Submitted into Contest #280 in response to: Write a story that includes someone (or something) saying, “No, don’t!”... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

I'm John, just an ordinary guy from North Carolina. My life is about to change, I got into USC. That's right a scholarship to California! I'm so excited, but I'm also sad to leave my girlfriend, best friend, little brother, mom and dad behind. I know I will be back for Thanksgiving, but that just seems so far away. I have to let go of my life here and embrace my new life in California at USC, dorm life. I am looking forward to the freedom.

Things have changed so much in the last year, my schedule is busy.I don't always go home for the holidays now. My girlfriend from North Carolina broke up with me freshman year. She said the long distance relationship was too hard for her. She had found someone else and was ready to move on. It was hurtful, my first love, but understandable...I almost seen it coming.

Currently, second semester sophomore year, I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Karrie. She is sweet, sexy and smart. She is studying to become a pediatrician. We don't always get to spend a lot of time together, due to the amount of studying required to keep our grades up to maintain our scholarships. Although anytime spent with her is cherished. I love to hear her laughter fill the room. Through cross country, I have made quite a few new friends. These alliances have made me adapt to college life in California.

Although, I do miss my family from time to time...especially my mom's cooking. She is the only one who accepted and understood my choice to be vegan. My father, on the other hand, spends endless amounts of time trying to convince me that meat is a must (in order to maintain a healthy, balanced diet). No need to bicker, I will never win. My little brother has no idea how anyone could give up bacon and hamburgers. These memories make me smile. I guess I miss them more than I like to admit.

Peering out my dorm room window, reminiscing on my life in North Carolina, I know I'm supposed to be studying. That was quickly interrupted. I can't what I'm seeing. Mr. Smith, the chemistry professor is running towards the lab. All I can hear is Mr. Smith yelling frantically, "No, don't!!!" No one is listening to him. A student runs passed him towards the lab. Mr. Smith bellows out, "No, don't. Stop!" Smoke was filling the air. I had heard that there had been a fire in the chemistry lab, but I thought it was contained. Mr. Smith is trying to chase down the student that left their backpack in the lab, but it was too late. I've never seen anything like this! This can't be real. Chemicals are dispersed into the air, smoke is everywhere...OH MY GOD, THE LAB JUST EXPLODED!!!

I'm lost. I feel numb. What is going on? Loud noises fill my ears. I'm overcome by this insatiable appetite. The screams are calling to me, I need to quench this hunger. I have an uncontrollable desire to follow the screams. Groaning in hunger, I start my decent. The screams, the smells, my instincts are all encouraging me to chase down my next meal. No matter how fast

I try to move, it's like I'm standing in quicksand. I don't understand. I've ran cross country all the way through high school and also my first two years at USC. Never have I moved this slow.

The screams are drawing me towards them like a magnet. The food runs by me so quickly. Smoke fills the air. I can't see. The screams are guiding me and this unknown urge is propelling me forward. I MUST EAT! So many smells and sounds, where is the food?

As I peer through the smoke of the total devastation around me, I start to actually see my food (the smell creating the urge). The only things around me are people, living people. Isn't that Steve, the guy that lives a couple doors down from me at the dorm? Why is he screaming hysterically and running away from me? I try to call out his name. I don't understand. I've always been so articulate and currently all that is coming out of my mouth are these guttural moans. I'M STARVING!

Everywhere around me all I can see is total devastation, definitely no fast food, restaurants or markets are open. Angrily I moan in dispare. Oh how I think, I want all my favorites: an amazing chopped salad, soup, a veggie sandwich and of course cheese pizza. Even just some fruits and vegetables from the market would be great. That's what I think, but what I feel is an incredible urge to eat meat. I'M STARVING!

Wait! I see others also moving like they are stuck in quicksand. They are moaning too. Maybe we could communicate. It seems that everyone who was not moving in slow motion, are screaming and running quickly into the smoke that is burning my eyes. I'M STARVING!

I smell food everywhere, but I only see friends, fellow students and teachers running away. I do not understand. Moaning and groaning not only due to hunger but also shear frustration. I hear and see others moving slowly in the direction of my screaming classmates. I'm confused. What are they doing? I'm going to follow them.

It has taken so long to get to the end of the block. I really want to catch up to the crowd that all the moaning is coming from. I'm trying so hard but I'm barely moving, the distance between us is not growing nearer. I moan. Really I want to cry. I am uncapable of producing any other sound or emotion. I'm so frustrated.

I'M STARVING! I look to my left, finally someone is near me. Upon closer inspection I realized it is Mr. Smith, the chemistry professor. The explosion had singed his hair and charred his face, his clothing was still smoldering. He was not running away or screaming. He was dragging his scorched body in my direction.

I can't concentrate! I'M STARVING! I smell food, not coming from my left, but behind me. I turn, starving, ready to eat whatever meal smells so good. To my surprise, it was Karrie my girlfriend. I'm expecting her to run into my arms so I could protect her. Wait, this makes no sense. She is crying and starts to come near me and then she stopped and gasped. She must have seen something scary because now she is running away screaming.

As she runs to the left, Mr. Smith, the other slow moving moaning creature attacks her! I can't believe what I am seeing, it looks like he is going for her brain. I want to stop him, but the minute her skull cracked all I could smell is food. The desire overtakes me. Now we are both battling for the brain. One bite, I think, the desire will be diminished...but that was not the case.

My hunger is unquenchable. As I'm moaning and groaning for brains, I realize I must follow Mr. Smith. He is a good teacher, he seems to know where he is going and understands the demand to feed. I MUST FOLLOW HIM. He knows how to find food. This insatiable appetite can not be satisfied. No amount of brains will benefit me. An endless journey of hunger awaits me.

December 10, 2024 13:08

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