Lifetime Routine from an Unconventional Holiday Tradition

Written in response to: Write a story about an unconventional holiday tradition.... view prompt


Christmas Holiday Inspirational

It was 1980 and Tim was writing his final exams at school during the holiday season. "Holidays are about to begin. This year Christmas and new year celebrations are going to be awesome!", he thought to himself looking at the window outside the examination hall. He was excited about what gifts his dad would buy him during the season. He had a little sister Nancy. She was 2 years younger than Tim.

Tim and Nancy completed their exams and returned home. Tim ran inside the house and exclaimed in a loud voice, “Where are we going this time, Daddy?”. Tim’s dad was silent as he was reading the daily newspaper. “Tell us daddy. Tell us”, Nancy added. Their dad asked them to maintain silence for some time. Once he completed reading the daily newspaper he replied, “Kids, this year our year end vacation is going to be a little different. We are going to a new place.”. Tim and Nancy got excited and asked their dad to which place they are about to travel. Their mom was also curious to know to which place they would be travelling to.

Tim’s dad said, “We will be visiting your grandparents' place and stay along with them for a week”. “Grandparents? But don’t have them either. Whom are you referring to Dad”, asked Tim. You might not be aware of them, but they know you very well. Kids were confused, their level of excitement reduced a bit because they were expecting a bigger plan. Nancy asked her dad why they weren't going to any amusement park that time. Dad smiled and said, “Amusement parks are just for fun Nancy, this time vacation will be a great experience for your lifetime”.

Kids agreed and they went back to their room. Their mom came inside the room and said that she wasn’t aware of the plan. She asked them to pack their bags for a week and told them that they’ll be leaving the next day. Kids started packing their bags and went to bed.

Next day morning, their dad asked them if they had purchased any gifts for their grandparents. Kids said no. Tim asked his dad whether they should buy something because they were never aware of it because they have never seen their grandparents earlier.

Their dad said that it is a kind of respect and a token of love that we share with elders and asked them to get something for their grandparents. Kids asked their dad to take them outside for shopping to get some gifts for them. “Do we have a grandmother and a grandfather, daddy”, asked Nancy. Dad smiled and said, “You have grandfathers and grandmothers, almost 20 grandmas and 30 grandpas”. Kids got confused. “Are you kidding us dad”, Tim asked. Dad smiled and said, “Go get something in this store for all of them”. Kids were really confused. But they went inside the store.

They got some woollen hoodies and shrugs and wrapped them well with gift wrappers. They came back home, and they were all set to get started for the vacation.

They started to a nearby town by car, but the route wasn’t familiar to the kids. Tim asked his dad, “Where are we going daddy? Why can’t you tell us now?”. Dad just smiled and said, “You’ll get to know in a few hours dear”. Journey continued.

After a while their dad stopped the car in a remote place where there was only one building standing tall. Kids got down and were curious to know where they’ve come and who their grandparents are. They went inside the building and there was a huge board at the reception with notes written on it welcoming their family.

Yes, it was an old age home with almost 50 people in it. All of them stood next to the reception and welcomed them with a warm smile. An old woman came near Tim’s dad and said, “John, hope you are doing good. It’s been almost 2 years since you visited this place. Did you forget your mom?”. John’s eyes were filled with tears, and he hugged her.

John was basically a kid who grew up in an orphanage when he was a kid. He struggled a lot during the earlier phase of his life. But later he worked hard, excelled in studies, and became an architect with a good reputation in the society. He always dreamt about helping the needy when he grew up. All the people at the old age home were his fathers and mothers for the past 6 to 7 years.

He wanted his kids to understand the value of every relation in life and hence took them to that old age home. He introduced his family to them, and they all were happy to meet his family (Their extended family now). Kids were also happy because of their loving gestures towards them. Tim opened his bag and started distributing the gifts he got for all of them. Everyone accepted his gift and gave him a warm hug. Nancy also accompanied her brother.

They stayed there for almost a week. Kids enjoyed the company of their grandmoms and granddads. They also learnt a lot of life lessons and discipline from them. They wandered around the garden along with them, heard the stories they shared, listened to their past struggles etc.

After a week, time arrived to leave that place. Tim and Nancy wanted to stay there for a few more days. But since the holiday was ending, they had to return home. With sad faces they bid bye to everyone and started back home.

On the way back home, John asked his kids about the holiday vacation. Tim’s answer made him awestruck. Tim said, “Dad, every year holiday was only about enjoyment and buying new stuff. But this year it wasn’t the same. This year's vacation taught us what life is. It also taught us the value of family and relationships. I learnt that money is not important and there are a lot more things beyond that. Moreover, I learnt that life is not about living for us, but also for the sake of the poor and needy who lack love and support”.

John smiled and told his son, “I have been doing this for the past 6 to 7 years and I wish that you could take it forward too”. Tim smiled and said OK.

Years rolled away. Tim is now 45 years old, and he runs an old age home with almost 100 people in it. It just took one unconventional holiday to change Tim’s life.

Moral: It is up to us to spend holidays wisely. Of course, entertainment and relaxation are the major expectations of any vacation. But it is not a bad idea to spend one holiday at least during the festive season with the poor and needy. They need our love too.

December 28, 2022 09:45

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