Crime Drama Fiction

Standing by Terrance, his arm around her as if the chill in the air had made Belinda cold. That morning watching the Sun rise with all its glistening shimmers of yellow warmth creeping over the hilltops squinting at the brightness to the end of a long night of sleeplessness, tear-stained eyes in the middle of the Montana wilderness near the One Bedroom Cabin off Glacier Lake that Marian and Belinda had Alt-time-shared. However, Marian was the one who wanted to break the partnership up and take the Bakery business in another direction.

I had told you before Marian, take the business, give me the Cabin plus the ten acres it is on! Belinda tried to not get angry.

NO, I want to spend time here, when I am off work. She snapped.

I own half of everything. How did you think this was going to turn out? Me being the pushover friend that you just buy out at some low prices so you can profit. It’s on you Marian, not me.

Belinda? I turn with my eyes burning as I stared at him. Snapping at him, WHAT? Terrance.

Putting up both of his hands, shaking his head and backing away every step a struggle not to trip on the overstuffed fur rug. Nothing Bee. 

Belinda turns back to Marian, who was shooting daggers with her intense stare, Belinda could almost see the Heat rising off Marian’s skin from it.

Belinda, she began again. You really need to be reasonable. I will give you your share of the business in cash and we can do the Timeshare as always.

NO, Belinda shouted, you are leaving me with nothing! She spewed as she walks toward Marian without thinking, Grabs the fireplace poker and hits her with it.

Marian's face went pale white, her eyes widened with a glassy look overcoming her went down hard as the crack of the poker against her head echoed in the room, In that instant she fell to the floor with a thud of her head. The pool of blood that formed around her, Shocked Belinda and made her wrench dry heaves, her stomach twisting in knots.

Oh My God Bee' Terrance shouted what have you done?

Tears swelled in Belinda’s eyes. She' She pissed me off, I lost my Head. Oh God, Terrance, what am I going to do.

We will have to clean this up. Is anyone going to be looking for her?

No. she had started nothing yet, not even the loan to pay me off. She told me she wanted to meet me here to have a talk about her Idea's for the Bakery first before getting the paperwork and loan for the buyout.

Okay, so we clean up this mess, bury her body and then return to the city in two days as we had planned.


Yes, Bee replied, numb from all that had just occurred. Let me get my breath I need some air. With that she half stumbled outside into the darkness standing on the porch.

Terrance brought her a cup of chamomile tea, 

He put the cup in her hand and said this will calm your nerves and relax you. I will clean the mess.

she looked up at him with tears rolling down her face, she couldn’t find the words to thank him. He could easily go to the police and get free from all this, but that was Her Terrance, a man who loved her for her with all her faults. (I don’t deserve you she thought that managed to crack a semi smile in his direction.)

Why did she have to be such a Bitch? she was the only Female best friend I had.

it is okay bee just try not to think and stay calm. It will all work out.

Terrance then went back inside. She just stood there sipping the Tea, numb inside.

Belinda Melbourne’s anger had always cause trouble for her. but Marian was the only one she’d had never gotten angry with not like she just did. (OMG, she thought, I am a terrible person and a Killer. She went inside then to into help Terrance. He was wrapping the body in a shower curtain and masking tape.

He paused and said in a gentle tone. You are not a Killer Belinda, I heard you. and You just have anger issues sometimes. I love you just the way you are honey! Don’t forget that.

I’m not. Belinda looked at him still not feeling anything. As the tears began to flow again.

Let me help. This is my mess she said.

No I got it you get the bucket with the Clorox and pine sol to clean the blood off the hardwood floor.

Okay, Belinda turned and went to the kitchen, filling the bucket with the cleaning solutions returned and scrubbed the area till it was almost chalky white.

Once the body was wrapped and loaded into the back of the jeep both got into the jeep and drove to the far north west corner of the mountain range on Belinda’s land and they buried the body and pushed a boulder over the grave.

Sweat dripping from Terrance’s face he brushed it away with his forearm and said lets get back to the cabin as he threw the two shovels in the back.

He hopped into the drivers seat turned the ignition and the engine jumped to  life with a loud roar, then hurled over hill tops and  crevasses till they arrived at the cabin. It was starting to turn day light. And they both stood looking at the sun rise over the mountain tops.

Two days later:

Well I think I’ve got everything Terrance says. Then looks at Belinda, You ready?

Terrance, she begins….

I think I’m going to stay a few more days, can you come get me on Tuesday? It is not going to hurt the bakery if it is closed a few days. Business has been good. I could really use the time alone.

Suspicion in his eyes, he looks long and hard at her, you can’t mean to stay here. After all that you’ve been through.

 As a matter of Fact, I think it’s just what I need. Time to come to grips with my actions.

 Just promise me you will not dwell on all this to long. Terrance said in a weary tone. He knew her to well. But she didn’t think he did.

I promise Belinda said. Knowing full well that it was all she could think about.

She kissed him long and hard once he loaded his stuff in the Jeep. He gave her one last pleading look come with me.

She cracked a smile and said be off with you now, I’ll see you on Tuesday night.

Okay, he semi smiled. I’ll see you then. The engine came to life as the jeep crunched the rocks of pebbles beneath its tires.

Belinda stood there as the jeep disappeared, she could still hear the slight roar of the motor. It was most likely at the dirt road turn off to the main road then 45-mile drive to the interstate for another hour and a half drive to the city.

Belinda walked around back and stood looking over Glacier Lake. She stared out at the lite ripples from Tree’s over hanging onto the lake and dropping dew mist drops into the lake. memory of Marian and how’d they’d met at college Popped into her mind, she was outgoing and fun to be around. It was Marian that Suggested they to go into business together.  The years of trading off dudes like they were cupcakes and partying until all hours of the morning just to crash and burn during mid-term finals that first year. It went on like that for the remaining 4 years of business school they’d attended together. Before Belinda knew it, the Sun had gone down and the moon was rising with sparkles of moon beams dancing across the lake beckoning like a friend.

Belinda pulled off her shoes and dove into the lake swam to the middle wear she knew she’d never swim back and just stopped kicking to stay afloat.

This is what I deserve Marian for what I did to you My beloved friend. was her last thought before she went under and never surfaced again. 

November 13, 2020 21:05

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