Fiction Friendship Kids

SOMEONE'S KNOCKING AT THE DOOR: a story of tea and friendship

Josi’s eyes wandered from the page of his new book as memories of his friends flooded his mind. It had been a full year since he had moved six states away, but it was still hard.

A shadow moved across his bedroom window.

“What was that?” he wondered aloud.

He hopped up and lifted the blinds, but there was nothing there. He remembered a time when a shadow at his window meant one of his buddies was waiting to play. 

“Josi!" Mama called him from the kitchen.

“Coming,” Josi headed out the door as a shadow passed his second window, but when he ran to look out, again there was nothing.

It was 10 o’clock in the morning, time for tea.  Mama poured boiling water over the two teabags she had placed in the blue teapot. Josi set out the cream, sugar, and blackberry jam.

And so, they sat down for tea.

“Josi,” Mama asked, “what have you been learning this morning?” Josi loved to read, so there was always much to talk about. 

“I learned that I’m like a black bear.” Josi replied.

“Hmm, a black bear,” Mama wondered aloud, “How are you like a black bear?”

“I climb, I run, I swim, and I love blackberries,” Josi boldly proclaimed.

“Then yes, you are certainly like a black bear.” Mama poured the hot tea into their finest cups and they added just the right amount of cream and sugar, but it was still too hot to drink. She fetched the blackberry scones that she had drizzled with honey.

“Mama, what did the blueberry say to the blackberry?”

“Tell me, Josi.”

“You really got us in a jam this time,” Josi giggled.

Mama smiled out loud and sat down.

As they blew on their hot tea, a large shadow crossed the kitchen window and a noise was heard outside the door. 

An awkward scratching followed. 

And then another.

Josi spoke in hushed tones, “I think someone is here, Mama.”

“I think so, too.” Mama whispered low.

The scratching stopped, there was a pause, and then a heavy thumping on the door. Both knew this was no ordinary visitor.

Mama rose and slowly approached the door. She couldn’t have been more startled by what she saw on the other side of the glass.

A large black bear was peering in with a teacup dangling from one very terrifying claw. 

Mama grew faint and placed her hand on the counter to steady herself. For ten full seconds they just stared at each other. She could not put the two together. A black bear and a teacup.

Then it got stranger still. The bear spoke, “Good Morning Ma’am, may I come for tea?”

Mama’s manners went into auto pilot. She slowly opened the door and replied, “W-w-we w-would love to h-h-have you for t-t-tea.”

Josi could not believe what was happening. A black bear was joining them for tea. He sat frozen in place as the bear clumsily pulled out a chair and sat down. Josi was surprised the chair could hold him.

Mama poured a third cup of tea.

“Thank you for having me for tea, I could smell the blackberry scones and honey and just followed my nose. I’m sorry if I startled you.” The bear wriggled his face into an apologetic grin.

Josi finally  found his voice. He spoke with both fear and compassion, “Are you... hungry? “

“I always love a scone and blackberry is my favorite,” the bear replied.

“So, you’re…,” Josi gulped, “hungry?” His fear was building.

The bear suddenly looked very sad, “Well, not really.” 

Josi felt quite relieved. “What is it then?” he asked.

The bear lowered his gaze, “My friend Aaron moved away last month, and I’m not sure when I will see him again.” Tears began to form in the big bear’s brown eyes.

“Tell me about Aaron,” Josi asked gently.

“Aaron was my friend and my neighbor. We played together every day. We climbed trees and swam in the river. We built forts and went on adventures. We even helped each other with our chores.”

“Wow, he sounds like a great friend. I can see why you miss him.” Josi understood the bear’s sadness.

“Maybe he will come to visit someday,” the bear continued, “but it just isn’t the same.”

Mama slowly moved toward the bear and laid her hand on his large shoulder. Josi got up from his chair and gave him a hug.

The three stayed huddled for a lingering moment, letting kindness do its work.

Then Josi stepped back and held out his hand, “My name is Josiah. My friends call me Josi.”

“Can I call you Josi?” the bear asked hesitantly.

“Of course, you can and what is your name?” Josi asked.

“I am Theo, but my friends call me Little Bear.”

“Little Bear?” Josi giggled. “You are NOT little.”

Theo smiled, “Not anymore, and I am not alone anymore either.”

As the new friends discovered more about each other, they sipped their tea, which was now just right, and they wondered what adventure they would have together after they gobbled up their blackberry scones.

THE END...of this book ...but the beginning of a wonderful friendship full of adventures.

(Inside back cover) Blackberry Scone Recipe

Makes 12


2 cups self rising flour

½ cup brown sugar

½ tsp finely ground earl grey tea

1 cup whipping cream

2 TBS lemon juice

1 egg

1 cup frozen blackberries chopped and dusted with flour


Preheat oven to 400℉

Pour 2 TBS lemon juice into the whipping cream and set aside.

Mix dry ingredients (flour, sugar, tea) in medium bowl.

Add dusted blackberries to the dry ingredients and stir gently.

Mix egg and cream together.

Pour egg and cream mixture into the dry ingredients and stir lightly, just until moist.

Scoop 12 large dollops onto stoneware or a parchment covered cookie sheet.

Bake at 400℉ for 16 to 20 minutes, or until lightly browned. Let cool until they can be handled.

Serve with blackberry preserves and honey butter (1 stick butter blended with  ¼ cup honey) and of course a cup of tea.

Enjoy with a friend.

January 24, 2025 20:55

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Todd Crickmer
03:43 Feb 06, 2025

I loved it, and you certainly made me hungry. Thank you for the recipe; I think I'm going to try it Saturday morning. If a bear stops by, I'll share.


Holly Woodbridge
19:53 Feb 06, 2025

Thank you! The scones are best served warm and with a friend. If a bear stops by, please take pictures.😉


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Elizabeth Hoban
03:31 Feb 04, 2025

This is absolutely adorable! I was totally entertained, and I am 65! Kudos and best of luck. x


Holly Woodbridge
19:52 Feb 06, 2025

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.


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Dannie Olguin
20:02 Feb 01, 2025

What a cute little children's story! It had exactly the pacing and vibe of the Little Bear books by Elsa Holmelund Minarik, so when Little Bear knocked on the door all grown up, I couldn't help but smile. Adding the recipe in was a cute touch, too.


Holly Woodbridge
00:09 Feb 02, 2025

Thank you for reading and for that very kind comment.


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Tricia Shulist
18:25 Feb 01, 2025

Aww. That was lovely. Josi can be the new Aaron. I like that you included the recipe like one of the cozy mysteries. Thanks for sharing.


Holly Woodbridge
19:36 Feb 01, 2025

Thanks for taking the time to read it. I hope you were sipping tea in a cozy chair while you read. 😊


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