Ava Brooks-Day at the Coffee Shop

Written in response to: Write about a character whose name you got from our Character Name Generator.... view prompt



                      Ava Brooks-Day at the Coffee Shop

Ava was sitting at the local coffee shop, The Brew Lounge. It was Friday morning; she had taken an extra day off to have a 3-day weekend. It has been a stressful week at work, and she needs to relax and unwind. Ava pulled out her journal and started journaling using the prompt “On rainy days.”

On rainy days, I love to be at home reading books with ambient music in the background, it’s calming and relaxing, it feels like I am in another world. It takes me away from the real world of chaos, violence, and hatred. I don’t like to be out on the road driving while raining. I don’t understand how some people are driving fast; you know passing by you, and the water splashing on your car, making unable for you to see. Especially at night, when it is pouring down so hard and it’s dark and like you can’t see anything. I was driving from out-of-town one night on my way back home. It was raining some bad; I had to put off on the side of the road to wait for the rain to slow down. Boy, I was so scared. I don’t like when it rains because you get your shoes wet because some of those water puddles you can’t avoid. Wow, doing this writing is so therapeutic for me. I am really enjoying this. Ava placed an order for “Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino Grande and Blueberry Muffin. -oh, so yummy. Ava got back to writing in her journal, since she was on a roll. I didn’t know how much I love to write. Ava selected the writing prompt: "Describe exactly what you see/smell/hear/etc., right now. Include objects, people, and anything else in your immediate environment”.

                                                       What do I See?

A young girl about 19 years old with pink hair sipping on coffee and reading Vogue Magazine

Elderly couple-looking like they are in their early 70s holding hands across the table. so precious- I want that in my life.

Single Mom about 36 years old with 3 kids- those kids were unruly, man I would have left those kids with a babysitter

Three middle-aged females-late 40s and early 50s one has lilac-streaked hair; another one strawberry blonde and the third one has darkish purple hair

Four Elderly Males late 70s all four males have a different shade of gray hair

                         As far as the coffee shop itself, this is what I see:

Abstract and Colorful Paintings on the wall

Merchandise shelf with coffee & tea bags and coffee mugs

Couch with 2 comfy chairs that you have in your living room at home

Tabletop in the middle of the coffee shop

Hardwood Maple Colored Floor

Nice individual round table and chairs

                                                 What do I smell?

Fresh brewing coffee & tea

Fresh-baked cookies & muffins

Fresh- baked bread

                                                     What do I hear?

Barista taking orders from customers

Cash register sound

Coffee Shop Ambience music playing

Pages of Newspaper being turned

Chiming of coffee shop door when people are going in and out

Single Mom telling her kids to be quiet, or they will get a spanking

Elderly couple telling each other “I love you” this is so adorable.

Three middle-aged females were discussing what the plans are for the weekend

Four Elderly Males- I couldn’t make out what they were saying

The Brew Lounge jam-packed. Of course, it would because it is Friday, the beginning of the weekend. Well, enough of my observation for now. Let me get back to writing in my journal. There are so many writing prompts to choose from. This prompt just jumps out at me, and I am going to write about it: Write about why you want to write.

Writing is therapeutic. It allows you to empty all of your thoughts out of your brain on to a page. It’s the poor man therapy. It is a way to get all of those bad feelings that you have out of your head that makes go crazy and snap. My journal is really my best friend because it doesn’t tell other people my business when I confided in them and the next day, everyone knows your business. This is what I needed for so long. My job as a bank loan manager can be very stressful. It so feels good to have a day off to do things that are fun and relaxing, like me coming to this coffee shop today. I need to make a habit of this, once a week. Writing in my journal made me realize how much I love to write. My mom got me a diary when I was 8 years old. Thank you journal for reminding me that writing is an important part of my life. Coming to the coffee shop today has reignited my writing passion. Now, I understand why people love to go to coffee shop, it’s that ambience and coziness that you get. Of course, smell of brewing coffee and fresh-baked cookies and muffins are addicting. Writing is an expression because I can write what I want and how I want. I can write the words that I see fit to write. Writing is also a discovery because you can discover a lot when you are writing things you wouldn’t utter out of your mouth. Writing allows you to create fictional worlds that you want to escape to and live in. I love to use writing prompts when I get stuck and when I want to try something new. Writing Prompts can help writers break writer’s block. Ava discovered that by writing in her journal, she can collect those ideas and write a novel. She had to admit it’s time for her get back into writing a novel. Writing is my passion and best friend. I need to act like it. I can start right now based on my journaling I have done. Those could be ideas and notes that I can develop into a novel. Hello, Ava. It’s shocking to see you here.

January 29, 2022 00:26

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