
It had been twenty - four hours since Almeretta Anderson´s death. She had been a kind soul to everyone she knew. She was always surrounded by the love and support from her family, friends, and even neighbors. Almeretta also had a charming and smart boyfriend. Sometimes after a long day of school Almeretta would babysit to save up for college savings.    

She was the one of the top students of her class and always got good grades. She was also a part of a lot of school organizations. When Almeretta had time to spare she would often devote her time to community service activities that involved children. She loved children and seeing the smiles on their pretty faces gave her bliss on the daily. Her dream was to work at a child´s hospital and recover those in need of recovery.    

Almeretta wanted to feel like a superhero every time she saved a life. She would often say that she loved to help the futures generation because they are the future of the next generation. She felt it was her duty and she treated all the kids she knew as her own. On Sunday's she would sing in her churches choir. Her voice was beautiful and soft but heavenly.    

Her voice was like a voice like you have never heard before. it was like she was meant to sing. Her mom would always joke that she should record some songs and get famous so they could move out of their busted apartment. It had been twenty - four hours since Almeretta Anderson´s death. She had been a kind soul to everyone she knew. She was always surrounded by the love and support from her family, friends, and even neighbors. Almeretta also had a charming and smart boyfriend. Sometimes after a long day of school Almeretta would babysit to save up for college savings.    

She was the one of the top students of her class and always got good grades. She was also a part of a lot of school organizations. When Almeretta had time to spare she would often devote her time to community service activities that involved children. She loved children and seeing the smiles on their pretty faces gave her bliss on the daily. Her dream was to work at a child´s hospital and recover those in need of recovery.    

Almeretta wanted to feel like a superhero every time she saved a life. She would often say that she loved to help the futures generation because they are the future of the next generation. She felt it was her duty and she treated all the kids she knew as her own. On Sundays she would sing in her churches choir. Her voice was beautiful and soft but heavenly.    

Her voice was like a voice like you have never heard before. It was almost like she was meant to sing. Her mom would always joke that she should record some songs and get famous so they could move out of their busted apartment. Almeretta would tell her laugh and tell her mom she just sings for fun and was not that serious about it.   

Everyone had been devastated when they heard that Almeretta had been murdered. It was said that she was strangled to her death and left in the woods that she used as a short on her way home from school. It is still a mystery and unclear on who had done this barbarous action. Her mom was beginning to become and impatient and infuriated because she was barely getting answers about her daughter's murder.   

After hours and hours and hours of waiting finally the sheriff knocked her door and brought by an amateur sleuth by the name of Detective Hawkshaw. He tells Almeretta´s mother that he is one of the best of the best and she can expect true results from him. Detective Hawkshaw examines through their apartment for any clues then begins to question her mom. He asks ¨do you know anyone who would want to cause harm to your daughter? ¨ She replies saying ¨no sir, everyone loved my Almeretta ¨.    

¨Very well Mrs. Anderson I will go examine the body and talk to more people, I will find out what happened to your daughter have a good night and try to get some sleep¨. Detective Hawkshaw and the sheriff left and Detective Hawkshaw went to examine the body. He got to the hospital and pulled out the drawer labeled Almeretta Anderson immediately he noticed bruises on her neck. He concluded that she suffered a great deal and began to feel a great sadness. He wondered, who in their right mind would do this to young girl who had a good future ahead of her? ¨  

He continued to evaluate her analyze her body for anymore bruises or other markings. Then out of nowhere Almeretta woke to take her last breath. The detective was very frightened by this experience and stumbled while moving away from the body. After this terrifying encounter he stood in shock for a while and began to approach the body again. He noticed her body was much paler and her mouth and her eyes were both open.   

This made him very uncomfortable and sent chills down his spine. He closed her mouth and when he was about to close her eye lids, he noticed a peculiar coloring around her iris in her left eye. He leaned in closer to examine it hoping nothing else creepy would happen. It seemed as if the coloring was a purplish color almost lavender. Then the detective drowned into her eyes and suddenly it grew dark.  

Hawkshaw found himself in the pile of leaves in the woods. It was dark and cold, and he heard voices in the distance. He got up to see what was happening and notice a brown skinned girl will sandy brown hair and school uniform being chocked by a man. He immediately ran to her rescue and tried to un losing the girl from this man, but he was very strong. He punched the man in his face and the man slowly turned. His face looked exactly like his own and he realized it was him.  

As the same men fought each other he realized he was fighting his bad decisions. He knew not what to think anymore and then Almeretta shouted out ¨LOOSEN HIM! ¨ with her hands and body glowing. With great force light that was almost blinding shot from her hands and shot the two men down into ashes. After doing so they became ashes and a midst in the wind. Almeretta then says ¨If I can't live neither can my killers¨ and then she disintegrated but she came back to earth as a glowing lavender lilac flower. It remains there as a symbolization of her lovely spirit and till this day her death remains a mystery to her friends and family. 


January 12, 2020 03:31

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