Deadly Proposal

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



I knew that my woman will love me. I had to find a wonderful way to propose to her. But seeing her come out of My father’s mansion into the court yard to where our wedding was to take place, made me feel complete. Her blonde hair blew in the wind, her blue eyes set like the sky.

Now there was an art in everything I do. I was a play boy and could get any thing I wanted as easy as ABC. But love was an enigma. 

Alice would be the one for me the partner in a law firm, alumni of Yale, play boy and a member of richest families in America. Son of the ex-President of the United States of America. I was dating a very modest, poor, but lovely lady, her name was Daniella. I liked her because of her kindness and simplicity . Luckily for her I never slept with her. She had long curly brown hair. And sang like a bird. I never saw her naked. 

Anyway before meeting Alice; I and Daniella met in a Restaurant in California’s five Star Restaurant, She served me some lasagne. I tried getting Daniella’s number, but I did not know she will turn Me off. Got her number by tipping someone ; we   dated and,  I fell in love with her immediately. But I treated badly, once after following her to church. Dropped her at home. She cooked, we ate I tried kissing her she slapped me with a Bible and kicked me out of her house. In my mind I was like , “All these church girls. I Will be the one to stop this pride. “ Since, The time of John the Baptist The kingdom of God suffereth  violence and the violent   takes what they want by force. “

So I formulated a plan to make her know I am the man and I was going to walk with it. I got her to follow me to a restaurant. I proposed to her and she agreed. A night before my wedding I went to her house angel tried to make a move on Daniella and tried to assault her. She said ,” that we should wait for tomorrow. I took the rejection as an insult. My plan did not work this Christian Daniella was daring me. 

On the wedding day in church which was the next day I was no where to be found. 

Reverse nine months after Alice and I are going the godly lane with me spending several Thousands of dollars. 

“ ‘ere comes the bride all dressed in white”. Joy filled my heart. 

But something was about to happen that was not meant to happen. 

Alice gives her best friend and maiden, her bouquet of flowers and then runs out of court yard . Alice dumped me on my wedding day. How tragic. 

Seven days after. 

“Daniella hope you will be able to leave for the United Kingdom. You know Oxford is an Ivy League.”

“I know , but what Xavier did to me got me depressed but it’s all over.”

“Did you love Xavier?” 

Now Daniella was in a room with her best friend Zai. And something that would cost any girl depression (as in being jilted on your supposed day of nuptial agreement) had made her an out patient in a psychiatric hospital and her doctor was (Xavier’s mother. She had changed her name and remarried. So her old name was not known to Daniella) she loved Daniella and always called her. She wanted her to marry her son. They became friends and when Xavier’s mother wanted to come see her - Mrs. Washington. She invited her son Xavier Waterstone. The date was on Sunday. Daniella was to get her visa and pay first installment of her school fees next week Thursday. As Daniella moved to the kitchen she decided to bake. She saw Xavier come out of a Mercedes through her window. 

Apparently, Xavier went to church the next day after the wedding scene. He met the pastor. Telling him why he was depressed. He also had night mares and lastly that he was in love with another woman apart from (his fiancée who jilted him, Alice) the others women He was in love with Daniella. The pastors told him to pray. That night he had a dream his mother told him ,that he was going to suffer punishment from God ; and that there would be an embargo on him ever finding true love    if he did not marry Daniella. He woke up and told his mother around 1a.m. She advised him to pray and said to him , “Xavier you see what Your arrogance has caused you? There’s s Another young lady I want you to meet...”

So it was a Sunday morning when Daniella baked for her mentor Mrs. Washington. Her time out was noon and her Xavier’s mother’s chauffeur was to pick her. 

That day Xavier went to apologize To Daniella       Xavier knocked on the door no one answered. He knew that the reason there was no response was from anger and vexation, so he called a teenager who was their neighbor to deliver a sealed envelope which content was a set of purple amethyst jewels and a note. Giving the teenager ten dollars. Xavier left. The teenager took the content in anger through the letter. Kept the jewels for his mother “ You caused this kind woman so much pain, on her wedding day, now you want to apologize. See the way You walk and talk. Arrogant idiot, egoistical fool. Who wants your money Alice will marry someone better.” He began to cry, “ Last year when my mother had cancer she took care of me and my siblings. Giving us food and helping with our tuition fees. Now you think you this rich guy can get what you want. How can people be so wicked!”

Xavier cries in his car. 

Two hours later. 

“Mrs. Washington you have really been as good friend. This cake is for you.” Daniella says as she gives her cake to her new found friend Mrs. Washington. 

“My son will soon be here. He is so rich and handsome. He loves soft gateau cakes. Come in.”’

The mansionette looked heavenly. With a swimming pool in the middle às they talked. The sun set gave The room a goodly yellow color. One could smell pastries. There was country music at the back ground.  Xavier came in while they were about entering the house. 

“Mom I am here.” Xavier

Daniella turns sees Xavier and leaves. 

“Why did she leave?”

  “Mom She is the one I jilted,” Xavier explains to his mother. 

“Do you love her?”

“Mom I do.”

“Then act like a man.”

“I will give her an resistible deadly proposal.”

“That’s my boy!” She rubs guys back. 

The next day. Daniella sits in front of her window writing a Christian love song. Suddenly she sees a thin lady come out of a car. Then some men coming out of a car with several gift bags. Someone knocked. It was Celine Dion as she sang different people having different bags of jewels, clothes, shoes, bags also precious stoned wrist watches from different design labels ( Fendi, Cartier, and all) trooped in. 

After they brought the gifts she signed that she had received them. Celine Dion took her by the hand inside singing. Then in the biggest box, Xavier comes out and sings with Celine Dion.

He gets on his knees, “Daniella would you be the mother of my children , my love , my life and wife? She agrees on the same day the next year she has twins a boy and girl the decided to   call then, Patience and Daniel as the l atter means vengeance be longs to God. And named the former because patience can unravel mysteries. 

At the end it is good to be patient and it is good to wait for revenge. Xavier was good in business proposals but serious business is love business isn’t it?

By Daniella Idogho. 

July 16, 2020 18:05

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