A Love Story - Written in the Form of Thank You Notes

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a story in the form of a series of thank you cards.... view prompt


LGBTQ+ Teens & Young Adult



Thank you so much for the cookies you baked me!! It was a wonderful 'welcome' gift to the apartment complex.

I've left the empty container along with this note just outside your door x

Elife :)




I'm happy that we keep running into each other on the elevator. It's always so nice to chat with you!

Thank you for buying me that morning coffee at the coffee stand yesterday when I accidentally left my wallet at home. You are too kind!





I'm so glad you were able to attend my 26th birthday party!! It was so much fun and I'm very honoured to have been there for your first-ever green tea shot. There will be lots more where that came from if you continue to stick with me x

See you tomorrow for coffee!

Elife :)




I can't thank you enough for helping me with that project I had to do for work. I swear, if you didn't help me, I would have just quit because it was overwhelmingly stressful. Thank you for teaching me how to use Microsoft Spreadsheets and Google Analytics.

I couldn't have survived it without you.

I'm so happy that I met you and I'll see you on Saturday for mini golf to celebrate x

Elife :)




Again, I am so very sorry for cancelling our mini-golf session yesterday. I know I have a nasty head cold, but that doesn't excuse the last-minute cancellation I gave you.

Thank you for stopping by and bringing me some chicken noodle soup from my favourite restaurant. Hanging out with you and watching reruns of DanceMoms was fun!

I hope I don't get you sick :(

I deeply appreciate you x

We'll talk soon.

Elife :)




Believe it or not, there is such a thing as ordering your groceries online and getting them delivered to your apartment! Although I thank you for this chivalrous act of picking me up some food essentials, t'is not necessary. I am no longer sick nor spreading sickly germs around.

I express my gratitude, nonetheless ;)

I'll see you tomorrow!

Elife :)




Yes, another thank-you note. No matter what you say, it's not cheesy!!

As I write this, you're probably getting ready for bed. Thank you for walking me to my apartment (even though we live only a few floors away from each other.)

I had lots of fun with you tonight - dinner was lovely, and I'm sure to eat the leftovers tomorrow for lunch.

(The kiss before you dropped me off was fun too x )

We'll talk soon xx




Sarah <3 ,

Everyone at work was gushing over the beautiful flowers that you sent me! Irises are my favourite type of flower, but I'm sure you already know that.

Thank you for them.

Just in case you can't spot them tomorrow when you come over, I've put them in a vase on my bedside dresser :)

Counting down the hours until I see you <3

Elife xx



Sarah <3,

Happy one-month anniversary, my sweet girl!! One thing I adore about sending you these thank-you notes is that I can be as cheesy as I want and YOU can't stop me!

Thank you for all of the dates that you've taken me on, for all of the meals you've cooked for me, and for all the movies you watched/suffered through with me.

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me xx


Elife xx

P.S. I counted the freckles on your face and you have 81 freckles!



My love,

As I'm writing this, you're sleeping next to me in my bed for the first time. I've made us some coffee in the new coffee pot you gave me for our one-month anniversary. A cup of it is resting on my bedside table and the rest is warming in the pot, ready for you when you wake up.

I hope you know how happy you make me.

Thank you for everything you've done for me so far (and last night).

I love you, and your 81 freckles :)


Elife <3



My love,

Meeting your family yesterday was such a lovely experience. Your mom took a shine to me, and I'm going to the park with your little brother over the weekend (although I'm sure he told you). I'm just as excited as he is.

I'll see you tomorrow for dinner x

I love you and your 81 freckles :)


Elife <3



My sweet girl,

Fall is approaching - You know what that means! It's time for pumpkin-flavoured everything and lots of baking. Maybe I can finally recreate those chocolate chip cookies you stole my heart with ;)

Thank you for spending all this time with me. You spoil me too much x

I love you and your 81 freckles :)

Yours, forever and always.

Elife <3



My love,

I'm sorry I made you so frustrated on the phone last night. Please understand why I don't want to tell my parents about you just yet. I will in due time. It's a scary thing to do, and I hope you'll understand where I'm coming from.

Thank you for being patient with me <3

I need you tomorrow to help me pack for my 2-month trip to Australia. I'm very excited. I don't like living in the cold.

I love you so much, forever and always.

Elife <3



My Dear Sarah,

Thank you for helping me pack the other day. And thank you for taking the time to drive me to the airport. I'm sorry that I won't be able to spend Christmas with you or your family. Give your little brother my love!

I will miss you. It's just two months, and then I'll be back home and safe in your arms :)

Love you and your 81 freckles,

Elife <3



My Dear Sarah,

I'm sorry for what I said to you over the phone last night. Please, I need this relationship to work out. I know long-distance is hard, but I think we're strong enough to do it :)

Thank you for your commitment to me x

I love you and miss you.

Love, forever and always.

Elife <3,




Happy Christmas!

You're not answering any of my texts. I hope everything is okay. I hope we're okay.

Please send your family my love! Only one more month until I'm back in your arms x

Thank you for letting me go on this trip. The beaches are breathtakingly beautiful and the nightlife has been the most fun I've ever had in a long time.

I love you,


Elife <3,




Please answer your phone. I'm sorry I did it.

I need to talk to you. Don't shut me out like this.

Thank you for always listening to me and taking care of me x

I love you,





I'm sorry.

It was one night. He doesn't mean anything to me.

I was drunk.

It was one mistake, and it'll never happen again.

I love you and you only.

Thank you for always being there for me when I need it x

Are you going to pick me up at the airport when I come home soon?





It's hell not talking to you.

I already told you that I was sorry. What else can I do to make it up to you?

Thanks for not picking me up at the airport, I guess. I hope you don't stay mad at me forever.





I take your radio silence as a sign that you don't want anything to do with me anymore.

I can't take it back, no matter how hard I try.

Thanks for the relationship, I guess.




Dear Sarah,

I'm not angry at you anymore. I was for a long time, but I let myself heal.

I hope you give yourself time to heal too. I'm truly sorry for everything that happened between us.

Thank you for being my best friend. I'm grateful that you were in my life. Thank you for wiping my tears when I was sad and for loving me when I was angry at you.

I love you and your 81 freckles forever <3





I am writing to you to express my gratitude for attending mine and Charlie's wedding last Friday. Sending you an invitation was a long shot, but I'm glad you came.

It was lovely to see you again.

Please take care of yourself.


July 29, 2024 19:20

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Rabab Zaidi
02:10 Aug 04, 2024

Novel concept. Elfie just takes and takes! Poor Sarah, I feel sad for her.


Audrey Schatz
13:00 Aug 04, 2024

Haha, thanks! Writing a love story in the form of 'thank-you' cards was such a fun little challenge. I appreciate you taking the time to read my submission :)


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