Drama Mystery Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

"Marquis Leto. I was worried you would be unable to grace us with your presence this evening. It is truly a relief that you could make it."

She curtsied, the ends of her golden dress swishing across the floor as she bent forward.

"Likewise Countess Elizabeth," Leto replied, bowing in turn, "I hope it isn't a disappointment I haven't been able to see you in a few years. Of course, your truly beautiful appearance has yet to change, my lady. " He then lightly grabbed her hand and kissed the top right of her ring finger.

"Of course, Marquis." she chuckled slightly while covering her mouth. "And likewise," she looked off onto the side, "I've heard your abilities have yet to change as well?"

Leto froze for a moment, before, without missing a beat, replying, "Of course, Countess, I am still an unmatched hunter in the night. I have recently just slain three adult stags in the Aden Forest. Their weight made six hunters tumble trying to carry them. In fact, " he motioned with his hand, "there length put together was as long as 7 grown men!"

"That is wonderful Lord Leto." The countess swept her gaze around the hall. "And your territory is doing well? I have heard some glimpses that you're creating a new joint company with," she paused, "some of the younger ones. Are you willing to tell?"

The Marquis shook his head. "Unfortunately my lady, we can't reveal the details yet. Our funds are being put to good use, and the company will allow thousands more to be fed"

"I am sure that the funds will be used responsibly," the Countess said, "and it would be a wonderful thing for more of those bugs to be fed, useless as there." She looked to the side. "Now, I will be off, some ladies are in the obvious need of some advice. Those poor things, they lack even the hint of d. If we get the chance, we should converse some more." She chuckled, and after giving the Marquis another courtesy, left to the gaggle of pretentious noble women. 

A few minutes passed, the nobles all conversing around the decorated hall, before the blare of trumpets marked the beginning of the ceremony.

To the very right of the grand hall was a door, connected to a balcony, its marble pillars decorated with purple banners of the crescent. The guests watched, both the Marquis and Countess included, as the trumpets continued blaring and then with a swish of purple cloth, the crown prince appeared on the balcony.

The entire hall grew silent, the prince looking beyond them and with a wave of his hands started.

"It is my pleasure today to welcome you to our measly abode. I hope it suits your taste." A flurry of laughter came from the crowd, the prince pausing, then continuing again. "It is in the darkest hours that we need hope to shine from the lord. This loss has been great, but fear not. For when shadows occur, light is there beside it. We will take every step which strengthens our arms, which augments the number of our forces, and which increases the strength of our people with this. 

The royal prince paused, then spread his hands out before the crowd.

"Let us rejoice in the opportunity the Lord has given us. The coming generations shall be able to look back with pride upon this day, the day on which a great Lord affirmed the Earth In community." The prince paused again. "No one on this great planet will be able to replace the man. But, this must not be a mourning. Instead, this must be a celebration for what is to come. We must take revenge. We will take revenge against the scourge of the earth. But before our arduous journey, we need some time to recuperate, no?" A flurry of chuckles erupted again. " I will discuss the details of my plan later. So, LET THE FEAST BEGIN!"

With a flurry of applause, servants from the surrounding doors came out holding tables and lavish plates of food. The nobles were all seated.

"Marquis Leto, what a coincidence! It seems as if our match is fated", the Countess said, looking at the man sitting across from her.

He let out a gruff sigh, before replying, "it seems so my lady. And it is a pleasure for Lord Eventide and … Lord Nicholas to join us as well." He nodded at two men, one wearing a blue suit sitting a seat apart from him and the other wearing all black

"Oh, Baron Eventide! I didn't notice you there, what good for you to join us! How have you been these past couple of months, we haven't heard from your duchy in the capitol in so long."

A hoarse, almost gravel-like voice said, "It has been a good time, lady Elizabeth. He let out a cough. "Unfortunately, my health has been growing weary by the day. My efforts to contact the capitol were futile, as, you know, the weather up in the north."

"Of course, of course, it was no problem, merely a curiosity of mine. But the reclamation program is still successful, I presume?"

"No, unfortunately, it has been difficult the past weeks. " He glanced at Leto. "Our food shortages are making progress difficult and the land refuses to bend. Our researchers have tried to find solutions. " He shrugged. "but so far, we have not had any breakthroughs."

"And what about you, Count Nicholas?" the Countess asked, switching targets. 

"All is well."

His short words were followed by silence, and for a couple seconds of nothing was said.

Then the Countess giggled before saying, "That is wonderful. As for me, my business has been majorly successful in the capitol." She gave out another chuckle. "more and more nobles are visiting each day at our establishment for our services." She gave a wink. "And our girls enjoy it as well. But speaking of, I wonder who else will grace us with their presence tonight."

All three stared at the empty seat located at their table, a seemingly lacking space between the Countess and the Marquis. Baron Eventide swished his head around, before looking back in apparent fear. It disappeared after a moment as if it had not been there, before he said, "It looks like his excellence, the crown prince seems to brighten us with his company tonight."

When the countess and Marquis looked behind, they could see the prince marching down the aisle, slipping past tables while greeting some with nods and others with a  'good evening'. Regardless if they had been named or not, all who he passed rose and bowed or curtisied in response.

He finally reached their table. 

"Oh, it seems like there is an open space at the table. If I may." He took a seat without expecting nor getting a refusal. After the usual greetings by the nobles seated at the table, the prince flashed a small grin, then spoke to the Countess. "My Lady, you are growing more and more beautiful as time grows on. Your beauty products have been a wonder to my body, and I expect you have been using them as well."

"Thank you, my prince, it is my pleasure you are enjoying my products. My condolences," she took his hand, " that you had to make such an event for us on such a depressing night."

"Do not worry, my Countess, it is alright. While it will be hard to fill my empty heart, the sacrifice will allow us to grow so much further. My brother … He …"  The prince paused. 

"As expected of my prince. Oh! I know you haven't met Baron Eventide before. He supplies most of the resources used for my products, he truly is a great help."

"Splendid, good fellow, how are you tonight?"

Eventide coughed before reaching across the table, and said, "I am wonderful tonight my Lord. It is a sadness I have only come during this dark time, but I hope it doesn't anger you so. The North is an unrelenting beast you see."

"No worries my fellow, all is well, at least you have joined us tonight."

Three servants, carrying plates of food and glasses of red wine came to the table, and gave each guest a plate. The lavish food captured the guests eyes, as they looked at the mountains of foie gras, caviar, and premium bread. 

"We shall discuss after we dine," said the prince, "I have much to ask. Marquis Leto." He looked at the prince. "If you will be so inclined to talk with me privately, it will be a pleasure. it is merely a discussion about your southern estates."

"Of course, no problem my prince"

"Thank you, let us now eat."'

The countess, baron, marquis, count, and prince all began to eat delicately, taking small bites with knives and forks, all except the baron, having impeccable behavior. While the other four ate slowly, savoring the food, the baron ate like a monster, though it would have seemed normal to commoners, to the nobles, it was a frightening sight. They also made small talk in between bites, while the baron, obviously held no regard for conversation during his meals

The prince then took a sip of his glass. After swirling it around, grasping it by the bottom of the chalice, he took a small sip. Then put it down. 

A few moments of eating continued, before without warning, the prince grabbed his neck, and with a cough, blood frothed from his mouth.

"PRINCE! What happened!" the countess cried, rising up from her seat in panic and her chair sliding back. Both the baron and Marquis rose up and rushed toward the prince. The nobles at the surrounding tables, broke from their conversations due to the screams of the Countess, all recoiled at the sight of the frothing and bleeding prince. Some then began to wail, break down, others began to run out of the room, trying to get servants to bring a doctor. 

Cries of murder began to be thrown around the room, and the prince who stayed in the middle of nobles not knowing what to do, began to thrash around wildly. 

Over the cries of the crowd, the Marquis yelled out, "GUARDS! Go get a doctor! Bring all the servants and gather them in the hall. One of them must be the perpetuator! Don't waste a second."

The few guards who had remained in the room all rushed out.

The Countess burst from the circle and cried "PRINCE!" while falling to the floor. The Baron came from behind her and pulled her hand, urging her to stay away, but to no avail. When she touched his hand, the prince shook for a final time, before finally, stopping moving all together. She began to wail, "The prince is dead! Someone has murdered him!"

February 21, 2024 23:28

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