You Had Me At Salve

Submitted into Contest #212 in response to: Write a story about a pair of pen pals.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Romance

I heard Luna barking and looked at the time. It was around 6:30PM on a Friday and I knew exactly what that meant.

“Shush, Luna”, I whispered as I ran out of the front door barefoot in my flowy yellow sundress to meet Derek, the mail man.

“Hey Isabella”, Derek smiled, as he handed me my mail.

“Hi Derek! Thanks!” I yelled as I ran back inside of my house. I walked to the deck in my backyard with Luna right on my heels. Taking in the sunset that Austin, Texas decided to bless us with that day. I always opened my letters on my deck and imagined that Marco was in the lawn chair next to me telling me all about his day underneath the cotton candy clouds.

I get a new letter from my pen pal, Marco, every Friday. I brought his letter to my nose and took a deep breath. His letters always smelled like a mix of teakwood and citrus. 

“Salve, Isabella” it started, and I smiled from ear to ear while I read my letter. Last year I decided to take up Italian when trying to discover more about myself. I always wished that I was closer to the Italian side of my family, and since it seemed like that was never happening, I decided to take matters into my own hands. What better way to learn the language than to talk to someone who speaks it fluently?

Marco went on to tell me about his past week as he normally did. He always told the best stories that had the power to make me feel like I was there. He told me about the new restaurant that he had opened and how well it was going. Marco was extremely successful to only be 25, and I was proud of him. He also told me about his ex-girlfriend, Chloe. 

Marco always talked about Chloe in the highest regard, and it made my chest burn as if it were being bitten by a hundred red ants. I’m not even sure why, considering we’re best friends that live countries away from each other.

“Another letter from Marco, huh?” my best friend, Taylor, said as she walked onto my deck with a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand.

“Sometimes I regret giving you a key” I said rolling my eyes and taking the bottle from her.

Taylor took a seat in the lawn chair that Marco would be in. “When are you going to just suck it up and take a trip there? It’s not like money is an issue” she said.

I felt the anxiety churning in my stomach just at the thought of going to Italy. Taylor knows that I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, which has stopped me from traveling there, worried about not fitting in. My father gifted me with my Italian ancestry, and that’s about the only good thing he’s done for me.

“You know how I feel about going there. Plus I don’t want to just intrude on whatever Marco has going on. I don’t want to be a –“

“Burden. I know, I know.” Taylor finished my sentence.

My phone started to ring, and Taylor snatched my phone, “Hiiii Marco! Hey when are you going to finally make a trip here? Bella reallllly wants to meet you”, she said smiling into the camera. 

I snatched the phone back.

“Don’t embarrass me Taylor” I snapped.

Marco laughed.

“Salve Taylor. Salve Isabella. Did you get my letter? I’ve been dying to talk to you about my restaurant! I tried talking to Chloe about it, but you know how she is”, he sighed.

“Damn I’m just second best to you huh?” I said, with instant regret. My cheeks flushed red.

“Don’t talk about yourself like that Isabella. You know you’re always number one” he said, flashing me that smile I couldn’t resist.

“Yeah yeah, always trying to butter me up” I replied waving my hand.

Marco told me about the opening day of his restaurant. He had a really popular food critic there and is waiting to hear their review. I could tell it was making him nervous.

“I just know the review is going to be amazing. I can tell your food is delicious just by the way you describe it. Ugh I can’t wait to try your spaghetti carbonara”, I said while doing a chef’s kiss gesture.

Marco laughed. “I promise I will make all of your favorites.”

“I think Chloe just pulled up”, he said while looking out of the window. “I’ll see you soon Isabella. Arrivederci!” And he hung up.

My face fell. Marco and I would video chat every Friday to go over a few things in Italian, but it seemed like Chloe picked up on that and felt the need to grace us with her presence almost every time.

I rolled my eyes.

“Boringggggg” Taylor said while finishing her glass of wine. “Come on Bella let’s make some popcorn and watch Grease, our favorite!”

“Fineeee”, I sighed and we went inside and plopped on the couch.

After two glasses of wine, and Taylor playing in my hair, I knew that I would fall asleep soon.

The next day I woke up to Taylor making breakfast and soft jazz music playing.

“Morning sleepy head!” Taylor yelled from the kitchen as she flipped French Toast, my ultimate breakfast favorite.

“You never cook and you’re making French Toast” I said as I sat in a bar stool, cocking my eyebrow. “What do you want?”

“Is that what you think of me?” Taylor smirked.

I crossed my arms across my chest.

“Okay, you got me!” Taylor put the French toast on a plate with bacon and syrup and sat it in front of me.

“Bella you’ve GOT to come to my housewarming party tonight. You flipped that house and got me a great deal. I know that you like to stay in but I promise it’s going to be such a good time. Pretty please?” She grabbed my hands.

I squinted my eyes at her, took my hands out of hers, and started to eat.

“Only because you asked nicely and made my French Toast extra fluffy” I smiled at her.

“AHHHHHH!” She shrieked. “I just knew you would say yes! Okay so I already picked out your dress for tonight. And make sure you wear your hair down, you know I love when your curls frame your face.”

I put my plate in the sink, “Anything for you Tay” I said. “Well I’m gonna run to the store to grab you a gift and then I’ll start getting ready. I’ll see you there”, and I gave her a hug right before she left.

After some much-needed retail therapy and cleaning, I realized it was 7PM and I needed to get ready. I kept checking my phone waiting for Marco to call me, but he never did. A pang of disappointment radiated through me. I knew that I needed to just let it go. Him and Chloe were broken up, but they were still friends due to their parents being business partners, so she wasn’t going anywhere.

I let out a sigh of frustration and looked at myself in the mirror before heading out.

Taylor had picked out a strappy baby blue skin tight dress that hugged my curves. She always said blue brought out the green in my eyes and made my tan pop. I put on my lace up white heels and tucked my curly hair behind my ears. My curls came down to bra strap length so they got in the way a lot. I took a deep breathe and walked out of the front door.

Taylor’s house looked amazing. I really had to admire my work and give myself a pat on the back.

“Hi Bella!” She ran up to me and handed me a glass of champagne.

I took the glass and said “Hi Tay”, while handing her the gift I got her earlier.

Taylor opened up the gift and side-eyed me.

“Seriously Bella? A Martha Stewart pot set?”, she said while holding up the box.

I started to walk away and yelled back, “good maybe you’ll learn how to cook now”, and laughed my way into the living room. 

Two hours later and I was finishing my fourth glass of champagne, and I had a nice buzz going. I went to find the bathroom but when I turned around I hit a hard chest.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so so-“, my breath caught.

I knew that smell. The smell of teakwood and citrus. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I suddenly felt warm.

I slowly looked up and saw those beautiful green eyes that I always got so lost in through the screen of my phone.

“Salve Bella” he said.

Laughing I said, “I’ve had too much to drink, excuse me”. I tried to move around him but he grabbed my arm.

“You’re not seeing things Isabella”, Marco said as he closed the distance between us.

I was staring straight at his chest. I didn’t know he would be this tall. We never talked about height or anything like that. I mean why would we?

He put his hand under my chin and tilted my face upwards. I took all of him in. The stubble on his face, how wide and bright his smile was, the small freckles he had on the bridge of his nose. God this man was beautiful.

I threw my arms around his neck and took in his smell. I knew that this smell would always feel like home.

Marco twirled me around as if I was light as a feather.

Suddenly I realized that all eyes were on us. I grabbed his hand and took him in the backyard.

Taylor had tiki torch lights set up around the perimeter of her backyard. I took a few steps back from him so I could think clearly. I was suddenly really confused.

“How did you get here? When did you get here? WHY are you here?!” I said quickly while pacing.

It felt like my chest could explode at any minute. My Italian pen pal is here. In my face. And I cannot comprehend why.

“Taylor reached out to me a few weeks ago about coming here to finally meet you in person. She wanted us to surprise you because she knew that you would say no if I asked to come here. I can’t say I disagree”, Marco chuckled.

“Well I think spending all of your hard earned money to come see little old me is a bit much. Especially when you have your restaurant and Chloe”, I said without even thinking.

I think this is what they refer to as liquid courage. Because I felt fearless standing here in front of Marco.

“Bella I’ve told you to stop talking down about yourself”, he said in a husky voice.

It made me want to feel his soft lips like I had been dreaming about for the past year and a half that we had been pen pals.

I started breathing heavy. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel. Then it hit me. Marco really got on a plane to come see me. He wanted to come see me. 

I couldn’t contain myself anymore, and I think he knew it. His eyes met mine and as I started to approach him, he rushed over to me, and his lips came crashing down on mine.

Nothing could have prepared me for this kiss.

Marco kissed me softly, and tenderly. As if he were afraid to break me. I kissed him back with the same softness, and his kiss became more urgent. Marco had one hand on my lower back bringing me closer to him, and his other hand cradled the side of my face. My lips parted and I felt the sweep of his tongue. 

I broke the kiss, ready to get back to my house. We had a lot to talk about.

I handed Marco my keys and asked him to drive since I could still feel the champagne that I had. I saw Taylor on the way out and mouthed “thank you” and she winked back at me.

Marco drove us to my house while I gave him instructions and he kept both hands on the wheel at all times. I didn’t live far from Taylor so it was a short drive, which I was thankful for.

Once we got inside my house, Bella ran straight to us. She jumped all over Marco as if she knew who he was, and he reacted the same towards her.

“She must recognize you from all of our calls” I said smiling at them.

“She’s so much smaller in person” he said petting her. Then he stood up and said “and you’re much more beautiful in person mi Bella”. 

I let out a breath of frustration, “Stop saying things like that Marco”. I was speed walking to my room to get out of these uncomfortable shoes and avoid talking to him.

He was right behind me, keeping my pace, “Why are you mad at me? I’m confused. I just flew here from ITALY to see you. What did I do wrong?”

I was shaking my head, and sitting on my bed undoing the straps of my heels. My curls were covering my face which I was grateful for because I knew my face was getting red.

“You don’t get it do you?” I said, fumbling with the straps.

Marco walked over and knelt down, undoing my heels for me. I sat back and took a deep breath.

“Marco you have Chloe. I know she’s your ex but you guys are bound to get back together one day. You obviously keep her around for a reason. And I don’t think I could handle falling for you because once I start I know I won’t stop.” The words flew out of my mouth.

Marco was giving me this sly grin and I wanted to smack it right off of his face.

“What is so funny?!” I yelled.

“’re funny”, he took my heels and put them in my closet. “You think I flew 8 hours with Chloe on my mind? We only speak because of the relationship our parents have. And as a matter of fact, I told her that we would not be hanging out anymore. Want to know why I told her that? Because I came here with the intentions of asking you to be my girlfriend” he stood up frustrated and walked to the side of my king sized bed.

I didn’t know what to say. I was too stunned to speak. Marco came here and wanted to be with me? It suddenly hit me that I wasn’t alone in my feelings after all. 

By the time I came out of my thoughts, Marco was walking out of my bedroom.

“Please don’t go!” I called after him. He stopped in his tracks.

He turned around and stared at me as if he were staring into my soul. I felt naked in front of him even though I was fully clothed. 

I walked over to him and shut the door. 

“So ask me”, I said while taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

He gave me that devilish grin. “Isabella, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” He said, now standing in front of me between my legs.

“Sì”, I said, which means yes in Italian. 

Marco dipped down to kiss me. This time the kiss was urgent and desperate. I pulled him by the collar of his shirt so that he was on top of me.

“Bella, I need to tell you something”, he pulled back.

My stomach did back flips. What could he possibly have to say that needed to interrupt this moment?

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out two tickets to Italy.

“As much as I love reading your letters. I want you beside me. I know that you have work and a life here. But please come with me, just for two weeks to start.” He sounded nervous.

I smiled at him and said “you had me at salve”.

August 26, 2023 03:50

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