A Wicked Presence

Submitted into Contest #277 in response to: Write a story with the word “wicked” in the title.... view prompt


Christmas Fiction Horror

The cold air was crisp, snowflakes were falling softly and gracefully on that December night. The Livingstone family were outside, James and Mary hanging the lights on their house, whilst David and Lucy were being as children were at 6 and 8, which was throwing snowballs at each other until their fingers were frozen stiff.

Lights covered the front of the house like a curtain, all twinkling in unison, it was a sight to behold as was every house on the street, each for its own personal reason.

Everyone except James had gone inside the house, warming themselves up with hot chocolates and selecting a film to watch as part of their yearly tradition. It was Davids turn to pick this year's instalment, much to Lucy's dismay.

Mr Livingstone was still outside putting the last few boxes into the garage. When he turned back around, he noticed a man standing on the side of the street, looking straight at his house admiring the lights James assumed.

"Hey, there" James shouted "Can I help you?"

The man did not move, dressed all in black, along with a black bowler hat which cast a shadow on his face which made it impossible to identify.

He just stood, still, not a flinch.

James decided to approach the man, stepping slowly towards him, as he got closer, he saw the mystery figure turn his head in his direction. James stopped dead where he was.

"The lights are beautiful" the man said, in a husky dry voice.

"Thanks, are you from around here?" replied James

"Oh, no, not from around here. I'm far from home out here. I was passing and thought you might like these to add to your beautiful decorations" the man croaked whilst holding out his hand.

James looked down at the frail hand that was extended and saw a parcel wrapped in some sort of old cloth. He was not sure why, but he felt compelled to take the item. Was it curiosity or just not to upset the gentleman, he wasn't sure but he took it and opened up the cloth. As James was inspecting the item, a voice suddenly startled him.

"When the bells ring..."

"HIDE!" Bellowed the figure

James looked up and the man was gone. He stood there silently, still, frozen feeling scared, confused, the night chill standing the hairs up on the name of his neck.

"James, are you coming in?" His wife shouted from the doorway, making him jump and snap out of his state of shock.

He made his way inside and showed Mary the bells the strange man gave him. She was confused by the situation but she loved them and said the bells would go perfectly on the tree, which is where they now hung.

Mary was a homemaker and she loved anything that improved the appearance of the family home, and these bells sure did that. The detail on them was magnificent, which would explain the absence of an argument as to whether we keep them or not so on the tree they went.

The house slept soundly that night, both kids tucked cosy into bed, With both adults now soundly asleep.

'Ting, Ting!'

A sound that disturbed the peace, James sat up suddenly, unsure of the noise he just heard. His first thoughts were intruders are in the house, which encouraged him to get up to investigate the noise he thought he heard. Moving slowly down the hallway being careful not to make any noise, he made his way downstairs and checked every room, nothing, everything where it had been with nothing out of place.

Strange he thought as he swore he heard something. Before heading back up James decided to pour himself a glass of water.


The bells, James thought, heading straight towards the Christmas tree, He then stood looking at them just hanging there, still, like they haven't moved. As he stared, he felt a strange feeling, the hairs once again risen on his neck. One of the baubles caught his eye, something moved behind him, He saw a shadow in the mirrored decoration. He stood motionless, frozen by the clawed hand creeping around his throat from behind, getting tighter and tighter. He could hear shrieks and screams surrounding him, just then, dead silence...

Suddenly with a tremendous boom,


The voice squealed and screeched! The sound like nails scrapping on a board.

James jumped up in bed out of his deep nightmare, sweating, terrified. His breathing eventually slowed and his temperature came back down, his wife Mary sat beside him, consoled by her he sat wondering what had happened, it felt so real but it wasn't.

The next morning James went about his day like it was any other, the nightmare still hounding his subconscious thoughts but eventually he deemed it a vivid nightmare that would hopefully be the last one he ever has.

A week passed since the nightmare, there had been no strange dreams since that night, no more ringing of bells.

"Hey Mary, please could you bring me my soup!" Shouted James.

He had been feeling under the weather the past week, No bad dreams, although plenty of sweats and dizzy spells. He wasn't feeling himself so stayed in bed all week and was finally starting to feel a bit better.

Night came and sleep was at the front of his mind so he lay down and drifted off.


James shot up from his sleep.

"That sound again, it can't be, not again!"

He got up and ran to the door, when he came to a halt, standing motionless, cold and still.

His movements woke his wife.

"James, what are you doing? She asked, but no reply came.


As she grabbed his arm, he turned and faced her.

She jumped back in horror.

His eyes were all white, the colour drained from his skin, his veins stood out like ripples on a sheet. He said nothing, then grabbed her by the throat.

"JAMES!!" She tried to shout but his grasp was inhumanely strong.

He lifted her off the ground until her toes were dangling mid-air, then tossed her body against the wall like some kind of doll he found on the floor. The impact killed her instantly, which would usually cause a reaction however, James just stood again, as still as before until he moved on through the house.

Curious about the noise both children came running from their bedrooms but stopped dead on their feet when they spotted their father on the landing, he stood staring at the children,

"Daddy! What's happened? Where's mummy?

not a word came from him, just his white stare.

He turned to the cabinet and opened the doors, James pulled out his gun from the cupboard which was already loaded but now cocked also. He turned and faced the children again. Terror filled their eyes as he raised his gun


The children screamed as James lay still on the ground, one hole through the top of his head, blood pouring out onto the carpet.

Suddenly black mist started to rise from his body and take the shape of a man. A dark man, dressed in all black with a hat that shadowed his face.

"Who are you?" They cried

A dark, gloomy, sickening voice came from him...

"It's ok children, don't be afraid," cried the voice

"You belong to me now!"

The figure flashed towards them both, placed his hand over their faces...

The house fell silent again.

Still and quiet as if it had been sat derelict for years.

The next day there were reporters and police surrounding the house. One of their neighbours must have heard the disturbance and called the emergency services.

All the reporters stating "two dead bodies found, with two children, still missing"

Missing? What happened to the children?

There is no answer to that...

For now.

November 22, 2024 20:22

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Jen Carr
22:14 Nov 27, 2024

This was such a good read i need to know what happens next!👏👏


Michael Taylor
22:30 Nov 27, 2024

Thank you! Oh It will definitely be expanded on and continued.


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