Kids Fiction Sad

This story contains sensitive content

TW-Mentions death of a child

Dear Diary

My name is Sarah and I’m eight years old. I have gotten this butiful book from Mummy to rite in. She says I can rite all my wurries and wishes in it.

Well, I wish that canser didn’t exzist! Tomorrow the doctar is gonna take away my eye, bekoz there’s a lump and it’s hurting my eye. I’m gonna be a pirate.

I’m scarred :(

But if I’m reel brave, Mummy said I can get a kitten.

:) Sarah🙂


Dear Diary

Its been a long time since I rote in here.

I feeled reely bad when I woked up from the opperatshun. I had a headake when I woked up but the nurses gave me lots of medersin. It wasn’t nice and it made me me feel funny. 

I still have the bandiges on my head and I can’t see out of my eye, bekoz there is no eye there no more. My friends from school came to visit me today and they said I was not missing much at school. They brung me a card from everyone in my class. They all writ there names on it and Jade gave it to me. Jade is my bestest friend. We’ve been friends like forever and she lives two streets from my house.

I’m gonna go home soon. I miss my bedroom. Mummy said I can paint it whatever colour I want. I’m gonna paint it purple.

:) Sarah🙂


Dear Diary

I looked at my face today. The nurse tooked the bandiges off and I saw my face in the mirror. It’s all red and puffy. I’m a freek!

:( Sarah🙁


Dear Diary

Mummy says that I should rite in here every day. She says that the rootine of riting will help me feel better. I don’t think so, but I made her the promis so I will. She says it is good for me to rite becoz I’m not going to school and this will help me keep up with everyone. There is school here in hostbital and the teacher is reel nice, but she’s not Miss Cassidy. I just want to go to my school and see my frends.

:(. Sarah😢


Dear Diary

Write, write, write. That’s what the teacher Mrs Jacobs said I had to do. I’m not a good speller and she said if I find a word I don’t spell rite to write it lots of times rite. Oh-right. Why is there a ‘g’ in there? Right, right, right. Mrs Jacobs is not as nice as Miss Cassidy. 

TIL (that’s what Mrs Jacobs said to write at the end of the day so that we can remember what it was we learned.) Today I learned that there are lots of ways to spell the same word. They are called Homa-fones.

Write, right and rite are homa-fones. Write means to write. Right means your right and rite means like a ritual or going to church. Mum says I should write my feelings down, make it like a rite. Did I get that right? :D

So this diary is my write-right-rite.

:/ Sarah😕


Dear Diary

I’m so exksited exsited. I’m going home today. The doctar said I’m all better. I’m just waiting now for the papers to work. All my bags are packed and I’m dressed in my nicest pink clothes. I still have the bandiges on but that’s ok. Mummy brushed my hair and put it in a nice pink bow to match my pink tutu. I’m like Barbie in ‘Barbie and the Pink Shoes’. 

I told Mummy that we need to go to the cat home first. She promised me a kitten and Mummy said “ok”. I didn’t really believe her when she said we could though. I hope she keeps her promise. I kept my promise. I have writed in his diary every day, well ekxsept exsept for the days I was not well enuff. But surely that is ok. I don’t even remember those days much exsept for feeling funny.

:) Sarah 😄


Dear Diary

We got a cat! The bestest cat there ever was! He is black and white with one white paw and three black ones. His name is Mitzee and he only has one eye, just like me!

We went to the Cat Shelter on the way home from the hostbital just like Mummy said we would. I walked in and around all the cages. There was so many cats. Who knew that there was that many? They were all sooooo butiful that I wanted all of them. 

But when I saw Mitzee I just knew he was mine. He was cross and sad and he had only one eye and he growled at everyone. The people there said he had only just had sergury to take his eye out and was still healing and getting used to it. Just like me. I knowed then that he was mine and I was going to have him.

When we had cuddles, he purred at me like he knowed I was his too.

He is sitting on my bed now, just looking at me. I think he is smiling.

I love Mitzee.

:))) Sarah 😍


Dear Diary

Today Mitzee and I played Pirates. We are good at being pirates becoz we only have one eye. It was the first time Mitzee had been outside with me. Mitzee walked the plank. I thort he would be stuck in the tree and I was wurried but he jumped to the ground ok. 

When we finished I just lied in the sun. It was so warm and Mitzee lied there too. He likes me and he likes playing with me, which is good, becos Jade hasn’t come over very much anymore. I think she is busy being friends with Ava, so she can’t be my friend. It’s ok becos I have Mitzee. He loves me more than anything.

<3 Sarah ❤️


Dear Diary

Mitzee’s gone! I can’t stop crying. Today when we played Pirates he climbed the fence and walked the plank along the top but he jumped down the wrong side! I called and called, but Mitzee didn’t come back. It’s nite time and it’s dark and Mitzee is out there somewhere and he’s alone and scarred and he only has one eye. What if he’s lost? What if the bad cats find him? What if he gets runned over? I just can’t write anymore, I’m soooo upset. My heart is broken.

:’( Sarah 😢


Dear Diary 

Daddy said that we can get a real tree this year for Christmas and we can decorate it just like all the trees in the movies. He’s going out to get it now. He asked me to come but I don’t want to leave the house just in case Mitzee comes home. I know Daddy doesn’t believe that Mitzee will come back. I know he thinks Mitzee is dead, I seen him looking at Mummy the way that grown ups do when they think that us kids are wrong, but they don’t want to tell us that we are wrong. Well their wrong! I know Mitzee will come back. I just know it! Mitzee loves me.

He does!

🥺 Sarah


Dear Diary

I’m just so happy!

When Daddy brung in the tree, Mitzee came back! He is crawling threw the branches now. He is so cute with his little back and white face peeking out of the branches. He looks like a orna orni decoratshon.

We are decorating the tree tonight, but I bet Mitzee won’t be able to stop playing with them. Mummy said “We better only put on the ones that won’t brake.” I think Mitzee woold brake so many of the glass ones. He’s soooo nourty and I love him! I think I mite have to squish him! He got lots of squishes and kisses when he came back. Mummy said that if I keep squishing him, he mite run away again, but I don’t think so. He knows I love him.

🥰 Sarah


Dear Diary 

Mitzee got presents from Santa. Well, I told him they were from Santa, but really they were from me. He liked the catnip ball, it made him go funny. But his favrite is the bird. It’s a feather on a string with a wand and I swing it round and he chases it. We like playing together.

I didn’t see Jade this Christmas. Her present is still under the tree.

I got lots of good presents this year. I got drawing stuff and makeup. But the best thing is the new eye! We went to the man who makes them and he made me a eye that goes inside where there isn’t one. He said he woold paint it to look like my other eye, and he did a real good job, becoz when it’s in, my eyes look the same.

When I grow up, I want to be the person who paints eyes on fake eyes. I’m gonna practise my art every day and get good.



Dear Diary 

It has been a long time since I wrote here. I did promise to write every day, but I forgot. 

It’s my birthday and I’m turning nine. I had a party at roller skating. It was fun at first. All the kids in my class came and they had fun. I did too. Sort of at the beginning.

Well, the music was loud and it hurt my head. Then Robby crashed into me because he was on my blind side and I fell over. I didn’t notice that my eye fell out until Niamh said that my eye looked funny. By then it was too late. My eye was broken on the floor. Mum had an eye patch to cover my eye until we can get a new one, but everyone kept looking at me funny. It’s not fun to be a pirate for real because other children don’t like pirates. Jade didn’t even talk to me after it happened and most of the other children didn’t either. I hate feeling different.

I am sitting on my bed now with the one person who knows what it’s like to feel like a pirate, and he’s not even a person, he’s a cat. Mitzee understands me. He never makes me feel sad. He just curls up with me and purrs. I like patting his soft fur.

I love Mitzee.



Dear Diary

The headaches are bad. They haven’t gone away. 

Mitzee knows. 

I haven’t told mum.



Dear Diary

I’m going for scans today. Mum noticed I’m not myself and she took me to the doctor. They said I need to get checked out. Scans are not fun. I wish I could take Mitzee with me. He helps me feel brave.



Dear Diary

I wish cancer didn’t exist.

The cancer is back and it’s not good. The scans showed that something was growing inside my head. Mum is really worried and I am too. I might have to have an opperashon operation to get it out. They are talking about it now and I am sitting here while they talk about me. I wish I didn’t have to know about it. But my headaches are getting bad. They have me on medicashun medication but it makes me sleepy. It’s hard to think. But writing helps me to sort out my thinking and remember what I was thinking.

I’m scared.



Dear Diary

The doctors want me to have chemo to shrink the tumour. It’s not nice. They put a line in and the chemo goes in there. I just sit here while it happens and it’s lucky I have a diary to write in or I would be board.

I’m also practising my drawing. I have drawn lots of eyes all in the margins of my book. I’m going to be the best eye-drawer ever and then I can make fake eyes for people who lose them.



Dear Diary

I’m at home. I don’t feel too well. I have vomited so much my throat hurts. Mitzee doesn’t mind, he just curls up on my bed. He purrs to make me feel better.

I don’t know why the doctors said that I couldn’t have surgery, something about where the tumour in my head was. They hoped it would shrink away from the important part, but it didn’t. 

TIL what palliative care is. It’s when there’s nothing left to do and the doctors say they can’t help anymore.

I think it’s better to be in my own room. I like the purple walls better than the hospital walls and Mitzee is here. I can’t have Mitzee in the hospital. I would rather be home.

The nurses come every day to help Mum care for me. I’m too tired to get up and out of bed by myself. They help me get clean, make sure I have my medicine and check up on me.

Today Father Greg came by. Mum cried the whole time Fr Greg was here. He put oil on my head and hands gave me communion for the first time and prayed with me. I asked him why and he said it was an ‘Anointing of the Sick’. Mum called it the Last Rites. I asked Fr Greg if I was dying, and he said he couldn’t say but that Jesus used to anoint sick people and he healed them, so he anointed me and asked if Jesus would like to make me to feel better. 

It would be nice to feel better. 



Dear Diary

I don’t think the anointing worked.

I’m too tired.

Mitzee is here.

I hope someone will love Mitzee. He’s a good cat. He never leaves me alone.

I love you Mitzee.


July 02, 2023 02:26

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Emma D
23:37 Jul 05, 2023

Wow! I got full body chills at the end, even though I knew what was coming. What powerful writing.


Michelle Oliver
00:26 Jul 06, 2023

Thank you for reading and for your comments. After giving some feedback on your story with its diary entries, I thought I’d better try it myself. I’m glad it worked and that he emotions came through.


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Tom Skye
18:43 Jul 05, 2023

Very emotional and beautiful structure. Love the improving spelling idea as well. Even though you mentioned the end in the trigger warning it still hit hard somehow. Probably would have been too overwhelming if you hadn't 😂 Amazing work


Michelle Oliver
22:05 Jul 05, 2023

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to this story. It’s not an easy subject to write about.


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Kevin Logue
18:47 Jul 04, 2023

That was beautiful. The cute spelling lead me into the cancer gut punch. Damn Michell even the emojis told a story. Never thought diary enters could be so powerful, watching her grow and learn, and accept, I'm in awe. You've a new follower here, Im away to read the rest of your works...after I dry my eyes.


Michelle Oliver
23:08 Jul 04, 2023

Sorry for the tears. This is the end of the Mitzee saga. I’m glad the spelling and grammar worked to show her growing and changing. Thanks for following.


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Delbert Griffith
14:35 Jul 04, 2023

Dammit! Tears again. The worst thing in the world is a child with cancer. They don't deserve it. It makes me angry, I feel helpless, and I want to know why it has to be this way. As per, your writing is beautiful and lyrical. Another stellar tale from Michelle Oliver. Your skills are undeniable, my friend. Your stories are a joy to read. Cheers!


Michelle Oliver
23:06 Jul 04, 2023

Thanks for your comment and for reading another Mitzee tale. Yes childhood cancer is absolutely devastating, it’s just so unfair. I did warn you about the tears, sorry.


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09:05 Jul 02, 2023

🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😥😥😥😥😥😥😥 Speechless. But aside from the subject matter this is very well done with the writing and spelling improving all the way through. That works really well, are does the characters growth from innocence to ... acceptance that life can be cruel. ❤️


Michelle Oliver
09:57 Jul 02, 2023

Thanks for taking the time to read this one. I appreciate it. Life can be cruel, and it is a harsh road that some people have to walk. I am glad the risk with the spelling and grammar worked to show how Sarah grew through such a short story and how she was only just beginning her journey when it was cut short. I think this story completes the Mitzee saga, although someone asked me about Snow… so you never know…


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An Nguyen
01:17 Jan 10, 2024

Incredible. I originally thought Jade was the victim, but the end hit me hard. 😢 Good work!


Michelle Oliver
01:28 Jan 10, 2024

Thanks for reading


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Amanda Lieser
04:02 Aug 05, 2023

Hi Michelle, Oh what a beautifully tragic story. My heart goes out to all of these characters. As usual, the power of the piece came from the perspective. I loved how you captured this child’s voice. This summer, my husband and I attended a church BBQ and noticed how one of the little ones, around age 9, addressed our priest as simply “Thomas”. His sister corrected him, but that tragic entry you included about the priest made me think of that moment this past summer and a child’s natural innocence. Perhaps, titles are for the adults of the w...


Michelle Oliver
04:09 Aug 05, 2023

Thanks for reading. Children see past all the trappings of adulthood and into the heart of what makes people real. I’m happy the child’s voice comes through. If you haven’t read it already, my story Letting it go, wraps up the saga of Mitzee


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17:08 Jul 19, 2023

Wow. That was just. Wow. So many times you leave me speechless. It's amazing how well you've done this! Captured a child's emotions so well, and the spelling mistakes lessening as she gets older are perfect.


Michelle Oliver
22:38 Jul 19, 2023

Thanks, it was tricky to balance spelling with story telling and I wanted every word to work hard to tell the story.


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Rhea Sethi
03:42 Jul 11, 2023

Never thought diary entries could be so powerful.


Michelle Oliver
06:28 Jul 11, 2023

Thanks for reading it.


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Frostie Whinery
03:31 Jul 09, 2023

Such an emotional read. Childhood cancer stories always get me in my feels. Such a powerful impact for such a short story. Potent, for sure. Thanks for sharing it.


Michelle Oliver
04:17 Jul 09, 2023

Thanks for reading. This story marks the end of the series of stories about the cat and told from the child’s pov this time.


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Sherry Bazley
13:11 Jul 07, 2023

Michelle... I just read this. You do such good work with developing Sarah's character as she experiences her illness...such good work because your attention to detail seems so very, very 'spot on'. You've captured the ability of young children to accept suffering and death in a way that most adults struggle with. Sarah doesn't fight against the circumstances of her life, she experiences pain, anger and sadness and then lets them go and experiences delight, joy and love. What a lovely, amazing character she is. As I said before, I see t...


Michelle Oliver
13:18 Jul 07, 2023

Thanks for reading and leaving your feedback. Cancer in children is probably one of the worst illnesses I can think of. You hit the nail on the head when you identified Sarah’s need to just live in the now and experience love and joy. It’s not to say that she doesn’t feel the pain, and I think for this character, the pain of friendships being lost and her normal life being replaced with a life of illness is there. She just channels the energy into loving Mitzee. As far as payment, a credit or debit card payment is what is required.


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Lily Finch
22:49 Jul 04, 2023

Beautiful story! LF6


Michelle Oliver
23:15 Jul 04, 2023

Thank you


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Michał Przywara
20:36 Jul 04, 2023

Ah, yes, very sad indeed :( I saw another Mitzee story and I had wondered what had happened to Mitzee's human friend - and now I know. Be careful what you wish for :) The journal's a good approach for this, because it gives us insight into her life we might not otherwise get. We see a sick child and we're overcome with sadness and a sense of it not being fair - and that's all fine - but the child isn't merely a dying prop. She's a full human being, and this story shows us some of that depth. I find it particularly remarkable that cancer ...


Michelle Oliver
23:14 Jul 04, 2023

Thanks so much for reading this one. You are such a good analyst. I had hoped that the loneliness and sadness about being different came through, and it was the reason Mitzee was so needed in her life. I was going for a direct link to the very first story where she says that Mitzee knows what it’s like to be different. I always appreciate your responses. Thank you


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Mary Bendickson
19:02 Jul 03, 2023

Yes, completes the story except for Snow. I agree with Derrick, emojis and all. One of my grandsons had a brain tumor when he was eight. He looked so tiny in that bed. Everyone thought it looked so in-operatable because it was wrapped around brain stem. Miraculously, there was a surgeon at that hospital at that time only that was willing to take it on. It was a success. A girl down the hallway did not survive her operation. Our young man is now 23 years old and very successful.


Michelle Oliver
23:16 Jul 03, 2023

Thanks for reading. I am so happy that your grandson had a complete recovery. Childhood cancer is the worst. I mean any cancer is horrible, but it just seems so unfair that kids have to go through such trauma to get better.


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Isabella Montoya
18:11 Apr 30, 2024

Beautiful story! It made me cry, and the child's death took me by surprise (even reading the trigger warning). I love that you used bad spelling at the beginning and then better spelling as time went on to show what the main character was learning. Sad but amazing story. 😢❤


Michelle Oliver
10:19 May 01, 2024

Thanks for reading it.


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Charles Corkery
03:06 Jul 13, 2023

Good story, Michelle. Sad


Michelle Oliver
15:19 Jul 19, 2023

Thanks for reading it


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Patricia C
00:54 Jul 09, 2023

This was such an emotional read! I cried a little! I love how you used journal entries to tell this story.


Michelle Oliver
00:56 Jul 09, 2023

Thanks Patricia. Sorry for the tears. It’s the final story in a series about the cat. I just had to tell it from the girls pov . Happy that diary format worked.


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Unknown User
14:45 Jul 08, 2023

<removed by user>


Michelle Oliver
14:49 Jul 08, 2023

Thanks for reading it, And I’m happy the language choices worked.


Unknown User
15:02 Jul 08, 2023

<removed by user>


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