Be careful what you wish for. (Version 2, Part 2.)

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Write about someone making a seemingly inconsequential decision, which goes on to have important consequences.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Romance

"Why? Celia, I love you." Jason sounds heartbroken. I start to cry, how could I?

"Jason, I- I don't..... anymore."

"What do you mean Celia? Are- are you breaking up with me?" His voice got quieter, and my heart dropped.

"Yes, Jason. It's for the better..."

"HOW IS THIS FOR THE BETTER?!" He yells through the phone.

"Jason, you wouldn't understand. It's complicated. All I can say is, I'm going to be hurting, too, this is hard for me. Jason, I don't want to see you get hurt. Okay? That's why. I have to go, goodbye." As I hang up a rush of tears fills my eyes. I think of all the memories of us, like when he pretended to propose in 8th grade with a Ring pop.

We have- or had been dating since 7th grade. Now last year I finished school, and he's still in for one more year. (College.)

"I don't know what I'll do without him, Steven," I say.

"Well, apparently future me said to break up with him so, it really is for the better," He stops. "But did future me say anything about dating someone else? Like maybe me?" I didn't know Steven liked me. There is a silence, then out of nowhere, he kisses me, again. But this time I kiss him back, I don't know why but it feels right. Like I was meant to be with Steven the whole time. I mean I've known him longer than Jason, since 5th grade.

"Celia, I've liked you since 6th grade. I was always too scared to admit it. Then Jason came along, and it was too late. Celia, please tell me you love me."

"I.. I do."

"Be my girlfriend? Please." What do I say? Hmm.

"Fine." Then we kiss.

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1 year later.

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We are still dating and I love it, I love being with him!

One day on our 1-year anniversary, we are somewhere very special. It's romantic and fun, then I see Steven get down on one knee, the music changes and dessert arrives. "Please marry me? I'm desperate for your love. I'm desperate for your constant presence, your beauty next to me every morning, your kindness, you." He says wholeheartedly.

"Steven... I'd love to but are you really sure you're ready? I don't think that would be all that smart...." But the thing is, I don't think I could live without him either.

"Please, give me a chance... marry me." He comes closer to me and does a begging motion. How can I say no, it seems right, I don't kno- I wake up seeing once again the future Steven, "Say yes, my present is changing for the better, thank you, Celia. I love you. Goodbye." The future Steven said he loves me, so it might be for the better? I know what I'm gonna say.

"Yes, Steven, Yes. I'll marry you." Then we kissed, I hope this is the right decision.

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5 months later.

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Our wedding is tomorrow. I'm very excited but is it right? I don't know.

"Steven, you have your tux washed right?" I ask, he's always forgetting something minor, but semi-important.

"Yes actually, I did. And what about you did you forget something?"

I don't think so...

"I don't know, I don't think so. What do you think I forgot??"

"A kiss, we have to be separate a whole night tonight. Also, you have to get your bag in the car." We laugh, then kiss. I think this might be a happily ever after.

I get in the car and drive off, he smiles and waves. A wave of suspicion washes over me, I make a large square circle around the house. I get out of the car sneakily and walk to the window, nothing. Maybe it's just me, then I see a girl. They are... KISSING?! What the heck Steven? So I go into the house as fast as I can to catch him.

"What the $@%& are you doing!?" I burst. They are just calmly talking, how the heck are they calmly talking!?

"Celia! This isn't what it looks like! Really!"

"Then what the heck is it?! Explain, our wedding is tomorrow and you're going down this path?" The girl's shirt is kind of wrinkled, oh wow Steven.

"Celi-" Steven tries to say then I interrupt.

"No, I'm not done! You say you love me, you're sad I have to leave. LIES! I left my love for you, left my home for you, I left everything for you! And you go and cheat on me? WHY? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!"

"It's not like that, she's not who you think. I do love you. Please listen."

"No, Steven." I start packing my things, then the girl says something,

"Um, it really isn't, I'm from Fashion is our Passion. The magazine, I came to redesign...... your walls, for a... photoshoot. Your fiance wanted to gift you something." Hmm, big lier, a bad one too.

"Then why are you in my room?"

"Umm, we were..... gonna... do the bedroom first." Nope. I don't believe it. I can't win.

"Goodbye Steven. We'll talk about it later. Oh and by the way, F you. Thanks for getting me pregnant, and then cheating." I leave the house with two bags which I was packing during the conversation, and get in the car. I see in the mirror Steven chasing me, I still love him but I don't believe them. I should've just done that stupid dare, having sex with Jason would've been better.

I can't say I'll leave him, I can't say I'll marry him tomorrow, but I need trust in him that he won't cheat again. I know he probably just made a simple mistake or something. Right?

I drive to Jason's house and knock.

"Hello- Celia? What are you doing here?"

"I need someone to talk to."

"I- come in." So I tell him everything, he listens.

"Wow, and you're pregnant? How far along?"

"3 months. I don't know what to do!"

"Neither do I. You could..... believe and forget. Forgive and forget. Marry him knowing that he's probably cheating on you. Or break up with him." Jason says. I sometimes wonder if it would've been better to marry Jason. I remember the soft feel of his lips, makes me almost want to feel that again. But no, I'm engaged. Well, Steven cheated, can't I just kiss him once? No, I shouldn't, yes I should, no I really shouldn't, yes, no, yes, no, yes? What do I do!

Tell me what do I do?

Authors note: She is in fact really asking you, what should she do.

I'm going to let you decide,

  1. Kiss Jason.
  2. Spend the night.
  3. Leave.
  4. Any other suggestions?

Your choice.

May 28, 2021 18:16

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Arya Jackson
20:04 Jun 07, 2021

LOVE THIS!!! I wasn't expecting steven to cheat on her!!! AND GET HER PREGNANT!!!!!!!!! Keep writing!


20:09 Jun 07, 2021

Thanks, I will.


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Pippin Took
13:44 Jun 01, 2021

4. Call off wedding with Steven (on the phone), and then kiss Jason I kinda got a feeling that that was the dare lol, but still so good! This poor girl...


15:17 Jun 01, 2021

Lol, thanks. :)


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15:19 Jun 01, 2021

Btw, do you think I should make the story now? Is it good?


Pippin Took
15:44 Jun 01, 2021



15:47 Jun 01, 2021

Ok. XD


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16:07 Jun 01, 2021

So what do you think, should she spend the night with Jason? You can choose if you want.


Pippin Took
16:11 Jun 01, 2021

I think she should, but there's this awkwardness that they both want to break but aren't sure how... It's your story though


16:24 Jun 01, 2021

ok cool.


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Kate Reynolds
19:49 May 31, 2021

Btw, ADORABLE bunny!!! What's his/her name??


20:46 May 31, 2021

Macarena, it's a boy though so he's Mac. There are four in his batch of bunnies, but he's most colorful, they are 1 year old now. :) (B-day December 23rd.)


Kate Reynolds
21:01 May 31, 2021

Awwwwwwwwww <33 They are adorable!!! What breed?


21:09 May 31, 2021

Rex, and California giant. (Not continental giant.) Very cute.


Kate Reynolds
22:03 May 31, 2021



15:16 Jun 01, 2021



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Kate Reynolds
19:34 May 31, 2021

This was a wonderful story (I liked the idea that she's asking for our opinion) I do have one critique, though. I feel like you rushed the wedding a bit, maybe make them date, fast forward a few years, and then have the wedding? But overall, it was fantastic!!! Hmmmm if I were her, I would make sure Steven really was cheating, and go from there :)


20:44 May 31, 2021

Thank you for the comments, it helps.


Kate Reynolds
21:00 May 31, 2021

Ofc! :D


21:06 May 31, 2021

Ok, I fixed it, reading the whole thing might be better, I changed a lot to make it fit. :)


Kate Reynolds
22:03 May 31, 2021

Ooh, I'll reread it!


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Kate Reynolds
22:04 May 31, 2021

This is perfect!!!


15:17 Jun 01, 2021

Thank you!!


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Pippin Took
02:18 Jan 23, 2023

Hey, it has been a long time. How are you?


05:47 May 14, 2023

Oh wow, it has been a long time- Hi! I'm alright, thanks for remembering me haha How are you?


Pippin Took
21:54 May 22, 2023

of course! I'm alright. And you?


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