Romance Sad Drama

“I need to dance to this with you,” you demanded, your chartreuse eyes an inextinguishable flame that bored into my soul and burnt through my defences.

Need! That’s not a need. A need is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as something requisite or necessary. Dancing to “I’ll Be Around” by The Detroit Spinners is certainly not something that one requires to live…Zoe, I can’t dance.

My brain spun and sputtered out all its reasons as if they were drops falling down a plastic tube. However, even it knew that it was helpless in the face of your steel will, as if it were a body trying to fight ageing and losing. 

“Uhm, okay, so how do we…. ouch!”

You yanked my arm and dragged me towards the pulsating lime green and orange lights and the throngs of bumping and swaying bodies buzzing with more energy than a thousand volts. Being in that swirl of shimmies and rolls, I felt my muscles freeze up, atrophied by waves of nerves. However, with just a single flash of the fiery jades on your face, I found myself awkwardly bopping along to the music.

It has always been like that, hasn't it, Zoe. This has always been the dynamic between us for the four years we’ve been together. Whether it’s cooking classes using ingredients I couldn’t even pronounce, attending a rock concert on a random Tuesday night, or going to a 70s-themed party on the other side of the city, whatever you wanted to do, I must follow, as if they were doctor’s orders. Every time I tried to resist, you knew how to make those green orbs appear glassy with tears and contort your face into an expression of heartbreak --- cunning, choreographed. You always said you just wanted me to break out of my shell when all I longed for was to build on that exoskeleton until it completely calcified. I always ended up swept up in your lead, though, a hapless partner in a tango.

…especially, now that…

“That isn’t so bad now, is it, Will darling,” you cooed, a wry, mischievous grin on your face as your precise footwork took you across the illuminated floor. “Just try something new.”

“I guess. But you shouldn’t just jump…”

“Oh, I love this part of the song,” you exclaimed, the beginning of yet another statement of concern sidestepped. You flailed your arms along to the alternating string and brass lines serving as a call-and-response pattern in the track, whilst I sighed.

“As usual, Zoe…’


My hazel eyes honed in on your chartreuse peepers twirling around the dance hall along with your golden-topped head shuffling around. You bit your plump bottom lip to an invisible, constant rhythm, most probably that of one of those 70s funk tracks from the stacks of LP records in a large plastic crate in your flat. Your lips curled in a smile like a graceful ballerina taking a bow as you smoothed the hem of your mid-length dress with large, pink hibiscuses printed on.

“You keep leaping into things. I thought that the visi …”

Let it go, Will. Soon, she…

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter anymore,” I responded, taking a gulp of air. “I’m just…oh no!”

As soon as the piano intro started, my heart slid down to the very bottom of my belly. Of all the songs by The Detroit Spinners to fill the room, it just had to be “I Don’t Want to Lose You”, the poignant ballad sung by Henry Fambrough from their "Pick of the Litter" album. Every note felt like a strong, powerful kick to the heart, especially considering…

“Excuse me, sweetheart. I just need to…”

“Are you okay, darling?

Just like that, all of the words brewing in my head dissipated like the sound from a phonograph whose needle just broke. I scrupulously dug through the formations of words inside me like a surgeon carefully excising a too-large tumour but struggling at it. The only thing that remained in the grey matter was just a single request.

“Yeah…listen, uhm, could we just…sway to this song,” I asked, my heart beating in six-eighth time signature.

Just as I sensed my veins freeze, almost like I were on an intravenous drip of liquid nitrogen, you beamed at me and jeté-ed into my arms.

“You, William Alexander Smith, are asking me to dance? My, my, what’s come over you,” you demanded to know, your lips shaping itself into an arc yet again. “Usually, it’s me begging you to come to the dance floor.”

“I just…well…”

“Well, what?”

“I just want to feel you close to me,” I admitted, the words finally coming out as flowing as Swan Lake. “You know very well I just want to make sure I spend this time…”

“Don’t go there, Will,” you responded tersely, your smile exiting stage left. “I don’t want to…”

“But aren’t you scared? If I were you, I would certainly feel like I stumbled after jumping around all…”

“No, no, I’m not,” you pressed. “You’re going to replay the same conversation again, aren’t you?”

“Zoe, come on now. I mean you…”

“Stop, Will. Please stop,” you commanded me, your green eyes now a bonfire. From up close, I could smell the smoke, watch the headdress-donning figures undulating in the light.

“Okay, okay, as you wish,” I muttered, now resigned.

“Good, because I’ve now bought the tickets.”

With your declaration, I could perceive my liver secreting bile overtime to flood every single tissue in my mouth. My entire respiratory system seemed to completely drop to my stomach.

Oh, but of course, you, Zoe Evelyn Duncan would just go ahead and buy your passage on a flight without consulting the man who you constantly pull to cha-cha-cha in the kitchen with you; why did I expect anything less from you. You have, after all, had thoughts of packing your suitcases and exploring Paris, Rome, Berlin, and Geneva for a year pirouetting in your mind for as long as I’ve known you. Still, I had hoped that, well, the announcement would inject a bit of caution in your system, let it circulate in you like thrombocytes journeying throughout the body.

Why did I ever expect something so out-of-step with who you are?

“Zoe, darling, why? I told you…”

“And what good will it do, aye,” you retorted. “Remember, I’m the one who…”

“The least you could have done is told me,” I replied. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes like performers backstage waiting for their cue. “I just want you to include me in these decisions.”

“Well, what’s done is done, Honey. I already talked to Camille in Paris. She says I could stay with her. I’m absolutely buzzing. Walking around Montmartre, exploring ancient Roman ruins, clubbing in Berlin...”

“Zoe,” I whimpered. My head spun around, the dancefloor melting into a blur.

“What now?”

“You…planned…again…without me,” sputtered out my brain, as if a shunt were blocked up by my debris-like sadness.

“Well, how else is this going to end up, Will? After finding that out, what else do you think I’d want if not finally seeing the places on my bucket list?”

My laryngeal muscles slithered around my throat as they took a quick gulp of air before letting me continue.

“Well, Zoe, I thought…oops.”

In my unwieldy movements, the small robin’s egg blue velvet box in my pocket --- the same one I purchased the day after I accompanied you to that all-important rendez-vous, the same one I have carried with me for about a month --- tumbled out and onto the pulsating lime and orange lights.

“Wait, I’ll pick it up, darling.”

“Wait, I…”

I couldn’t stop you prancing into the crowd and searching for the lost container. As you dove amongst the jigging bodies, your blonde wig flew off and the skirt of your pink frock hiked up revealing the constellation of mauve bruises covering your slender leg. Instantly, the past month --- the nerves as I sat with you in the hospital waiting room, the doctor’s voice jittering as he spoke, the pristine white piece of paper containing two words I never wanted to be locked in promenade position: Stage 3 --- high kicked its way into my mind.

“William, darling, what’s this,” you asked, your chartreuse eyes glued onto the tiny receptacle.

“Open it, love.”

You lifted the lid to reveal a two-carat cushion-cut diamond halo ring resting inside. You shook your head vigorously before facing me.

“Will, darling, you know that…”

“I know, I know,” I replied, the phonograph in my head grinding to a halt again. “I just wanted to let you know that if ever you changed your mind, well…”

“Well, what?”

“Well, I want to take care of you. Always,” I admitted. “If you changed your mind, I’m more than happy to be the man who does that for you. I know the thought of Cytoxan in your veins sounds really daunting to go through, but there's still a chance you'll pull through. I'll be there."

“Will, look, I get that,” you responded, your eyes glistening with tears rivalling a mirror ball. “But I don’t want to suffer. What’s the point? I just want to have a bit of fun before I leave.”

“But, Zoe, love, I…”


“I don’t want to lose you,” I blurted out, everything I wanted to say leaping across the invisible stage between us.

You sighed and let your eyes dance away for a couple of minutes before returning your gaze to me.

“I know that, Will. But I need this. Besides, don’t you always say that needs are more important than wants?”

Need! This is her need. It may not be something you desire, but it’s requisite and necessary to the woman you love. Enjoying what little time she has left is what she requires to say she’s lived….Zoe, I don’t know if I can dance to your rhythm, but for you, I’ll try.

“I suppose,” I replied. I tried my best to pose my face into an expression of assurance. “Just let me know when you need me to take you to Heathrow. You sure you don't want me to go with you?”

"Will, I told you. I don't want you to see me..."

"But... Zoe, love, I..."

"Will, please..."

I looked at your glassy green eyes yet again and saw the tears cavort their way across your face.

"Okay, as you wish. I'm following what you want, like it were choreography."

You beamed back at me, your smile even brighter than the lime and orange strobes illuminating the nightclub.

“Thank you, my love. Oh, and please don’t forget…”

“Don’t forget what?”

“Don’t forget that when we meet again, I will always choose you to dance with.”

June 12, 2024 11:23

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04:35 Jun 13, 2024

I think his girl is an adrenalin junkie or she has ADHD. Again, you brought in songs and rhythms. Great prompt for that. It's wonderful she is loved for who she is, but she needs some sound advice. 'Stop and smell the roses,' and, 'It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.' Poor, Will. Amazing portrayal of the conflict and love in a relationship, while on the dance floor.


Alexis Araneta
04:40 Jun 13, 2024

Ha ! It could be that. But I wanted to play on the fact that some patients, when finding out that they only have a few years to live, have a single-minded focus to just go through the things they want to do, at the expense of their loved ones. And yes, some of them do decide that they'd just rather go than receive treatment (which, of course, can be excruciating). Poor Will indeed ! Basically, for some reason, I wanted the contrast between dancing (graceful movements of bodies) and bickering when I saw the prompt. I'm happy it worked. Tha...


08:58 Jun 13, 2024

It definitely worked!


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Daniel R. Hayes
22:43 Jun 12, 2024

Wow, Alexis!! This was incredible! I loved the dynamics between the characters and the emotions really shined through. You did a fantastic job at capturing the bickering and frustrations in the dialogue which can be hard to do sometimes, hahaha. I loved the descriptions and word choices you used. Very creative. I think you captured a romance story that was conflicted and genuine. Bravo!! So many great lines here. I liked hearing about the "Needs are more important than the wants." - Nicely done. I think life is like that in a lot of way...


Alexis Araneta
02:07 Jun 13, 2024

Daniel, you are always so supportive of my writing, so again, I'd like to thank you. I always appreciate when you pop by and leave a comment on my stories Like I mentioned in other comments, I sort of wanted to challenge myself and write about a bickering couple. I don't know; when I saw the prompt, I felt like I wanted the important conversation to be heated and be about one-half of a couple wanting to dive into things whilst their more scrupulous partner wants them not to. I'm happy that came through. Ah, you know me and my love of cho...


Daniel R. Hayes
06:12 Jun 13, 2024

You're welcome! This was a brilliant story and a different take on romance, which I really enjoyed. Bravo!!!! :)


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Kristi Gott
20:26 Jun 12, 2024

This fast-paced story with lots of dialogue moving the story forward is like riding a rollercoaster of action and emotions. The characters' traits are revealed in their dialogue skillfully which reflects their personalities. The complexities of relationships and the characters' situations are explored here. The descriptions of the characters' emotions are done skillfully with metaphors and vivid imagery. Well done!


Alexis Araneta
02:15 Jun 13, 2024

Hi, Kristi ! I'm happy you liked this. I realise I like writing dialogue pieces, despite the challenge of trying to reveal a lot in a subtle way in just conversation. When I saw the prompts, this was what jumped out. I'm so happy it worked. So, so happy you liked it ! Thanks for reading !


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Marty B
20:02 Jun 12, 2024

This relationship, like a good dance is a give and take. Zoe has been leading, but giving in to Will's reticence. But now, Zoe is all in on her own 'needs' and Will can step up and support her on her round the world tour, or get off the dance floor! Thanks!


Alexis Araneta
02:20 Jun 13, 2024

Hi, Marty ! It was indeed a challenge for me to write this because...well, I can't imagine myself being like Zoe and just taking in a relationship, to make decisions without consulting my partner, who will get affected by them. Precisely that. At the end of the day, despite the bulldozing Zoe did to get what she wanted, Will supported her in the end. Thanks for reading this !


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Laurie Spellman
18:49 Jun 12, 2024

This is a sweet love story, but it's also sad and a dichotomy. I enjoyed the dialogue and the premise, even under tearful circumstances. It was well done. I prefer the first person for stuff like this. It wasn't easy to use this style. But it worked.


Alexis Araneta
02:25 Jun 13, 2024

Thank you, Laurie ! Like I said, I wanted to write a story where the conversation on the dance floor was bickering, a contrast between an activity involving grace and clumsy handling of emotions. I'm so happy it worked. As for the use of the second person, well, I've recently been entering a bunch of flash fiction competitions with entries in the second person or first person but addressed to a certain "you". Perhaps, it carried over here. Hahahaha ! Glad you liked it !


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Trudy Jas
15:50 Jun 12, 2024

Zoe sounds exhausting. And a bit selfish. :-) But then if I was terminal, I'd be selfish too. You show Will's frustration very well. His turmoil between what he wants and what he's comfortable with. I do wonder why he's not going with her. Too responsible, I guess. In the paragraph starting: Oh, but of course, ... you switch from "she" to "you". I always find it hard to write from a male POV. But I can't imagine any (hetro) guy being that observant of a girl's outfit. My experience has been "you look nice" is as specific as they get. Gran...


Alexis Araneta
16:12 Jun 12, 2024

Hi, Trudy ! This was...kind of an experiment for me on whether I could write a romance where the leads bicker a lot. Hahahaha ! Yes, Zoe is exhausting, but she's kind of supposed to be. I'm happy that you got Will's frustration. It's truly a struggle for him knowing he loves her and wants to take care of her but knowing it's not what Zoe wants. At the end of the day, she's the one going through the illness, so it's what she needs that's important. Fixed the clarity issues, worry not. As for being observant, well, let's just say guys ca...


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Mary Bendickson
13:45 Jun 12, 2024

She needs to say yes!


Alexis Araneta
13:47 Jun 12, 2024

Thing is, does Zoe want that ? Hmmm....Hahahaha ! Thanks for the read, Mary !


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