
Joan had something rare in her life: a day off. No errands needed to be run. The kids are off at my mum's house, and her husband is on a work trip. She planned to sleep in, take the dog for a walk, have lunch with Cathy, and end the day with a long bubble bath.

Joan was suddenly jolted by the dog barking and then the screeching of an alarm. She grabbed her dress and slippers and stepped outside with the rest of the street, realising that the alarm from the shop across the road was just a false alarm. The police could quickly arrive on the scene. Great, so much for a sleep-in. It is 4 am, so now I cannot get to sleep. So, having a sleep-in is off the list.

She spent hours lying in bed trying to relax. She constantly tries to relax, not to look at her phone or start doing work on her computer. After what seemed like an eternity, she went to check her phone. Her phone was flat, but she thought she had charged it but realised she had never actually charged it. That's okOKshe can be placed in charge, but something is wrong. It not charging. She tried to turn the light on, but nothing happened. The power was out. How can I charge my phone now?

She took a deep breath. "OKOKI will go to the library to use the phone charges and exchange a few books. "As she walked towards the library, she thought, "Oh no, it is locked. "She saw a sign on the door: "Due to the power outage, the library is closed. Sorry for the inconvenience. "She exhaled heavily, trying not to panic. It is OKOKI will take the dog for a walk, and the power will come back on. "

She walked into the house and started to call the dog, but she was not coming. She looked around, her dog calling her name. She finally found her hand in the kid's treat box. Oh no, there was chocolate in that box. She quickly shooed her away, realising that instead of taking the dog for a long, relaxing walk, it was an expensive trip to the vet.

The vet's reception was crowded. She approached the reception with her dog. The receptionist did not even look up at her computer. 'Do you have an appointment?' 'No.' "Is it an emergency?' 'Yes, dog ate chocolate.' She continued staring at the screen, not giving a single glance of her eye while asking for details.

What seems like an eternally but a reality in a few minutes. Her dog was whisked to the door. Then she saw a smiling vet and said, 'Joan Peters.' She quickly went to the back to see her dog. She was relieved that she found out she never ate any chocolate. Excellent. $200 goes down the drain for nothing.

She felt her stomach rumbling as she looked at her watch. Oh no, it is 12 pm. She remembered she was going to be late for her lunch with Cathy. She was not trying to panic with the day she already had. A lovely lunch with the thing that she needed, and she excitedly waiting for this for weeks. She quickly dropped the dog off and went to the car to head towards the place. Luckily, there was a phone charge in her car.

She was driving to the restaurant when she saw Cathy's text saying she had cancelled. She took a deep breath, trying not to cry after the day she had had. So, let's say another thing did not go right. It's OK; the plan can change. She can still claim a wonderful day with a solo lunch and shopping.

After a few minutes into the car journey, she was starting to relax, putting on some music. And then the traffic came to a complete stop. Then she heard on the radio about a massive three-car accident. Great, it's the last thing needed, and now it's too late to turn around. All she can do is sit and listen to her favourite.

She finally got to the city, looking at the car clock. It's now 2 pm, and she can hear her stomach growling, remembering that she had not eaten anything today. But now she only thinks about food. She knows how to focus because parking in the city can be tricky. Now it's time to find a car park.

Lucky for her, being a local, she knows all the secret parking spots. First, she tried the old mill car park, but there were no spots. Second, behind the farmer's market, there were no spots. Third, behind her workplace, there were no spots. Then she tried all the usual well-known parking spots, all of them full. She tried every street and side street near every café and shop. So now it was time to give up. After thirty minutes of hopefulness, she looked for a car park.

As she drove home, her grumbling stomach became the focus of her attention. She turned into the McDonald's drive-thru. She felt that she could eat the entire menu. As she got closer to the drive-thru, the line was long, but she knew that she would get her food quickly.

It was a ten-minute wait in line until she could order. But then she had to pay and was told to go into the waiting bay. She was kept waiting in the bay for ages. After 15 minutes, she finally received her food. She pulled over to the car park and inhaled her meal. It was finally time to go home and enjoy a bubble bath.

Finally, she greeted the dog. She spent about an hour playing with the dog and throwing a ball. At least one thing in her day was calming and went well today. Now, it's time to start the bubble bath. She has been waiting for this for the entire day.

Now, it is time to start my bubble bath. Walked into the bathroom then stepped into dog poo. Great, it is time to get the mop. After that done, I looked a bath it dirty as the plant pot as dropped leaving soil and flowers in the bath. After that, it was time for the actual time for the tub. Looking in the cupboard now, bubble bath left.

So, Joan just gave up on her bubble bath, had a shower, and raided the kid's treat box for dinner. Now she is watching The Notebook, her favourite movie, with the dog. At least she could end her day on an enjoyable note. The next day off will go better. She will return to her ordinary life tomorrow with her husband and kids.

September 02, 2024 06:10

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Julie Grenness
04:49 Sep 12, 2024

Good tale. We can all trust the process, the plan. Some days are pearls, some days it is survival! Credible chain of events, very human story. Well done..


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Rabab Zaidi
02:29 Sep 08, 2024



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