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American Fiction Romance

"Hello, anybody home?" I rang the doorbell again, then finally gave up. Todd just did not want to come to the door. Unless he was out, I thought, but where would he be on a Tuesday night?

"Not coming out?" My friend Pete kindly ventured.

"No", I returned. I hopped back in the Ford Focus and we zoomed back to the main road, took a left then looked among the slew of fast- food restaurants, for somewhere to get something to eat.

" What about Domino's? We can bring the pizza back to my place," Pete made a suggestion.

But my eyes were on Taco Bell. "Eh, I'd rather have Mexican."

"You win, as always," he chuckled and we parked the car and went inside and ordered.

I was getting a taco bowl and Pete got 3 beef burritos.

When I sat down, I noticed something in the corner of my eye, but then I thought, no, it couldn't be.

"Pam?!" Pete beat me to it, it was my old lesbian fling.

"Oh, hi Pete", then she turned to me. "Rachel!" I giggled, then smiled ear to ear,

"How've you been, girl?"

"Oh, ok," she answered, shrugging. "I'm managing. Did you hear my fiancee Sue passed?"

"Oh no! Boy what's goin' on these days. People dyin'." I tried to look sad, even though me and Sue never got along.

"Yea, I'm living over in the Briswold Heights, do you guys want to come over? Just down the road."

I looked at Pete and secretly vigorously shook my head, then he told her, "No not tonight my Pam, but,"

"Ok, that's fine," she interrupted, then smiled off.

Whew! Too much drama, with that girl. "Ok, Pete. Where do you want to go to eat."

"Let's just stay here", we arranged our platters on the small restaurant table and proceeded to chow down.

I smiled at my friend Pete, who would never hurt a fly, and said, "See? -Mexican."

He nodded. When we were done eating, we went out and got back in the car and turned on the music.

Soon we were home to my house, then he dropped me off, and said, "she wished you would say no, that girl's got a lot of problems. You would just be another one to her. Tomorrow we can check up with the man Todd again."

"Ok." I turned and went in the house, and Pete beeped and drove off. On the way inside, I noticed a pink letter. In the mailbox. I slowly took it out, yup addressed to me. From...Caleb?! Wow I hadn't heard from him in years. Would it be cheating if I just..

I looked around and then greedily but carefully, hungrily opened the letter. I didn't know if me and Todd were even still together. No answer lately. Hell, I didn't know if the guy was even still around!

Inside, at my kitchen table I revealed the letter, and it said,

Dear Rachel,

I hope this catches you at a good time, I wanted to say I'm sorry for how I treated you. I should have been a better boyfriend, and I regret my action(s every day.

I am living in L.A., but if you receive this letter and want to get back with me, I will be happy to make room for you.



My jaw dropped, Caleb was begging for forgiveness? Oh. The return address was a P.O.Box. That's funny, I thought to myself, then threw the letter in my mail bin.

My sister said she had a lead for the Mystery Adventure Club exercise, and I wanted to be a part of it, so I called, and talked, then got tired and went to bed.

In the morning, both Pete and my sister Jane were knocking on my door, actually rather competitively, come to think of it.

When I got out there, they were both glaring, at me, obviously holding grudges against each other for god knows what.

"Are you gonna be loud enough to have all the neighbors over here too?"

"We sure are." My sister chimed in.

"Now are you coming on the adventure mystery clue presentation forum ride, or.."

"No I thought you wanted to track Todd down." Pete moped.

"Oh, guys why don't we forget all that and just take a walk to the Hudson and feed the ducks."

"Ok!" My sister practically squealed. But Pete turned away. "Ok, I'll see ya another time", he said.

"Ok Pete."

"Sara," I started.

My sister looked at me. "What."

",I got this letter from Caleb."

"Oh." No, don't go back with him. Bad news.

"You're right." I guess I just had to be reminded. He was a cheat.

Down at the river, we fed the ducks, til I almost fell in trying to throw the food, then Sara drove me home.

Pete called later that night.

Pete and my sister Sara were never the best of buddies, but they were civil to each other. I appreciated that, since fighting made me depressed, even from among my friends. In my childhood, my parents fought and I felt isolated. My sister was always there, even though the memory of her is vague.

Pete was a friend ever since I was admitted into the mental health system, one of my first. I wished they wouldn't be so denying of each other, but hey. At least they were pretty respectful.

I walked around the block for a change of scenery, and noticed that the bus heading was different today.

ALIEN INvasion, check the NEWS it said


What is this freakin world comin to.

I laughed to myself.

If I could only go back, to when I was 3.

Sara came by with a sandwich for me, and Pete joined us in the backyard. I told him he could have a can of ravioli from the cupboard. We sat ther and

Then the whole house blew away.

Oh my god it's the alien invasion.

How much more do I have to Live, I wondered.

Life was getting confusing. I sure wished I still had my parents. I cried a little, then just looked up, and said to the sky, "im comin mom, dad, I'll be there soon. I miss you."

Pete came over with the phone. "Guess what it's Todd and he wants you to join him in Puerto Rico."

"Uh, " I stammered. "Do I have to?"

"Come on let's go."

"The house is missing."

"Just come on."

"What about me", chimed in my sister.

Me my sister and Pete got up and walked to her car, and drove to the airport.

There, our adventure begin

November 23, 2024 02:13

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1 comment

Summer Austin
05:29 Nov 23, 2024

This was in honor of my friend


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