
Mike and Krit are close friends. They enjoyed having activities together. One day they went to go hunting together. But Krit is only an amateur. Although he shot many times till the gun was almost out of bullets, he missed all the time. Until the last bullet, Mike grabbed the gun from Krit to shoot the bear himself. Then the gun went off and hit Krit’s little finger. Mike said sorry but it might be a good thing. Krit was angry at Mike for his mistake and thought he was inconsiderate and didn’t talk together for some time.


Then there was a war, and the government had to enlist people into the military or armed forces. Krit didn’t have to be recruited because he lost his little finger. Mike had to serve as a soldier in this war. During the fight, he had to invade the enemy’s territory. He ran to find some shelter to avoid being hit by gunfire from the enemy. However, he accidentally stepped on a landmine and this caused him to lose his leg.


After the war, he needed medical treatment and care in a hospital. He must use an artificial limb to replace a leg that has been lost. Krit visited him and said to him that I’m lucky as you said last time that losing a little finger is a good thing. He thought this might be a good time that we would be friends again. Krit said sorry that he focused only on himself and had to lose friends for a time. But right now, he would be back together.


Mike’s parents were concerned with him. They would like him to marry the girl who would take care of him. He believed in them so he went on a blind date. Mike met Laura at the restaurant. Laura is so beautiful; he thought that she was the one who refused him when he had expressed his love to her and was rude to him too much. And right now, she refused him again as he is disabled already. So he thought to himself that it might be a good time as well that he would not be close to a heartless person like her. He sat at the restaurant for a long time, ate and ate. Then when he had to move a wheelchair to leave the restaurant. There is Nancy, the kind-hearted girl who helped him push the wheelchair to the car park where Mike parked his car.


Along the way, he talked about the past event and Nancy understood him and would like to be his friend. After that, they met each other again and again. Nancy loves the way Mike is optimistic and sometimes he is funny. Mike told his story “When he invaded the enemy’s territory, he would like crash the enemy's pad like an uninvited party guest but he stepped on the poo of landmine”. Ouch! Then, I had to be a cripple. I used the artificial leg, it would be like a robot. And he acted like the robot. Nancy laughed.


“And after I declared the love and had to meet her again on the blind date, it sounds like she would receive my last rose and the reality is I met you who is so kind of me.”


“And you pushed my wheelchair for me, it would be a grand escape from the nightmare’s world.” Mike cajoled her, asking her to tell him that he is important to her as well.

Nancy said that she looked for someone to talk to as well. Luckily she met him. At first, she only wanted to help him and make him comfortable. But after talking together for some time, she felt that she met a good guy with a positive mindset and funny. She is in a good mood when talking with him.


So Mike confessed to her that he would like her to be more than a friend. She said “It would be great, I don’t judge someone by his appearance like not judging the book from its cover. So they have each other and Nancy took care of Mike well with sincerity. They are happy together, go to many traveling places, and enjoy the great moment.


How about Krit? He was single but enjoyed his life even on Valentine’s Day. He and his friends played the game of tossing dice for the funny presents. Mike joined playing with him. Krit got the gift of chili chocolate. But Mike got a lip-shaped jelly. Mike and Krit came back to be good friends as in the past. Mike placed the lip-shaped jelly candy on his lips and teased to kiss Nancy. She was embarrassed but smiled. Mike announced to his friends that he would marry Nancy. Krit and his friends came to their wedding.


At the wedding reception, friends, family members, and coworkers took pictures with the couple of Mike and Nancy. Mike said on the stage that he loves Nancy because she is kind-hearted. Nancy said that she also loved him because he had positive thinking and was funny. Nancy asked Mike whether she was beautiful or not. Mike said she has a beautiful heart and this makes her beautiful.


Mike realized that even though his life was uncertain, he had to encounter good and bad situations. But he would remain positive about what happened. Each event happens and shall pass. So he would like everyone to think about the good points and lessons from each situation. Then we would be happy and develop further. Each day we saw uncertain fate; it would be us to expect the great time to happen. Tomorrow is uncertain and is a mystery, unlike today we can control it and say the word “present” to refer to this time. And today is a gift this is why we call it a “present”. Let go of certainty, the opposite is not uncertainty. But it’s openness, curiosity, and willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose upsides. I would like you to think positively that even the uncertain fate makes you trouble, it would be a good lesson to learn and develop further. Hope you have good luck from preparing each time well and addressing and resolving each problem or disaster that arises, things will return to a positive or stable state. Enjoy the blessing of life, everybody.

February 14, 2025 15:35

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