From The Stars

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write a story from the antagonist’s point of view.... view prompt


Science Fiction Sad

I remember the moment I was born. It was beautiful. Floating there among the stars, in the void with my brothers and sisters; we were so free. We floated for what felt like forever, eventually growing thin in numbers. The elements were harsh out there, but I made it. I fell upon this - blue ball, third from that yellow star. It was beautiful. If only they could see it's glory. It pulled me in the closer I got. I fell from space, from the stars, from my family. I hit the water hard, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. It was - refreshing. it was like I was floating again, but different all the same. There were so many beautiful creatures, majestic and frightening - new friends. I tried to communicate, but they never listened. I got close to one, what they call a seal. As I gazed upon it with my single eye, I could sense a feeling of understanding. it was more curious than afraid, so big yet so gentle. It let me - touch it. without thought, I wrapped my limbs around its face. A hug, from what I understood, was commencing. But no - no hug for me. The seal thrashed about violently, I could only hold on for dear life. I gripped harder, my tendrils wrapping around its maw, slithering across its face. Then something - happened. I found myself - in its mind. I could hear its thoughts, feel its pain; it was in so much pain. Another discovery I made is that I could - control it. It moved where I needed it to. overtime I could no longer feel what I felt at the beginning. eventually it got cold, and the pain went away. I could no longer keep my grip, so I floated away. That's when I met him.

This being that floated before me was unlike anything I've seen in the sea. bipedal, no visible gills or fins or any appendages like the life I've encountered. his gold and green suit glittered in the light. He looked down upon me with - with disappointment. That's the only way I could describe the feeling. I looked upon myself, and to my surprise, I had gotten a little bigger, almost double in size. But when I looked back, he was gone. I could only float on in hopes of meeting him again. So I did what I could, I'd meld with the minds of any sea creature I could wrap my tentacles around. Their voices added up, growing louder and louder in my head, languages all so different; it was maddening. He came to me again, and this time, I was much larger. I saw fear in his eyes. I think it made me feel - good. I followed him, all the way to the shore. He stood on the beach, other beings like him staring at me in horror. I was bewildered, it was so different from under the waves. I was forced to stand, staring at this exciting new world; they did not feel the same. The humans began to attack, hurling words and objects alike. It hurt me a great deal. In the moment, a new feeling arose - Anger. I could feel my skin literally burning, I could only let out a sound humans would describe as a scream. I shut my eye.

When I opened them again, the world around me was silent. Upon the humans' faces were - smaller versions of me. I had given birth, in a word. He was gone, the man in the gold and green suit. But then the voices came. screams of terror ripped through my mind as I did with theirs. I absorbed and swallowed what I could in terms of thought. I grew larger, stronger, smarter even. The power and sensation human thought gave me was tantalizing. I needed more, so I produced more - me. They jetted out from behind me and began their harvest. The screaming only got worse, but I grew stronger; a small price to pay for greatest. Within moments, dozens of human beings were mine and mine alone. Every thought was absorbed into one, horrifying soup. In the sea of thoughts - a word appeared. A title. A name. I liked it.

As I took my first actual step, I saw them standing there, not too far from their city. In a line was the league, six figures, guardians, gods. I recognized them now, their names and stories came to me like I've known them for years. The first one, the dark knight, looked upon me with distain. He was disturbed, from what I gathered. Before the league he was almost nothing but a myth, a legend that struck fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere. However, he was merely a man compared to the six that surrounded him. My eye moved to her, the only woman in the group, a true wonder herself. She was older than the rest yet had the youth of a twenty-year old. She radiated strength and true power - I was a little frightened of her. To her left was the red man. He was jittery yet focused, and he radiated bravery. I needed his mind, it was calling to me. I could make excellent use of this red blur. Then there was the green guardian, floating above with his fist in the air. A creative, from what I can gather, and a hero to believe in. I don't believe in him. below the guardian was the king of the seas, the golden swimmer I had already met. I could almost understand his hatred towards me, I did wreck havoc in his kingdom. in my defense, I only wanted to love. The Martian intrigued me. He was different from the rest, from all of them, yet he was hailed as a hero. As soon as the humans saw me, their reaction was to destroy. I wonder if they had shown him the same treatment?

As we had our little standstill, something above caught my eye. only one word had entered my mind in that moment. perhaps, he was truly the most alien of them all. The Superman. He was the hero of all heroes, the founder of this league. I could feel rage coursing through me like a thousand tidal waves. He was a god to them, a savior from the stars, the last son. From my ocean brain I could feel the inklings of love try and push themselves through my barrier of hate. more than the rest, I felt nothing but pure hatred for him. He floated right in front of me, we were almost touching. It could be so easy to just - crush him. Part of me couldn't, so I just stood there. He crossed his arms at me. I could see his league behind him ready themselves for battle. perhaps there was no other way. If it was a fight they wanted, it was a fight they'd get.

August 10, 2024 05:31

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