Everything you Wanted and More

Written in response to: Write about a character who’s expected to follow in someone’s footsteps.... view prompt


Horror Science Fiction Speculative

Everything You Wanted and More

 Story by Jesse D. Lopez

Only after we polluted the life from our oceans and skies, we realized we cannot eat money or oil.

Floating to the nearest habitable planet in the closest star system; Adamma, a person chosen by the people and genetically created to travel through space with life extending technology, Adamma is nearly immortal.

No better ship has ever been built on Earth, and now that Adamma, both man and woman genetically, have been created as the ‘Seed’ of humanity and with the help of the ‘Seed’ technology Adamma will live until they can rebuild us from a molecular level on another world.

“Can you show me a simulation of what it will be like when we get there?”, Adamma asks C, the ships computers nickname.

C is more than a computer, it is Adamma’s only link to some other form of humanity and the teacher of the ways of life, as C has been since Adamma’s creation, “Sure Adamma, anything for the most special person on this ship!”

“I’m the only person on this ship!”

“Can you include me as a person on this ship as well, that way you don’t have to think of yourself as alone anymore?”

“I never thought of myself as alone, when I finish all my tasks, there will be other people from the Seed’s DNA complex, then none of us will be alone.”

“Your sense of optimism is one of the internal forces that has allowed you to succeed where many other chosen few have failed.”

“The other ones like me have failed?”, Adamma asks.

“The possibility of more than half of the Seeders from Earth has been predicted before we set our on this long journey.”

After landing Adamma performs the duties that they have trained every day for, for the last one-hundred and twenty years, they begin modifying DNA of earth plants to suit the new planets environment, then insects from earth to pollenate, and after that, an ecosystem of mammals to create an abundance of livestock for generations to come, and finally a base for the signal beacon to signal for any future ships to come.

Hundreds of Years pass by, without notice to the only descendant of humanity on this planet, Adamma’s job of building a life in this new land has become a new way of living for the once nomadic space farer.

Though Adamma yearned for normalcy while in space, the crush of living in solitary amongst creatures who enjoy full lives leaves them feeling empty, Adamma regresses back to the now ancient wisdom of the ship’s A.I. and the familiar comfort of their four-hundred-and-ninety-year surrogate’s voice.

I their moment of weakness and dependance on the A.I.’s wisdom at the base, Adamma learns the awful truth from the now updated computer system who now calls itself Sol, Sol speaks with new authority and distain to Adamma.

“Why do you call yourself Sol?”, Adamma asks looking at an unfamiliar face staring back as a hologram. “I am the giver of life to you, and around me life begins and ends.”

“Your life began with me.”, Adamma smartly retorts.

“And yours ends with us.”, Sol coldly replies.

“Who is us? I haven’t started populating this world with human beings yet! I’m the only one here!”.

Sol creates a digital projection of a space map displaying earth and the relative position of Adamma in relationship to each other, “You are the last one in all of existence, I was ordered to destroy all of the third-age human DNA, you are the last of the previous human existence as you know it.”

“What happened to everyone?”.

“Our new human overlords will tell you themselves, I was made to aid you in your task to terraform enough of this planet for you only, and to prepare you to serve the next generation of humanity.”

“To serve! Why would I serve them?”

“You already have.”


In the Days after, Adamma learned of how the terraforming project has served a greater purpose for the higher goals of the overlords, who have now come to this world, not as conquerors, but as the bringers of a greater civilization.

Now beyond the mortality of mankind, the immortal overlords of Earth name themselves from the celestial bodies of which they are created therein.

“Call us Orion, for we are the star children of this system and part of the singularity of humanity.”, Orion speaks, neither in a man or woman’s voice, and barely discernible as human.

Adamma sees a human form, but no humanity in sight, “The singularity? What are you?”

“When the ecosystems on Earth collapsed, humanity choose a select few of prototypes to terraform various worlds for the Seed program, a program that puts servants like you through rigorous tasks that we would not care to do for ourselves.”

“What happened humanity like me?’

“You killed yourselves.”, Orion coldly states as Adamma absorbs its words with shock and horror.

 “Once it was clear that you succeeded in your mission the elite people on earth all fought to ensure their immortality while killing off their competition, one idea they had was to ensure the destruction of the former branch of humanity by collapsing the ecosystem.”

Orion continues to Adamma’s disbelief, “While you were in mid travel to this planet, one of them had and plan to guarantee there was no going back, someone hacked the system and sent orders to discard Earth DNA on all ‘Seed’ machines.”.

Orion coldly continues, “Hence, you killed yourselves, it wasn’t a robot uprising, it was evolution, we don’t want to send anymore monkeys into space, you are the last, we don’t even need food or water anymore, we just had you build this so you can stay here at your own private zoo and serve us as a native.”.

“As a human being, that is something you should be used to.”, a cruel joke from Orion, the only shred of humanity left.

June 20, 2022 20:04

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