to. Just then, Ethan entered the crowded kitchen to get refills for himself and Taylor. He noted Chloe standing against the door frame and came up behind her, wrapping his arm around her back and draping his hand on her hip. “So that’s where you disappeared to! Glad you’re keeping hydrated. Come back and join us,” he said suggestively. Chloe slipped out of his grasp. “No thanks, three’s a crowd”, she grimaced. “Not in this case, doll face!” he winked and walked back to Taylor. Ugh, how could she ever have thought he was cute. She was right, he was a creeper. She’d have to find her way back to him and Taylor and try to get Taylor away from him. 

However, several hours passed, and by the time she made her way back to where Taylor and Ethan had been huddled together, they were nowhere in sight. Chloe began to wander through the guests, asking anyone if they’d been seen. “I think they went upstairs,” smirked Trent, one of Ethan’s buddies. “Excuse me, excuse me!” Chloe nearly had to elbow her way to the bottom of the staircase which wound around 180 degrees at the top. She came to a long hallway with several closed doors. She knocked on the first door on her right. “Busy!” exclaimed a female voice that was not Taylor’s. She got the same result at the second and third doors. The fourth door was a bathroom, with a line outside that twisted around the staircase and back downstairs. There was no answer at the fifth bedroom and the door was locked. “Has anyone seen Taylor and Ethan?” Chloe asked the bathroom line. A girl fifth in line stated, “Yeah they were up here but went back down. They passed me when I was at the bottom of the steps”. Shit, thought Chloe. That had to be at least half an hour ago, judging by the length of the line. A bit of anxiety crept in. It was getting later, and Taylor was her ride home. What if she couldn’t find them, or worse – what if Taylor was too drunk to drive? Chloe definitely didn’t want to call her mom. Plus, she didn’t want Ethan to take advantage of Taylor.

Chloe made her way out to the expansive deck, where a bunch of guys were huddled around a keg. Finally she spotted Taylor in a dimly lit corner of the backyard with Ethan. Her relief was short-lived; Taylor was in no position to drive. Chloe had had enough to drink as well; she knew she couldn’t drive. “Ethan, how much did you give her?!” Chloe inquired angrily. “Hey, she’s an adult. She drank what she wanted to. Don’t worry, I cut her off a while ago. She just needs some time to sober up. And don’t be such an uptight bitch”. Chloe seethed. “We don’t have time for her to sober up! I’ve got to be home at 1:00, and neither of us can drive.” “Chloe, I’m staying. I’ll be fine in a few hours!” Taylor exclaimed. “Taylor I’ve got to get home! I’m on my last chance with my mom. Taylor grabbed Chloe by the hand and drug her several feet away from Ethan. “Look, I’ve finally got a shot with him! Is that what you’re upset about?” Taylor asked Chloe. “Jesus, no. I already said that. You don’t find him creepy at all? I don’t think you should stay here. We need to find a way home.” “Chloe, I can stay out a little later and sober up before I go home. I don’t want Ethan to think I’m too vanilla for him. He’s hot, not creepy! You’re being weird. Can’t you Uber or something?” Chloe considered staying regardless of the consequences, because she knew Taylor was dead set hooking up with Ethan. 

Just then, Max emerged from a shadow in the yard. “Hey guys, I couldn’t help overhearing. Chloe, I’m about to head out myself. I could give you a ride if Taylor wants to stay”. Chloe looked at her friend with pleading eyes, but it was no use. Once Taylor’s mind was made up, you could not dissuade her. “Thanks, Max, that would be great. You’re ok to drive?” Chloe inquired. “Oh yeah I’m fine. I had some beer earlier but I’m fine now.” Chloe was grateful Max was there to save the day. She was happy to take him up on his offer for a ride home. 

The party had wound down quite a bit at this point. Max and Chloe exited through the front door. “My car’s a few streets over since I got here late. We’re going to have to hoof it a few blocks, if that’s ok. Or I could just go get it and pick you up.” Chloe glanced at her phone. 12:40. She didn’t have time to wait. “No, that’s fine, I’ll just come with you”. And they set off down the darkened, quiet, suburban street.

Evelyn rubbed her eyes and pressed the home button on her phone. 12:55 a.m. She must have fallen asleep reading her book, which was now upside down and on the floor. Her cup of tea had gone stone cold. She noticed her phone didn’t have any notifications of texts from Chloe, but she was going to try to give her daughter the benefit of the doubt one more time. Evelyn heated up her mug of chamomile and returned to her recliner. She watched the next five minutes creep by; still no text. With each passing minute her annoyance grew into anger, with a bit of apprehension mixed in. 

Chloe could feel each vibration of her phone in her back pocket and knew it was her mother. Bound and gagged in Max’s trunk, she could not reach it.

1:00 came and went, and there was still no sign of Chloe. Evelyn texted her but received nothing back. She called Chloe and it went straight to voicemail. Evelyn’s anger grew. Once again, Chloe was defying her and going to be late. Still, it was a little unusual for Chloe not to text. Evelyn tried again; no response. Where was her daughter, and why wasn’t she responding? She decided to call Taylor’s mother to see if she had heard from either of the girls. “Oh, hi, Evelyn, yes, I did. Taylor texted me a little while ago to say she was going to stay a while longer.” Evelyn thanked her. So that was it, then. Her daughter was refusing to answer her calls or texts because she was defying her mother once again. Evelyn settled back into her recliner and resigned herself to a long night of waiting.

May 22, 2020 21:46

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