Fiction Inspirational Happy

It was the Butterfly Gardener Event that was open to the public and Master Gardeners in the local area of Humbum and Syrein were definitely excited about it. This had been the first event that she ever heard of that included gardening activities and seed exchanges. Her passion grew over the past 5 years in regards to gardening landscaping photography and permaculture as a whole. Moreover, the importance of community gardens became her focus although she didn't live in an area that had much understanding of this or outwardly supported movements regarding the significance of Nature. Determined to make a difference, she reached out to a community master gardener committee and expressed her passion and was quickly shunned away so it seemed to her.

From: sirencall@echo.to


Wed 8/10/2022 9:50 AM


I am interested in becoming an Master Gardner and would like to know when your next training program is. I'm deeply inspired to bettering the environment in respect to Nature. Also, are there any volunteering positions available within the gardening project or the like, such as planting more trees, etc.?

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

Syrein Waren

From: hatelynnj@mastergardner.edu

To: sirencall@echo.to

Wed 8/10/2022 10:03 AM

Our next training class starts in September.

Hatelynn Wicken

“Nice. Just overlook my question about volunteering. Okay.” Syrein muttered in annoyance.

From: sirencall@echo.to

To: hatelynnj@mastergardner.edu

Wed 8/10/2022 10:56 AM


Is there a cost or registration area I need to sign up for now?

Do you have a link to any information regarding it, like the location and etc.?

From: hatelynnj@mastergardner.edu

To: sirencall@echo.to

Wed 8/10/2022 11:24 AM

We are currently organizing the program and do not have that particular information at this time. More information will be posted to our website in a couple of weeks. Generally it's between $3,000 and $4,994.

Syrein huffed. “And the website would be?” The correspondent didn't seem to offer additional help whatsoever. “Just when I thought gardeners were actually more friendlier than New Yorkers.” Syrein chuckled.

From: sirencall@echo.to


Thu 8/10/2022 12:36 PM


And that website would be?

No response.

Syrein began to search for a website that had anything to do with master gardening in the area and what it detailed and found interesting information that seemed a bit exclusive and she worried about what her money would really be supporting since it didn't appear that the program walked it's talk. The elaborate detail about building community gardens among impoverished areas in which she resided in was not a reality she saw. Not only was the gardener coordinator hard to reach, but she was curt and unhelpful. The cost for the program to receive a certification was almost the amount of a 2012 Ford Focus! It seemed like highway robbery to take from people that genuinely had a concern for the environment.

After a hot yoga class later that week, Syrein overheard the instructor talking with one of the students about a photography group that instantly peaked her interest and she inquired about it.

“There's a Butterfly Gardener Event next Wednesday and some of the group members are going to be there shooting if you want to come and meet them.” The student pleasantly informed Syrein.

“Really? That's interesting because I am also looking into the Master Gardener program. Funny, the coordinator I spoke to mentioned nothing about an event coming up.” Syrein said, perplexed.

“Well, come along with us. I'm volunteering with them.” The yoga instructor said proudly.

This certainly raised more concerns with Syrein because of the misinformation she saw online and the overall lack of information she received. However, she was grateful to have been in the right place at the right time to hear about this event.

Syrein was beyond excited and looking forward to a gathering of like minds; sharing photography and gardening with a consciousness for the environment. She wondered what she could do to help to improve it herself. She arrived at the farm where the event was taking place, meeting up with the yoga instructor and the student who both seemed a bit standoffish as opposed to the other night after class. They both seemed to size Syrein up, dressed like she was ready for a picnic with a camera around her neck. It was like night and day in their attitudes. As the two approached Syrein, she overheard the cashier giving an attendee conflicting information regarding the Master Gardner training course.

“Oh, we didn't even expect for you to come, Syrein. There's a cover charge, I forgot to mention that.” The instructor said smiling.

“Why wouldn't I come, Alice? I've been looking forward to this event. I assumed there would be a cover charge. How much? $20?” Syrein said dodging Alice's sarcasm.

“Actually it's $10 but you can contribute more if you like.” The student replied.

“Even better. $10 it is.” Syrein smiled and walked up to the table to pay the cashier with a name tag that read “Hattie”. She continued. “Maybe I'll meet up with you ladies later. I'm going to have a look around.”

The cashier asked, “Would you like to participate in a raffle for $5? We have a guest speaker who is a environmentalist educator holding the raffle at the end of the day. There's a lot of fun prizes to win, but there is a grand prize that even we don't know about. The guest speaker will elaborate on that at the time of drawing.”

“Sure, why not?” Syrein shrugged, took the ticket and wrist band and asked. “Are you Hatelynn Wicken?”

“Yes ma'am, I am.” She responded.

“I just wanted to inquire about the next training course for the Extensive Master Gardener. When is it and how much would it be?”

“Yes ma'am, it started August 8th-November 9th for 12 weeks virtually and the cost was in total $160 and $203.88 if you would like to receive a hard copy manual with the course.” Hatelynn explained.

“Interesting! So the cost isn't 4,994 dollars?”

Hatelynn unintentionally gulped. “Oh no ma'am.”

A fellow cashier overheard and asked, “Who told you that, ma'am?”

Syrein, pulled her phone out her bag to open her email and showed them both the corresponding emails from her and Hatelynn.

“There must be some sort of typo there.” Hatelynn stated nervously. The fellow cashier apologized to Syrein profusely and offered to waive the hard copy manual fee should she decide to take the course the following year since the deadline had now passed. But Syrein had declined and simply walked onto the farm to explore what the Master Gardner's contribution was honestly about.

Although the farm was endowed with a massive acreage of 60, it wasn't what Syrein had expected. There were more farm animals than trees and plants. It all seemed like a make-shift of an event that had not been planned out. There was an area under a great oak tree where a long table stood with 4 buckets of seed packets. Another area for children to run about, chasing chickens and goats. And centered at the entrance of the farm were approximately 8 raised garden beds with several kinds of plants. The effort was made but Syrein wasn't impressed. Still, she found beauty in the oaks, cedars, and ash trees. And every daffodil, dandelion, and cosmos she witnessed, she snapped with her camera gratefully. She noticed 3 little girls carrying blooming sunflowers following behind a gardener volunteer to help with re-planting them under a Purple-Leaf Plum tree. Syrein photographed them nostalgically, beaming with happiness as if she was remembering someone dear.

Making her way back around the entire farm after shooting a few short videos of horses, the gathering of gardeners, volunteers, and attendees enjoying the festivities, Syrein went to the seed exchange table and provided 4 packets. Squash, corn, and beans native to the land and in honor of the event, butterfly pea, a natural attraction for butterflies, birds, and bees.

“Hello, Ms. young lady.” Said an unrecognizable accent of a calm tone deeper than 18 ocean floors of the Mediterranean Sea.

Syrein looked up and took in such a rapture of regal beauty. She thought: “If Banyan trees could transform to humans, he is what they would look like...

“Hi, there. Respectful of you to mention my age.” Syrein smiled.

“Oh, I apologize.” He said baffled.

“No need to apologize.”

“I am Imad, -may I ask your beautiful name?” Imad slightly stammered with a faint language barrier.

“Nice to meet you, Imad. How do you know my name is beautiful?” Syrein asked with wonder.

“I can only imagine your name would match how stunning-you are.” He responded, completely mystified.


Imad smiled right away almost in confirmation to what he may have thought her name may be.

“I travel along with the guest speaker as chef. I also help parents with nutritional education for their children as part of a Community Food Initiative in Galway. If you get hungry, please stop by...” He pointed in the direction where parents were helping their children prepare their food. He continued. “I have Nature grown tomatoes and herbs from Ireland, for tomato pies.”

“Sure thing. I will certainly come by.” She agreed.

“It was very nice to have met you. Do you mind?” Imad held out his hand for consent of her hand and Syrein was intrinsically guided to lift her hand into his. He kissed it and graciously walked back to his station dutifully.

An announcer instructed everyone to gather around the entrance where the guest speaker would be making a brief educational lecture.

“Vivienne Marigold has worked side by side with Mary Reynolds, a Bestseller author of 'The Garden Awakening' and the founder of the global movement 'We are the ARK' and is here today to present some edification on gardening and natural Nature living as well as presenting the raffle. Thank you for joining us, all the way from Ireland!” The announcer began to clap and the audience followed suit.

Vivienne stood humbly, “Thank you everyone. I'm glad you all were able to make it here today. I won't keep you too long. It's makes such a difference to take the step in planting, not just landscaping but allowing Nature to be wild while co-existing with Her. That is Mary's vision brought to life in respect to her ARK foundation encouraging gardeners and volunteers all around the world to grow your own food and to let Nature grow naturally providing food and habitat for all the other creatures as well, because we are completely dependent on them. Allow Nature the space and give back and you will know true abundance. This type of sovereignty is priceless and has made me rethink horticulture in its entirety. Think of yourselves not as gardeners but guardians of the land. For that is the Act of Restorative Kindness to the Earth. Permaculture matters, Nature matters, biodiversity matters. There is no separation. Remember that. And now getting on with it, I present to you, the raffle. We have so many giveaways-”

Vivienne continued while Syrein looked over noticing Alice and the yoga student along with the photography group, signaling for her to come over. Syrein smiled and nodded mouthing. “No, thank you.”

The look on Alice's face, could barely hide her snootiness and disappointment. She walked over to Syrein while the ticket numbers were being called, with a the newly appointed team leader of the photography group, Phil. A medium height, stocky built elder man that had an inhuman inferior demeanor.

“I wanted you to meet the team leader of the photography group you inquired about at yoga class last week.”

“Nice to meet you.” Phil bellowed extending his hand however Syrein looked at it and smiled and politely nodded her head.

“And nice to meet you.” She said.

Phil fell slightly embarrassed as he put his hand back down at it his side and asked. “So you're interested in joining? What do you shoot with?” he quizzed.

“No, I'm no longer interested, thanks. Sorry for any trouble. I more so am here to gain more expertise on permaculture and Nature living.” Syrein stated simply.

Alice glared.

“Nature is pretty boring to photograph and no one really wants to see it. You need a subject in my opinion.” Phil went on adding unsolicited information. “Too cool for handshakes?” Phil whimpered.

“No, being cool has nothing to do with energy exchange.”

“I don't follow, come again?” A puzzled Phil frowned.

“I wouldn't expect you to. Thanks but no thanks, Alice. Enjoy your yoga studio...” Syrein said then mumbled, “while it's still open.” Syrein floated by them to stand closer to the mother with her 3 daughters and instantly was reminded of her own mother.

After announcing 27 raffle winners, it was down to the grand prize that no one knew what detailed.

Vivienne took a breath and stated. “Now for the grand prize winner. This prize includes an invitation to the Abhainn Chara Festival held every year in Galway, Ireland to celebrate the ancient woodlands for 4 days hosted by the Abhainn Da Loilioch Group and Mary Reynolds will be a guest speaker/educator on day 1 along with several educators. Talks and workshops include biodiversity, forestry, music, and so much more. And if you're a photographer which I notice we have a few groups here today-hello! You will be alongside Mary and many others to help film a docu-series on this year's talk and will be handsomely compensated. This package also includes flight and hotel accommodation for up to 4 additional guests!”

Everyone gasped in awe almost in unison. Syrein was very familiar with the author and her ARK foundation and was deeply inspired.

“Alright here goes! The raffle number's last 6 digits are 871165!”

All paused looking around to see who the winner would be, some looking down at their ticket. Vivienne repeated. “871165...871165.”

“That would be me...”

Vivienne's smile broaden and she said. “Well, come on up here, my dear! Congratulations! You will be joining us at the Abhainn Chara Festival in Galway Ireland! Do you shoot as well?”

Syrein felt as though she were walking against the motion of gravity and in a dream when she said. “Yes, I plant and shoot.”

“Simply brilliant, love. Well get packed up, the festival is less than a month away.” Vivienne said in excitement for her.

Syrein collected her envelope with all the details. As she turned to walked toward the plum tree she caught eyes with the 3 little girls she photographed earlier looking at her with the biggest smiles. The youngest one laughed and waved at her jumping up and down matching Syrein's emotions inside.

Alice appeared almost out of no where. “Congratulations Syrein! Isn't it delightful? A trip to Ireland!” She said in a mockery tone once again.

“Indeed, it is.” Syrein looked at Alice skeptically. “What is it? I know you could care less about my win since you're so surprised I could even afford to pay for the cover to be here in the first place, correct?”

“Oh, not at all-that is not what I meant---Sy--rein, you've misunderstood-” Alice blundered.

Syrein interject with ease. “No, you've misunderstood me, Alice. You judge because of the neighborhood I live in and assume I'm not as educated as you think you are. It's only unintelligent people like yourself who live in a bubble of ignorance along with your cohorts that misinterpret pity for kindness, and presume to think you can rip off people like myself that seek self improvement and environmental change.”

“Cohorts?” Alice seemed confused.

“Did your master's degree not teach you that word? Yes, cohorts, affiliates, posse, here's a better word that you may be familiar with...cultist. I'm not the only one that can see you. I wish you everything you deserve. Good day.” A police car blared in the nearby distance outside the farm just as Syrein cautiously stepped away from Alice. She waved back at the 3 little girls and continued her walk to the Purple-Leaf Plum tree.

From a distance, Imad thoughtfully watched Syrein and smiled in support of her win. He was thrown off his kilter with a instant soul attraction he felt for her and thought to develop a better conversation when she'd come over to his station.

Sitting under the tree in humble gratitude, Syrein thought about her 2 sisters and a much needed getaway they both deserved. She decided that she would bring them along with their partners to share in this gift that would be even more of a donation to give back to Nature. A day that she was looking forward to started off slightly disappointing, had unexpectedly turned around in a rather serendipitous way. Syrein was on the verge of embarking on a rewarding life after previous shut doors in her face. In her reflection she could finally see what such a heavy life contrast has shaped her focus for. A guardian of the land.

September 04, 2024 22:00

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Kristi Gott
06:21 Sep 05, 2024

Hurray! She won the raffle! Well deserved! I enjoyed this journey with a character who is a gardener and a photographer. The humiliating treatment she received was described well and I felt empathy for the character. Well done!


C.C. James
00:59 Sep 06, 2024

Thank you so much for recognizing that, Kristi! I'm glad you liked my story. Your comment made my day! Thanks again!


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