Racing down the cobbled street, Josh legged-it, in one last bid for freedom. Schoolbag jostling the crumpled paperwork inside, as he navigated the uneven terrain. The gripping pain in his aching muscles and shin splints on fire, as exhaustion took its toll. Like a deer being stalked into the undergrowth, his racing heart, pounded hard in his chest. Eyes wide and alert, fight-flight system on autopilot, desperately trying to usher him to safety, searching for every last move to outrun his ascendants. Jumping walls, splaying through thorny bushes, blocking out the pain as he powered through, regardless of the tearing at his skin. Awkwardly sprinting, regardless of the disabling limp becoming more pronounced; yet still frantically making his way towards the entrance of the woods. Blocking it all out as he was running for his life this time.
Summoning every last scrap of energy within him, to outrun Alistair and his mates. Mere momentum powered him now, gathering speed as he raced toward the nearest opening into the woods, clumsily catching his shoe on a curbstone before he could make it. His arms flung out to break the ferocity of the awkward fall. Grazing his palms, scuffing his brand-new shoes, before hurriedly picking himself back up to quickly chart the steep embankment into the woods, not daring to look back. The light fading in the overgrown thicket, ancient fir trees lined the path creating a tunnel, the ruddy coloured bark and dark green spruce, brushing his clothes as he sped past. He embraced the soft, scented pine needles beneath his feet, a welcomed sensation from the harsh, unforgiving cobbles.
A creeping sense of isolation, shuddered down his spine. The cooler air of the woodland leaving him ill at ease. What now? Was this a bad decision? Deep in the woods, there was no-one to help him if they caught hold of him. What if no one ever found his body? What about his poor mum? She would be heartbroken, but what other choice did he have? So many questions and worries flooded his mind as he hurried down the pathway, hearing the gentle thud of his feat, cushioned by the soft leaf litter along the earthy pathway as he ran.
The breeze whipped up in the treetops above his head, making them sway, creaking eerily, as he made his way down the incline. The swirling waters of the river far down below, bubbled and frothed against the unforgiving rocks and rapids. Almost beckoning him on, as he hurtled down at speed along the uneven embankment littered with tree roots and rocks to navigate. He made a hasty jump, scaling the wet mossy stones, slipping, and once again, scuffing his knees and coating his trousers in green slime. The lonely path was hardly used anymore, what on earth was he thinking, putting himself in even more danger?
Stopping behind a large ancient oak to rest; checking if the coast was clear, his lungs felt like they were on fire, slackening his tie and pleading deep within for an end to this. Josh felt his shoes sink into the damp, boggy soil, leaking moisture, as he watched the columns of autumnal sunshine breaking through to the woodland floor. Illuminating patches of brilliant light, giving him hope his prayers were being answered, and to keep going. Breathing a small sigh of relief. Luckily, there was still no sign of them.
A scrawny black cat slinked its way across the pathway, a queen standing alert, eyeballing Josh with her emerald green eyes. Her fur stood on end and back arched, briefly unsettled by his presence as she was going about her business
‘No, kitty, go-on, shoo, shoo!’ he whispered fearful she might just blow his cover. The cat looked at him, indignant, continuing to cross the path, head held high with an air of superiority. He watched her skulk away under some shrubs, relief passing over him as the sweat dripped from his forehead, trying to ease the growing stitch in his side. His crop of thick dark hair, all spikey as he wiped the perspiration from his troubled brow. The derelict looking cottages, from a time now forgotten, were dotted around, falling into disrepair. Covered in invasive ivy, choking out the light, adding to the growing sense of loneliness and despair he was feeling.
His heart skipped a beat, hearing the pounding of their shoes running down embankment. The lad’s voices echoing in the distance. Whistling across the gorge and hollering so loud over the crag, there was no doubt who it was. His heart sank, pained at the thought of running again, he didn’t think he could take anymore. Hearing those familiar voices, jeering, taunting him as they descended...
‘You’re a dead man Middleton’ Alistair threatened, his booming voice echoed all around. Josh felt trapped, listening to them laughing as they descended down towards him. Their voices, twisted like the knotted, gnarly branches surrounding him. The loud thumping footsteps growing faster on the hollow-sounding soil. So alien in the picturesque setting. He had to get away, before they made it over the brow of the hill.
Loosening his bag, stuffing the papers back in fully, still a mess from his earlier scuffle with Alistair. He didn’t want to risk them falling out, leaving a trail. Not now. He jumped down behind the row of dilapidated cottages.
‘Dang!’ Frustrated as he noticed his muddy, scuffed shoes. Feeling helpless. How on Earth was he to explain this to his mum? Not wanting to add to her stress. His attention turned to a drain cover, a last ditched ticket to freedom. Pulling with all his might, the rusted metal lid scraped back, leaving enough room to squeeze down. Covered in filth, spraying his face and hair, but at least he was safe now as he pulled it shut.
The stench inside the sewer was vile, bracing himself, feeling the cold waters trickle into his shoes, with a sharp intake of air, repulsed by the smell. Reaching, coughing his guts up, but anything was better than another savage beating. Holding his nose in sheer desperation. This time they were really gunning for his blood, enraged by Joshes earlier escape. Alistair wouldn’t stop until he squeezed every last drop of blood out of Josh. A sadistic glint in his eye, taking pleasure from tormenting him daily.
He’d already tried to suffocate Josh earlier that day, with his tie. Only just managing to kick himself free, literally fighting for his life, terrified of this lunatic. It only seemed to make Alistair’s psychotic eyes flash even more with excitement. Feeding off the fear as Josh battled for breath. Alistair overpowered Josh in physical strength, stature, but also in confidence. Josh, mild mannered and gentle, was more interested in preserving life and nature, with a selfless heart. Alistair’s stocky physique unlike anyone else in their year group. He was like a man possessed. Rage burning in his eyes. All for what? Josh never did anything to him? Just a carbon copy of his dad… chest puffed out, blocky shoulders, with fists clenched by their sides. Other parents gave them a wide berth. Josh could only imagine what his father was capable of… and that was why Josh softened somewhat towards him, even in his own torment, he somehow felt sorry for him.
But he was sick of living on the run. How much more could he take. ‘If there is anyone up there, please catch me a break. Please God, no more... I can't take any more.’
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1 comment
Wonderful imagery.