A man finding his fleet

Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Crime Drama Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Brad,was a kind and generous and caring young man,full of laughter and joy and happiness, according to his family and friends.he had a strong support network in western Sydney.and worked for his uncle at a steel fabrication.mum, Belinda Collins had been planning to make his 21st birthday special.each year since his 16 th birthday she d gifted him memorable experience in the months before he died.she d bought him a ticket to go skydiving for his 21 st.That day day never came .a few hours Brad was shot, police gave there final account at a press conference of how they had to been in his yard.they said officers stopped Brad while he was walking home from the shops because he was acting auspiciously. "What does that mean, acting suspicious.."asked his mum Belinda.at the time it made her feel angry.what exactly acting suspicious had become the subject of a coroner's inquest into brads death., that resumed a couple weeks ago.brad the inquest had heard wasn't sure known to police officers.he stopped him .he wasn't breaking into a property and wasn't dealing drugs,a toxicology report afternoon his death had been found.and a trace Of death found no sign of any cannabis in his system.the reason he was branded suspicious was that he was wearing a hoodie on a warm day.the assessment was made by officers from one of NSW police protection crime team s which aim to prevent crime in part by getting out on the streets and searching people.the inquest had a spotlight on the controversial practice and policing in NSW on on an hour Chase while getting stopped and who gets to walk away.brads fina moment captured on CCTV expose how much interaction can escalate.and the incidence of Brad wearing a hoodie on a warm day had been marked suspicious to the officers on parole that day on the street.and Brad had been arrested and questioned at the station but after that they jet him go on mark of having no suspicioun story.or was he covering up a secret..well that night after being let go by The officers after the question ING at the station by the officers and while Brad had been found detected suspicious and on his walking out and heading home he was then for some strange reason had been shot by a passing vehicle speed close to the footpath and shot Brad several times before he dropped in cold blood as the vehicle speed out of sight .and no-one officers had understood this horrific murder and the vehicle which had disappeared and no-one knew or heard who was driving that vehicle and shot Brad , leaving him to die in a pool of blood on the footpath.and his body had been picked up and taken for autopsy and that time had found a small trace if cannabis in his blood stream.and the driver of the vehicle had been later found out at a cafe and over large amount of coffee had killed and shot again and police seen all and pulled one of them had shot the male of that vehicle.and on days and nights the little town had been turned like a ghost town of the public domain and these days and nights in a few hours Brad was a pleasure to meet with when he was still living in the city and but who ever would believe the small trace of the drug cannabis found in his blood stream of that autopsy. Well such is life in the city of that small town and had been like a ghost town for awhile..and the organisation of the future and past experience of working with you and your time and consideration in this technology and services and the homeless in the morning and let them know that and whoever knee Brad s secret of taken cannabis in the street of the night of his murder.. and One of the office under strict standards of the public domain ànd bless you and will survive cause of the death of a hero by the end of the test and see what you think you all are scamming and the people or something in the town had more new gang members hanging out front of coffee shops and the police chase goes on to the ground running outside the cafes having a great day and night and police wonder if you're not going anywhere else and one gang member saying that he was therefore depressing towards the public domain and these days even though the public domain in the city of Sydney NSW Australia and police wonder if it is not good enough for the public domain sakes and the organisation of the all critical care and crime of anyone wearing a hoodie on a very warm days even though it was a temporary server and the error.ad alot of gang members wear hoodies stall seasons of the year and was found that it was there cover ups...and the final version a f set up on the street from the local community and settled in the morning so many hoodie Gang members had been detected and watched over the weekend and years end.and the little town had been found which can be quite well as well as deranged people at coffee consumption of the public domain in the city at earliest hour of The morning after the following crowds and the organisation had been found which can help with the following team and crowd's and the organisation of the public and police..and then well ...such is life treating the public and private sectors of the future...and the other neighbours and people began running outside of the public street and the gang in speedy response in there cars as speeding up and police wonder if it is not available on and good luck to all of the future public domain in the morning and nights in the street and years on Maybe the town would go quiet again like a ghost town of each being taken away of murdered or just passed away and out and have no idea what time is of course.

July 26, 2024 13:04

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