Mystery Suspense Crime

Mal: what……. Should we do……….?

Evie: Of course, we shouldn’t tell the authorities!

Mal: but…… s-shouldn’t that be something we should do?

Evie: do you think the authorities will do anything about this because if you do you are wrong. All they will do is find a way to shut us up.

Evie and Mal: *we should have never started this*


Evie: listen up! We are going to leave this instant and not tell the authorities about this. Got it?

Mal: but-

Evie: no buts! If u want to argue with me let’s not do it now. We must escape first.

Evie grabbed Mal’s hand and ran as fast as she could

Evie: *pant* did…. *pant* *pant* we lose them? *pant*

Mal: I *pant* guess so... *pant*

Evie sat on the ground and started thinking

Mal: why do not want to tell the authorities about this

Evie: Give me a damn minute I still need to figure out what’s next.

Mal: but-

Evie: who are we kidding Mal? If the authorities took proper action, we wouldn’t have had to do this. Don’t you get it? Wake up from your sweet dreams because we have to face the reality now and this reality is nothing like how I expected it to be.

Mal: But now our lives are on the line. why do you still think its better not to tell them?

Evie: first we can’t be sure yet. We don’t know for sure if its them and neither are we sure if they saw us and what was that again “why do I think so”. Maybe if you used your stupid brain right now you would understand why I’m stressing on the fact that we shouldn’t tell them. Do you really think the authorities didn’t know about this happening? Do you really think the authorities and the media didn’t know that some strange people have been giving vials which make people part animal? People are being used as lab rats here and nobody knows the aftereffects of those vials and are you really sure the authorities and the media aren’t just hiding the truth from us?

Mal: how are you sure they are hiding this from us? Why is it not a possibility than they have no clue about any of this?

Evie: “how am I so sure?” ha……. How long has this been happening for? 5 whole months!! And how long did we start researching them? 3 months! And how much have we found out. Do u really think we have more resources than the authorities?

Mal: calm down……. Please Evie…… Remember why we started this?

Evie: yea…….

This all started when our best friend jane died……... the authorities said it was suicide just because of a stupid cut on her left arm. Jane died 4 months ago ………. But before that she went missing for 2 months. Nobody has a clue how janes family, me and Mal felt when we heard she went missing. It was so heart breaking for all of us…… jane was like family to us. When the authorities said it was suicide no one could have been more surprised than us. It was almost impossible for jane to kill herself. She never had a reason she loved the way she lived nobody hated her she had no enemies and her family cherished her. But the most suspicious thing is that they never showed us her body, so we had to go find out for ourselves. When me and Mal were about to sneak into the mortuary a doctor caught us. The doctor warned us and told us never to show up anywhere near the mortuary again and so we ran and that when we met this nurse.

Nurse: I’ve been searching for you everywhere

Evie: um… why?

Nurse: are you Ms. Janes guardians?

Mal: yes!

Evie: why what happened?

Nurse: listen carefully to what I’m about to say. Your friends’ body was taken away by people and I can’t tell u about those people because they covered themselves and wore hoodies.

Evie: where-

Nurse: don’t bother. its been quite a while since they left. Now the most important part, your friends’ body……. Not even me as a nurse could look at the body and it was treated nothing like a human should be…… but one thing is for sure it wasn’t a suicide. Even though there was a cut on her left arm the cut was quite unique and wasn’t something a blade or knife could do. It’s like an animal’s claw……. And one more thing I noticed was that her body was completely covered, and it was as if a full checkup didn’t even happen.

Evie: what……

Mal: animal claw?......

Nurse: I’ve told u everything I know now please leave before I get into trouble oh and don’t trust anybody. The number of people who know about this might be bigger than you think.

Mal: Evie…… what should we do…...?

Evie: what else? We find them on our own. Are you with me?

Mal: but…… yes! I’m with you! Its jane we are talking about.

*back to present*

Evie: lets take a rest and go back home…….

Mal: ………...

The next day

Evie woke up early and sat in front of her white board. She hated the fact that the authorities wouldn’t do anything about this and also the fact that she couldn’t do anything about it.

Mal: Evie…. Where are you? .... what’s with all the noises?

Evie: oh Mal! Did I wake you? I’m sorry. I was just thinking

Mal: about?

Evie: what we should do next….

Mal: you should’ve woken me up. I would’ve helped.

Evie: I know for a fact that you hate being woken up early.

Mal: that doesn’t matter right now. We have a problem to solve.

Evie: wait a second!

Evie ran to bring her laptop and started searching something

Mal: why? What is it?

Evie: remember that article from 4 years ago. It was about someone having different DNA than normal humans.

Mal: yea what about it? ……….. oh no, you don’t think.

Evie: yes, I think its related but first let me just confirm it.

Mal: who was the officer in charge of catching the culprit?

Evie: one second……. Mr. jones……. Jones Stewart….

Mal: why what is it?

Evie: he was fired not so long ago. He was fired for rebelling against his seniors

Mal: do you think he tried to work on this case.

Evie: I think he did and maybe was fired because he wanted to dig deeper.

Mal: we need to find him.

Evie: give me a minute I’ll try and locate his old phone.

Mal: okay…… I’ll make breakfast by then

After 15 minutes

Mal: any luck?

Evie: I couldn’t trace his old phone, but I found his address. It was in the data base, but it might not be where he’s living right now but we still have to check it out.

Mal: okay what time is it….?

Evie: oh its…… 6:30

Mal: I think we have enough time to eat and change clothes.

Evie: yup!

Mal: where is his place again?

Evie: street XXX apartment XX

Mal: oh, it ain’t that far.

After 30 minutes

Evie: are we all ready to go?

Mal: yup.

Evie: lets check one last time. Did u get the laser?

Mal: yea.

Evie: the tranquilizer?

Mal: yes

And a few other things

Evie: I think we are ready now.

Mal: let’s go.

While Mal drives the car Evie tries to find more clues about the case from 4 years ago and also if there were any other articles about Mr. Jones.

Evie: okay we’re here.

Mal: lets see what we find here.

Evie: *knock* *knock*

 ?     : who is it

Evie: um is this Mr. jones’s house?

  ? : who’s asking?

Evie: my name is Evie and I would like to meet Mr. jones.

 ?  : *opens the door* that would be me

Mal: oh my…..

Mr. Jones: oh its you.

Evie: uh do you know us?

Mr. Jones: come on in.

Mal: uh okay.

Mr. Jones: so you want to know about the case from 4 years ago?

Evie: ah yes……. Wait how do you know?

Mr. Jones: I’ll tell you about it.

Evie: anyway so…... I searched everywhere and in every single article but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

Mr. Jones: about how I found the culprit?

Evie: what are you? How did you know?

Mal: Evie…… look there…… isn’t that a book about chimeras

*chimera - a chimera is a person who has two totally different sets of DNA inside their body.*

Evie: who are you? Get ready Mal.

Mr. Jones: don’t worry I don’t work for them. I’m a bit special.

Mal: how?

Mr. Jones: well, it might sound really weird and you might not believe me-

Evie: nothing seems weird to us anymore right now after everything we’ve seen.

Mr. Jones: I see visions of the future

Mal and Evie: what!

Mr. Jones: yea I could find the culprit only because I could see the future and I was fired because I wanted to dig deeper about this case. Oh and that book was because I already know what exactly this case is about that’s why I wanted to know what I really was going against.

Evie: okay… how can we trust you?

Mr. Jones: oh no we have to run!

Mal: why?

Mr. Jones: just follow me!

He grabbed Evie and Mal and ran into the kitchen where he opened a secret door which we couldn’t have ever imagined.

Evie to herself: what is he doing?...... oh my god!

Mr. Jones: keep quiet they are half animals so they can hear us

Evie: who-

Someone broke into their house.

Mal: oh m-

Mr. Jones: ssshhhhh

After 5 minutes they left

Evie: explain! Who were they?

Mr. Jones: you see you are right about almost everything in your research but you missed a point. When they are injected they are usually made into 2 or 3 types of animals. By what I saw in my visions one of them was definitely part wendigo looking at its hands. But among them one was the strongest, it was a kanima. A kanima is very powerful as it holds the power of at least 10 mythological creatures.

Evie: what? Oh my god.

Mal: how do you know all this when you didn’t even get a look at them?

Mr. Jones: I saw a vision. I saw them breaking into our house and they were searching for something but couldn’t find it.

Evie: I think I believe him. What do u think Mal?

Mal: I think we can trust him.

Mr. Jones: I know who the real deal is.

Evie: who is it? Tell me! As soon as I find him I’m going to kill him.

Mr. Jones: what makes you so sure that it’s a guy?

Mal: what……

Mr. Jones: it’s a girl. To be precise shes a 26-year-old blonde and her name is jane

Mal: what?!

Evie: give us a moment.

Evie: do you think its her?

Mal: she does match the description but if it really was jane then who was the body in the mortuary?

Evie: remember they never showed the body to us and only just confirmed the DNA which could have been fabricated.

Mal: but why…… why would she do this.

Evie: we have to stop her!

  ? : who are you going to stop?

Mal and Evie: jane!!

Jane: hey girls!

This was all a big mistake. We should have never started this…..

December 01, 2020 06:13

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