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Seedlings need a firtle land to spring forth and grow out into trees blessed with fruits. Yes! Afamefula and Chike were childhood friends from Obodoama village. As little boys with great dreams and aspirations to grow up and become famous in life, the duo kept watering their plant of becoming great in life with words of encouragement and dertmination. Life took a different phase as one of Chike's Uncles who lived in the city, Abuja to be precise came back to the village and decided to take Chike with him.

It was indeed a moment of loneliness for Adam. A night before Chike's departure, his parents called him out to have a heart to heart discuss with him. My son, my son, I know you will sure make us your parents proud and bring light back to our house engulfed with darkness of poverty. Uncle Elo has promised to see you though school and ensure you get the education you need. Please, do not desappoint us. After the advices from Chike's parents, he sat down and in a glace, looked round the room and said, "papa, mama, I will return an adult, a grown and wealthy man". On hearing that, his mother jumped up with a heart full joy gave him a hug and said, "my chi will guide you my son".

Very early in the said departure day, Afam came to bead his dear friend goodbye. They sat under a mango tree behind the house and talked for a while. Chike I will miss you but I know I too will leave the village soon. It is going to be okay my friend, both hug each other firmly. Chike left the village at the age of six and a year later, Afam left too to stay with one of his Maternal Uncles in Kano. Life went on as the two promising children of Obodoama left for the city. Communication after a few years ended. None heard from each other, only their parents in the village could once in a blue moon greet if by chance come across. This went on for years. Chike was successful in school, his excellent performance in his academics fetched him lots of awards and scholarships. He later travelled to the United States of America to study Medicine. On the other hand, Afam was doing well too in his own way. He was smart and hardworking. He graduated from one of the best universities in the country with a first class in business management. This also aid him to be one of the selected few who were sponsored by ECOWAS to go study abroad. Life is beautiful! Chike has done well for himself and indeed he was a reflection of dedicated and ambitious fellow. He came back from the states after his studies in the states. You'd ask he forgot his childhood friend? No, Chike just like Afam hunted for means to reach each other but maybe it wasn't time yet. All means to get in touch with each other was never coming through.

Alas! Chike has grown so big and wealthy, a successful medical doctor and proudly addressed as "Dr. Chikelu." Afam was not left out in the web of prosperity and good success. He won the most successful business management student after a program held in London. He came back and became a successful business man with so many companies, hotels, houses and fleets of cars. Are you wondering, they forgot home, their parents ? No! As if they had an argreement that they will show up before their people not as little boys of then but grown and successful adults. All things being equal, fate had it own way of playing its game. The news of Chike's arrival to the village for his traditional marriage spread like a wild fire round the village of Obodoama and even the neighbouring villages. His parents could not hold down their joy they wish time could fly like the birds so they could behold their son who left at the age of six, a little boy but coming home, back to were he last visited/ stayed as a child, a grown adult. As all these were playing out, invitation was on going in the big cities. And wow! On the desk of Chief Afamefula was an invitation of Dr Chikelu's traditional marriage. Yes, sometimes when you feel something is impossible, at the sight of it, you will feel like you have gone blind. That was how Afamefula felt when he picked the card to see its content. It's a lie! Am I dreaming? Rhetorical*. He could not express how grateful he was to God who finally has brought a means to reach his old and childhood friend again. He quickly called the number in the card and luckily, it went through.

Afam: Hello!

Chike's Sectary: hello, how may I help you?

Afam: am Chief Afamefula I got an invitation for Dr Chikelu's traditional marriage. This number was attached to the card.

Sectary: oh yes! Sir, you are highly invited. Am sorry, I will tell my boss you called. Whether or not he knows you, you are highly invited sir. I beg to go now sir, I have a lot to attend to.( Call ended)

Few days to the D-Day, Afamefula called back the same number. This time, the great doctor himself picked up.

Afam: Hello!

Chike: hello! good afternoon to you. How may I be of help to you?

Afam: (felt excited, the joy in his heart almost ripped his heart open.)

(Stammering) i-t-i-s meeee Afam from Obodoama village no doubt, I know it's you my good old friend Chike.

Chike: oh God ! Finally, I could hear your voice my brother from another mother! At that point, both felt they could hold each other titely like the last time they did before parting ways.

Afam: send me your address, first flight I'm there.

Chike: without any delay my friend.( call ended)

Few minutes later, Chief Afamefula got a mail, it was Dr. Chike's address. To God be praised! The duo met once again after so many years. Two days to the marriage ceremony, they both prepared themselves with some of their friends and business partners in their expensive regalia, they entered their cars and in convoy, all road led to Obodoama!

Thank God for journey mercies. They arrived safely.

Their arrival to the place they last visted as Children, they returned as adults and not just adults, grown and successful ones.

Indeed, the young shall grow!

July 17, 2020 23:51

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Abigail Slimzy
23:56 Jul 17, 2020

Yes, change is inevitable. A seed will sure one day grow into a tree. A child will never remain a child, the young Shall Grow some day. It's just a matter of time*


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