Drama Sad Teens & Young Adult

When someone’s heart breaks, so does a piece of the world. A crack in the pavement, a valley, or even an earthquake. Likewise, when someone’s heart is repaired, so is the earth.

Will this be a story of the creation of the Grand Canyon, or will it be the creation of Mount Everest?

Will his heart be found or lost?


I loved plentifully, but it was only seven souls in the whole world that I loved deeply.

Mama squeezed my legs as I groaned in pain and relief.

“Caius, my boy, you may love your dreams more than yourself, but I don’t love anything more than you,” Mama chides through my groans. “So, I forbid you to overstrain yourself like an idiot.”

I groan for a completely different reason this time. Though my smile peeks through my lips.

She sighs, “How did I get so lucky, Caius?”

I chuckle. “I should be asking that.”

And just like that, a short figure falls on me. “Cai! Cai!” My little sister, Keya, shouts. She sits on my lap like she owns it. I smile a little idiotically. Obviously, she owns it. She has a piece of my heart residing inside her. It could fit her fist but would overflow her soul. My hair falls on my eyes, and she pushes it back with those sweet little puffy fingers.

“Who told my little devil that I’m back?” I tease her. She pouts and slaps my chest.

“I did, Cas.” A gruff reply comes from behind me. I turn around to see another of my heart looking at me with onyx eyes. My brother Aiden.

“Hello, Aiden.” I greet him. He nods. I frown. It’s been two years. And he still hasn’t gotten over it. And finally, the other slices of my spirit walk in. Granny and Grandpa. They come up straight and hug me. “It’s been so long since I saw my poppy,” Granny grumbles into my hair.

“Gran, It’s only been a week.” I chuckle.

Grandpa huffs out a laugh. “You know your granny can never get enough of you, son.”

“Unfortunately,” I whine, and a weak whack flies to the back of my head. And finally, the one person who has not spoken a word to me for the last 13 years walks in. But holds a large part of me. My Dad. I give him a curt nod, and he stares at me for a few seconds as acknowledgment.

Okay, that’s progress.

“Now, will you guys let me shower? I probably smell like rotten broccoli.” I haul myself up.

I throw open the bathroom door and let my faucet run. My hands wrap around the sink sides as I stare at myself in the mirror. My eyes fill up.

I grip the sides tighter, fighting the urge to cry. 3 months. That’s all I have. 3 months to live. 3 months before my heart fails, before all the faces I would break the world for would vanish, before I leave them hopeless. I shut my eyes. I can’t. I can’t make myself accept it. How will I accept my fate when I know there won't be a Keya to sit on my lap? When Aiden still hasn't forgiven me? When Dad still hasn't spoken to me? Will my mom survive without me? Can Granny and Grandpa bear it?

Yet, I still can’t gather up the courage to tell them.


I run. I feel like if I run faster, maybe I can outrun my fate. Running is the only thing that makes me forget that I am going to die. I run because it is my dream. I run because it is my passion. I run because I can stop.

The coach blows the whistle as I cross the red line.

“Good job, Caius! You beat your record.” He bellows. I thank him and walk towards my school. The bell rings, and I realize I’m late for Trig. I run. Again. Before I could open the doors to the classroom, another figure ran into me. I stagger back and catch myself. I looked up to see who it was, but all I could see was the sun, and then slowly, she came into view. And then into my life.

Her eyes rivaled the warmth of the sun's rays that fell on her. The

concern on her face rivaled my mom’s. Her lips made an ‘o’ shape that Keya usually makes when she’s sleeping.

“You were running!” She gasped.

I bite my lip from laughing. She thought I was the one who bumped into her?

“I was?” I asked, my lips curling up.

“Obviously!” She huffed out.

“It’s not funny!” She retorted.

“Am I laughing?”

“You’re smiling!”

I was. Wide and toothy.

“Oh god! I am late on my first day! All because of you! I curse you to have the worst first days!” She mumbled in hysteria.

“Come inside, Drama Queen. Nothing’s going to happen.” I rolled my eyes.

Her eyes narrowed at me. “Drama Queen? I have never been called such obnoxious names.” She gasped.

“Yet, here we are. Now are you coming inside or not?” I held out the door for her. And together, we walked in.


“So, can I sit with you?” The curse girl asked me. All my friends looked up at her. But she stood unfazed, staring at my face for an answer.

“Of course,” I said, sliding from my chair and providing for her. She sat on my chair as I grabbed another one.

“So, curse girl, what’s your name?” I asked her. My guys resumed their conversation, but I knew every pair of ears was with this new girl.

"Scarlet.” She said it loudly and confidently.

"Scarlet,” I repeated, tasting it on my tongue.

And I Morse-coded my friends to leave me. I tapped on the table, making a pattern that was a message. And slowly, one by one, they left. Until it was only the two of us.

“What’s your name?” She asked.

"Caius,” I replied.

She didn’t repeat it like I did. She stared at me. With those honey-blue eyes.

“You have beautiful eyes, Caius.” She whispered.

And my heart beat faster. My name sounded like honeydew on her lips. My eyes were a normal shade of brown.

“My sister Keya says it looks like splattered mud,” I said.

And Scarlet laughed. And music ceased to exist. “Keya seems lovely.”

“She is,” I confirmed.

“Why haven’t you eaten your donuts? Those are the best!” She gasped.

I laughed. “My mother loves these donuts. She claims no one makes it better than the school chef. These are for her.”

Scarlet’s eyes brightened. “You love your family.” She observed.

“Everyone does, Scarlet,” I said, wrapping up the donuts.

She shook her head. “Everyone loves their family because they have to. You love your family because you want to.”

I didn’t answer her. I didn’t know what to reply.

And Scarlet left me there. But didn’t really leave me.


“Aiden, get me those firewood,” I called to my brother.

It was a sibling’s day out. We hiked near the woods, and we were camping for the night. I wanted it to be a bro’s day out, but Keya seemed like she’d have me pinned to the ground if I didn’t take her. She’s only 7, but the audacity she possesses will level up to Adolf Hitler.

We sat around the campfire, roasting marshmallows.

“So, are you going to tell ghost stories, Cai?” Keya asked me.

I beamed at her. “Nope. We are going to talk. Gonna talk about why Aiden still hates me.”

She pouted. “Aiden loves you, Cai, but he’s too stubborn to admit it. By the way, I found his diary.”

“Keya!” Aiden yelled at her.

And I looked at her with a new kind of respect. But I had to be a big brother there.

“Keya, no touching others things without their permission.” I chided her.

She hid her face under my arm. “But I saw you taking mom’s cheesecake without her permission.” Her voice was muffled.

I suppressed a panic choke. Did she see that? Gods, I gotta be careful with this little devil.

“That’s different, Keya baby.” I coo to her.

“You only call me a baby when you don’t want me to snitch on you.”

“Keya! You little devil, I’m sorry!” I apologized.

She giggled under my arm. I held her tighter.

Aiden sat opposite me, staring at us.

“Aiden?” I called out to him.

“Yeah?” He huffed out.

“I’m sorry.”

And the world fell into silence. Under my arm, I could feel Keya hold her breath.

Because the universe knew how big of a moment this was.

For two years, I refused to apologize to Aiden. And as I neared my death, I confessed it under a starry night, around a fire, with my little sister on my lap.

Two years ago, I stood by and watched Aiden being beaten up.

And ever since, Aiden has not forgiven me.

Mama said all it took was a sorry. But I refused. I didn’t intervene

because I wanted him to fight his own battles. Because I can’t always be there for him. I figured Aiden would start talking to me after he realized it. But it seems like he will only realize it after my death. He stared at the fire. Keya fell asleep to the silence. Her breaths matched my heartbeat. After a long time, Aiden spoke.

“I understood why you did it, Cas.”

That took me by surprise. “Then why were you still angry with me?”

“I wasn’t.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Because I found out why Dad doesn’t talk to you.”


“Why do you look like you might die any day?” Scarlet wondered as I strolled the park.

“Do you know that before going to sleep, I used to only sleep with my family and my dreams in my mind?” I asked her.

In the past month, Scarlet has become the one thing other than running that makes my blood rush to my ears.

“That was quite a random statement. But, yes, I do know that.” She


“Did you notice that I said ‘used to’?”

“Okay…What is it now?”

“It is you.”

She stopped in her tracks. The wind blew her pink hair to the side. I reached out and tucked a curl behind her ear.

“And do you know that you are one of the reasons I wake up every

morning?” I whispered.

“That’s a terrible reason!” She blurted out.

I chuckled. “Obviously.” I agreed, and she pinched my arm.

I pulled her to the ground with me, the autumn leaves falling around us.

“When I first saw you, the sun blocked my vision. But when I did get to see you, you rivaled the sun itself. But your looks were just a mere advantage, Scarlet. It was you. The ever-cursing drama queen, who spoke what was on her mind without any filter. You were the first to acknowledge my love for my family. The light that you get in your eyes when you speak about music is the same I get when I speak about my family. I have always cut my soul into pieces and given them to every person I’ve ever loved. Until now, I have only had 7 pieces. Now I have 8.”

I touched her heart. “You have my 8th piece, Scarlet. I’m in love with you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered.

When she hugged me, I felt my mother.


“What did you do that made Dad hate you?” Keya asked me as I finished her bedtime story.

I stilled, and I could feel her go numb in my arms.

“Did I ask something I should not, Cai?” She shivered.

I wrapped her closer around me and kissed her forehead. “No Keya. You can always ask me anything.”

“So, what was it?”

I go quiet for a long time, hoping she will sleep. But her vibrant green eyes stayed staring at me until I gave her an answer. She was my sister, after all.

“I gave up our baby sister for Aiden.”

“Huh? I had a baby sister?" She asked, confused.

“No, you had an older sister. She was born before you. Her name was Yuki. It was when we all went to the beach for a picnic. Yuki and Aiden had just a year's age gap. They were the most troublesome kids you’ll know. I was constantly looking out for them. Until that day. Both of them dared each other and went too deep into the sea. The wave was too high, and before I went into the water, I knew in my mind that one of them was lost. Both of them were in a reaching distance. I reached out for Aiden first.”

“But why would Dad and Aiden be angry with you?”

“Yuki was Dad’s princess. To lose her was to lose his soul. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Aiden. He does a hell lot. But if Dad had been in my position, he would have reached for Yuki. Aiden doesn’t remember what happened. He only remembers Yuki. We made up the story that she died of an illness. He believed it until Dad told him the truth. Knowing Aiden, he would have wanted me to save Yuki.”

Tears curl my eyelashes.

Few of them fall for Keya. She reaches for me and wipes them gently.

“Cai, but why did you reach for Aiden first?”

I run a hand through my hair. “It was a reflex, Keya. I don’t know why.”

“Maybe not all questions have an answer.”



Stillness overtook me. Keya rarely calls my whole name. and when she does, she knows how to make an impact.

“Yeah, Keya?”

“Talk to Dad and Aiden tomorrow.”

“If you are there with me,"

“I will be there, Caius. Always. And remember that I will never hold it against you for saving Aiden. And besides, I want to be the only girl.”

"Keya," I chided her.

“Sorry. But what will you tell them?”

“That…that I will never regret saving Aiden. But I’ll forever regret Yuki.”


'I'm sorry, Caius’ were the first words my Dad spoke to me after 13

years. Aiden cried. He never cried after Yuki died.

And when Keya hung on to me like a koala, when Mama made our favorite dinner, and when Granny and Grandpa beamed at me, I knew I would no longer carry the weight of losing a life to save one. But forever, my 7th piece will be lost with Yuki.

Scarlet sat on the chair beside me on her balcony.

We were talking about the future. And that is one subject I never want to touch. I was nearing my end. I had only 15 days until my due dates neared. I frowned once more as Scarlet asked about the future.

“Caius, would you do anything for me?” She questioned.

My spine straightened. I have always liked the way she talks, with no filter between her mind and her mouth. But this seemed…odd.

“There are a few I wouldn’t do for you,” I replied honestly

“But not anything?” She pressed on.

“Scarlet, get to the point.” I sighed.

She tried to grin but failed utterly.

“I want you to travel to Paris with me for college.” She blurted out.

“Scarlet…You know how I feel about my family. I can’t leave them. At

least, not until I’m ready.”

“Then get ready. You’ll have to leave them someday, Caius.” She insisted. I tried to leave them. I tried to think about sitting on a dining table without Keya on my lap. My life seemed pointless.

“I don’t want to leave.” I bit out hard and cold.

“You’ll have to leave someone, Caius. You can’t have both.”

“Scarlet, don’t make me choose. You know I won’t. I can’t. Pieces of your soul can’t be separated. They won’t make a whole.” I tried to reason with her.

“I will be enough!” She yelled.

I went still. Cold, hard, and metal. One of the major reasons I fell in love with Scarlet was because she understood my love for my family. But what she is doing is breaking my heart. My eighth piece is rattling, and I’m trying desperately to hold on.

"No, Scarlet, you won’t be enough. I need my family.” I said it as calmly as possible.

“It’s either me or your family.”

“My family.”

I left her, but my eight-piece stayed behind with her.


The next morning, I walked along the corridors of my school, hoping to find Scarlet.

Yesterday was just a mere argument. She would've come to her senses by now. I walk toward the Trig classroom and stumble. Scarlet…Scarlet is not mine anymore. Her arms are around another guy, whom I would have called my friend and shared Morse code with a million times.

At that moment, I realized I was a sidekick to my own love story.

My heart fails.


The next thing I remember is the sanitizing smell.

I wake up in white sheets and a mess that is not mine. White covers the wall, with monitors beeping around the place.

I try to get up when I notice someone lying on the couch beside me.

“Mama?” I reached her.

And she jerks awake.

Her eyes are red and puffy. She’s been crying. Awfully.

“Was I that bad?” I joke. I have no idea how I survived. Unless I get a

heart transplant.

She nodded. She tried to smile but failed. Something has happened.

“What happened, Mom?”

“Will you listen to me?”

“I’m listening.”

“Yuki was found. She’s alive.”

All I could hear for a few seconds was silence. My 7th piece. My Yuki. My sister.

“That’s great, mom! But why do you look so dejected?” I looked at her, perplexed.

“Keya gave her heart for you.”


Was his heart found or lost?

Did his heartbreak lead to the creation of the Great Canyon, or did his new heart lead to the creation of Mount Everest?


January 29, 2024 14:49

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Alexis Araneta
15:15 Feb 09, 2024

Oh wow ! I didn't expect that ending!


16:10 Jun 03, 2024

Thank you :)


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Crystal Farmer
01:02 Feb 08, 2024

Interesting twist!


04:51 Feb 08, 2024

Yes. Thank you!


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Sriram Shyam
10:50 Feb 05, 2024

This truly is a great story. The way the author portrayed the character and the love the protagonist held towards his family was an amazing theme. I hope such stories gets uploaded frequently. Keep up the great work👍.


04:51 Feb 08, 2024

Thank you so much!


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