Science Fiction

Most of the times in the movies, the apocalypse is violent and have mercy for no one, rich , poor, king, shoe mender , they all feel the same fear before dying. This one is quite different, i can't decide if I am simply dreaming or if this is real.

The first day I woke up in the middle of my loft, sweating, overwhelmed and crying. I tried to remember what happened the previous day, but everything was blank and the only memories I have are those from my wake till now

The second day after weeping around like some mad bitch i realized everyone was gone , but everything was left untouched; there was no fire,no storm, no aliens but only me and the empty streets of Tianjin

The third day after walking around the town realizing there is not a single soul no cats, no dogs.

It was a hot summer day, but not like those polluted ones we usually have here in China no, the air was pure, no cigarette, no gas emission from industries.

On the fifth day after crying again the fourth day ,i decide to take a shower in a random building near vanguard, i walked down the streets almost naked, there is no one, why bother? I enter the mall and grab some jeans and black tshirts, looking at myself in a mirror i wondered why i couldn't just walk around naked? But i was afraid and still thought someone will come for me or may be I'm some kind of psycho or in a coma or the two.

The tenth day i realized there was no one coming so I ate all i wanted , took baths in the middle of the road, in the police station, in a mall ,speed off limits and putting my favorite Kpop songs out lout. At the end of the day i drove to the great wall and sat on the stairs, drinking the harsh heat, naked and my only witness was the sun. I had the whole of china for my self , one billion people worth country and i owe it and yet i didn't want it not without the people inside.

Now standing on the edge of the wall, just like in karate kid , letting the wind pass through my dark hair like kate Winslet in titanic my hands wide open, yeah I'm a movie addict , a dreamer and this whole situation feels like it, a dream. Without second thoughts I let myself fall off the great wall of China, my China.

I think i passed out before reaching the ground, i don't feel any pain, so this is what it feels like when you are dead? You feel nothing but yet everything hurts in your heart. I open my eyes and i see the most beautiful thing in the world, i smile and try to reach to touch , to feel.

Right by my side, a light skin guy with his head in his hands, looking at the ground desperately sitting in the middle of the road...wait what? A road? I jumped off the great wall i should be dead by now? I jumped naked!!!!

Who even commits suicide naked on the greatest wall of the world, god no suprises I'm still single. I still look at the handsome boy through my hair, he hasn't realized I am awake yet . My hair are not long enough to cover my breast , i sight silently before finally talking.

"Hey...hi" i clear my throat trying to hide my cleavage miserably

He just look at me, with suprise or he is checking me out or both ,but does not answer. When his Clair brown eyes meet my black ones, i ask my self what language he even speaks, how did i get here, what is his name?

Feeling the wind on my back i remember how very naked I am , so i try to close my legs in a sitting position and I wince when i feel my ass scratch against the road. Like he'd been suddenly brought back to reality, he removes his tshirts and give it to me, instead of saying thank you I am shamefully staring at his bare chest. He notices and just smile, perfect , he is a beautiful mixture of coffee and milk i used to take at my favorite coffee shop. My stomach hurts just thinking that there is nothing left for me.

My face should be so red and with all the embarrassment I put in his blue shirt, making a major effort not to inhale his scent left on the fabric.

He takes my hand and help me stand up, I wince again Feeling the sting on my butt, it must be so red down there but i fight not to touch it, its enough embarrassment for a single day .

He smiles again and finally speaks to me "what is your name?"

The wind passes through his curly hair, the weather is gentle here, but where is ...here? I ask my self.

" Mei" i answer playing with my fingers like a little child, I am still embarrassed. "The next time you try to kill your self, atleast wear your undies " my subconscious tells me

I turn to look around me and the road is empty, just like where i come from, but here i see the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen. I turn back to him with tears

"You are alone here?" I ask him , tears raining on my cheeks , he is alone in such a beautiful place.

He looks around us before turning to me and smiling, his hands reach my cheeks and wipe my tears

"I am not alone, you are here now" his eyes are watery and before his tears rolls on his cheeks, he crushes me in a tight hug.

More tears fall down as i ask my self if he is really here, but his hands around me and his tears now dropping on my shoulders says different, I am not alone.

Everything is calm only our silent sobs are heard even the wind disappears and the sun stays are only witness in the world.

"Welcome to Amsterdam Mei" is the last thing i hear before passing out

April 28, 2020 20:49

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Sadia Faisal
09:22 May 28, 2020

nice story, please like my story and follow me


14:11 May 28, 2020

Thank you, I'll be happy to do that


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Philip Baker
13:33 May 08, 2020

A very imaginative and funny story. It really made me laugh a few times.


14:27 May 08, 2020

Thank you , if it made you smile then im delighted😊🙏


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Victoria Lendon
15:08 May 07, 2020

I really loved the imagery of an empty China, very powerful! The mystery of what could have happened to everyone was also very interesting and made me want to read more :) Your creativity and descriptions are brilliant! I especially liked the humor you put in, and how relatable Mei is! Keep up the great writing!


17:54 May 07, 2020

Thank you very much, it means the world to me that someone actually likes my writing, China is really a place i liked so i just felt like writing about it Thanks again


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Maggie Deese
22:57 May 06, 2020

Great story!! You had wonderful details and suspense throughout. Keep up the great work!


00:33 May 07, 2020

Thank you so much ,i am glad you enjoyed it🙏😊


Maggie Deese
01:52 May 07, 2020

Of course!!


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Pranathi G
14:51 May 04, 2020

Nice story! Can you read my story and give me feedback on it? It's called, "THE TIME HAS COME." It's for the same prompt. Thanks!


16:11 May 04, 2020

Absolutely thanks


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L. M.
23:54 May 03, 2020

Good story. I liked the suspense and the touching emotions.


06:28 May 04, 2020

Thanks 😊😊😊😊


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22:50 May 02, 2020

This is quite a mix of funny, relatable, and sad! You had me at K-pop. Stay safe.


11:09 May 03, 2020

Thanks, yeah it just flowed like that 😂it was my mood of the moment Stay safe and thank you again


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