All in a Day's Work

Written in response to: Write a story about an underdog, or somebody making a comeback.... view prompt


American Contemporary Urban Fantasy

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

Sensitive topic



San Francisco, July 1998

Simon Black unlocked his penthouse suite and flicked on the lights as soon as he got home. The ceiling fan began to whirl cooling the living room, as the air conditioning shut on all at the same time. He loosened his Chanel tie, undid his Brioni suit jacket, but before getting comfortable he poured himself a glass of Cognac on ice. His upscale penthouse apartment suited his bachelor needs. Not over decorated or anything but more on the business look of things. Simon disliked clutter and pretty colours, a few photo's in frames sat on the end table of his mom and him. Her sad eyes evident and staring into nothing it seemed as he studied the picture now. Flicking on his wall mounted flatscreen, his phone buzzed beside him as he gulped a good shot of alcohol, the burning sensation of expensive booze revived his deadened soul.

"I know the decision went sour, yea I will have that cleaned up. Hopefully. Got a meeting with a major company competitor, I've got this. No the press will be given as little info as possible. Okay, see you at the Board meeting Friday. Righto." He looked out over at the San Francisco Bay sky, as the sky darkened now with rain clouds, it was promising a good storm. Like his mood right now. Sleep was restless that night, creeping into his head. The dreams as nerving as a spider on its prey controlled his brain cells. He woke up with circle's under his eyes. Nothing a shower won't cure and coffee.' He would feel better now that the steamy sprays washed overhis aching body. He popped in a frozen meal into the microwave and stood thinking while his dinner heated. A glass of Bourdeaux later he was eating his pasta, it was five am. Dinner for breakfast at all hours of the night were not unusual for Simon. College then work and social avoidance all played into his schedule. He woke up craving the linguine and creamy sauce, the wine would wake him up. He didnt care. Noone was telling him when he could eat or drink or otherwise.

"I can't believe this happened. That deal was locked tight - a promised win for all of us. Damm Samsung and their CEO's too young to know how to sign their names." He said to no-one, and he flicked on the tv screen as he spoke. 'Now, I've got to figure out a way to get us out of this mess.' He thought glumly and his eyes began to close in half-sleep, and half dream state.

'You've got this kid. Come on, that ball is right in your face, one home run and we win the game. You're in control." He was remembering his little league coach. He was 12 then and had made it on the team as a hitter. Baseball was his dream and he owned many cards, inluding the ones his father laft him. Simon wanted to please his dad so much then he thought the world of Frank.

That turned out to be a laugh however, as later Frank would walk out on them after many bouts of drinking and violence. His mom would cry after and his dad would leave slamming the door behind him in their crappy mobile home. Simon would hide in the closet behind the coats until he knew daddy was gone. He wouldn't cry, because he had to take care of his mom. Daddy didnt like it when he cried, nor his mom for that matter. Daddy didnt like many things, Simon couldnt care less that he was gone. He had been 15 then and the shadows of his past still often crept into him, like an annoying little itch that wouldnt go away and couldnt be reached.

"Mom, its ok, he's gone again." Simon would tell her when she finally would come out, face bruised and swollen as dried up tears left the pain edged onto her face. Marie would never leave him, she just didnt have what it took to walk away. She didnt have any family or money anyway and wouldnt know how to survive with a small child.

"Would you like a pb & J? I can fix you some warm milk." And she would go tiredly into the kitchen. She rarely if ever talked about those incidences, as if it would come back alive and destroy her very being. Maria learned how to cover up the bruises with makeup, sunglasses and a hat as she lived her life like nothing ever happened.

Simon missed his mom a lot but not his dad. Frank never came back that night as the rain pelted down on their roofs, and in the morning he knew they would be alone. Raised on welfare checks and handouts, Simon swore he would never live this way and had gone on to college with a straight A scholarship and a good baseball skill he made it. Getting a degree in computers and business science he landed his first job with a high tech company, designing computer games and then becoming COO of Walters Tech Platform, making them millions, and he was good at what he did.

"I have no idea how that contract fell through the loops but i am working on something else and bigger." He spoke to his COO that Friday. Outside the heat relentlessy bore down Frisco Bay leaving the air smoggy, thick as fog shrouded the area. It wasn't fun weather but the meeting dragged on until finally it was over.

"Your pitch went well, i think the Board will vote yes. Good job, your a natural." His boss praised him.

"Just hard work and patience." Simon replied with little emotion breathed out. "All in a day's work', he mused. He just did what he had to do to make a come back or the company would be in serious financial trouble. He'd already enjoyed his lifestyle. He recently bought Maria a new home, nothing fancy but clean, comfortable and better than the depilitating mobile home she'd never left. Simon wasn't about to give up what he worked so hard for, and he had a new plan in store. A merge of the century that would make every tabloid in the country carry his name on the front cover.

"Hey gorgeous, we are going to celebrate real soon, hell yea, and order the best bottle of champagne. Sure, anywhere you want." He called Ginger MacAvoy, his friend. Ginger was tall, curvy, pretty face and long dark hair that smelled pretty. Simon smiled now missing her it had been awhile he was so busy with work he just didnt have the time. Ginger was good about that, she was busy enough working for a modelling agency.

"I look forward to seeing you darling. Good luck on the merge." She hoped it went his way, she knew how hard he worked as she spent her day interviewing potential models.


Frank and Ginger - October 2000

Several weeks later they were celebrating at one of Frisco's finest dining places. Surf n' Turf beautifully prepared with bubbly and a gorgeous view of the Bay beside them, welcoming and calm August night.

"Well we did it. The merge is solid, here's to us." Simon held his glass to his pretty girl.

"Almost not, that man Paul Richards, he almost ruined things." She reminded him of the near demise of his company.

"True, but we caught him on his own lies, he was a good hacker, but his reports were fake. Just enough to be spotted. He is corrupt and we fired him immediately, banned him from the property and any dealings with the company." Simon's voice lowered stressed sounding. Paul was so shifty everyoone believed him but the entire time he was selling them out, and stealing their platforms to re-design and create them as his own work. He was a fraud all the way and a crook.

"Now lets not talk and enjoy this fantastic night here, good food and cinematic view." So for now, he had other things on his mind........


June 23, 2024 16:41

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