The Wind in the Willows

Written in response to: Write a story titled 'The Wind in the Willows'.... view prompt



The wind in the willows is jolly,

An old friend older than time.

The wind in the willows has no folly,

And is an old friend of mine.

She spends her days singing,

A beautiful and happy tune.

The wind in the willows is singing,

Beneath the light of the moon.

Her songs are soothing and breezy,

A tale of a warm and cool night.

The wind in the willows is singing,

A tale of when everything was right.

She prefers her days in brightness,

In times when the bad is all gone.

The wind in the willows hates darkness,

And wishes the days would move on.

The wind in the willows is patient,

A kind soul who listens to pain.

The wind is the willows is gracious,

Never once hurtful or vain.

The wind is the willows is not perfect,

For she has enemies too.

Her enemies number plentifully,

Beneath the light of the moon.

The heat and the cold are oppressive,

They wish to take her away.

The heat and the cold are possessive,

And keep her sweet songs at bay.

They silence her songs in the winter,

In summer she appears to be small.

The heat and the cold hope she is injured,

And that she will disappear for all.

The wind in the willows is not silent.

She does not idly sit by.

The wind in the willows may be violent,

And show why she rules in the sky.

"Away with ye idle oppressors!

Thou shalt not stand on this ground!

Away with ye foul digressers!

Thou shalt be fallen aground!"

And with a powerful voice her song screams,

Her innocence and timid self away.

The wind in the willows becomes angry,

And she conquers the villains today.

In her wrath she forgets her one covenant,

A promise as old as the time.

The wind in the willows was benevolent,

But now curses the days in her eyes.

Her song is no longer peaceful,

Her voice is now weary and low.

The wind in the willows retreats back,

To where she came long ago.

The wind in the willows was happy,

The first and the last to be made.

The wind in the willows was truthful,

And she never was angry or swayed.

Her beliefs were taller than treetops,

And more rigid than the hardest stone.

The wind in the willows was unfazed,

And never did she go alone.

Now that her oppressors are gone,

Banished for all to see.

The wind in the willows is changed,

Her happiness and youthfulness flied.

She runs wild, loudly, and rampant,

Her songs are destructive and vain.

The wind in the willows is untampered,

And her fast songs cause so much pain.

The storms in the night follow her,

On her journey to the unknown.

The wind in the willows is lost now,

On a journey to find her way home.

The wind in the willows was jolly,

With not a care in the world.

The wind in the willows was peaceful,

Until her darkness unfurled.

Anger and violence surrounds us,

These common ways all appeal.

But listen to this one long warning,

And hear what new cards we could deal.

Destruction, pain, and solitude.

A world that knows no love.

Is this what the wind would have wanted?

Did she hope for this from above?

The wind in the willows would sorrow,

if she were to see us today.

The wind in the willows would shake her head,

Shake her head and turn away.

The wind in the willows,

My old friend.

Her songs now degraded with time.

The wind in the willows,

My best friend.

Now put down to a rhyme.

Please heed the words of the willow wind,

As her songs are now far and few.

Listen to the words of the willow wind,

And pray that you can change too.

Become what the willow wind had once been:

A happy, cheerful soul.

A spirit that flowed through everyone.

A spirit that never grew old.

This spirit still lives inside us.

Her brother, the holier Man.

Do as He tells you to do.

Listen to all He commands.

The Man's spirit shall guide you.

Forward and never astray.

Let this Man be your shelter,

Allow Him to please let you pray.

Though the old times of perfection are over,

And now sin and pain will increase.

Never forgot the first lesson:

The holy Ones never decease.

Become what the willow wind had once been:

A happy, cheerful soul.

A spirit that flowed through everyone.

A spirit that never grew old.

Become this old willow wind in your heart,

Never to judge or to blame.

Allow love and hopefulness to fill you,

And allow Him to take away your pain.

The wind in the willows is gone now.

Her songs have henceforth ceased.

The wind in the willows is now mute,

With no more songs to sing.

The willow wind is up in Heaven,

Alongside her Father's throne.

She sings to Him songs of worship,

And allows Him to enter her home.

The wind in the willows has died off.

Not something to be praised.

No, we should sing songs to her Father,

The One who erases all pain.

Her Father created her firstly.

A coolness the battle the heat.

Her Father defended her faithfully,

A truth that we should repeat.

We should worship her Father,

Not some earthly objects or gold.

We should worship the Father,

And let Him take over our souls.

When the wind in the willows was taken,

When she sang with her very last breath.

The Lord God took her upon Him,

And took all her sins on Himself.

The Lord God of Heaven and earth.

He came down to die for our pain.

The Lord God of Heaven and earth,

He's taken our souls in His name.

We should worship her Father,

Not some earthly objects or gold.

We should worship the Father,

And let Him take over our souls.

Once the willow wind was taken,

She was herself once again.

The wind in the willows was never shaken,

Not even when her destruction came in.

The wind in the willows was cheerful,

A spirit as old as the time.

The wind in the willows was gracious,

And listened with every new rhyme.

The wind in the willows is jolly,

An old friend older than time.

The wind in the willows has no folly,

And is an old friend of mine.

April 28, 2024 19:13

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Mary Bendickson
15:03 Apr 29, 2024

So wise for one so young. Such a beatifully written love poem.💖wonderful. Well done.


A.B. Writer
20:37 Apr 29, 2024

I was worried that I was just kind of yapping along as I wrote this, because it has so much going on all at once. I'm so happy you liked it!


Mary Bendickson
22:33 Apr 29, 2024

It is lovely.


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