Creative Nonfiction Drama Mystery

-Theodore Galavan-

It Is going to be alright son, you are going to be fine I will watch over you, always, now sleep son, sleep this night away.

Those were the last words I subconsciously remember before I drifted off into what felt like an endless dream.When I regained my senses the curtains were drawn and the room tidied.I groaned feeling a sudden jolt of pain in my abdomen, trying to regain composure I hauled myself up by the bedpost. "Master Theodore...

are you alright, I don't think you should- "Morris I'm fine!" I responded reflectively. "I just need a nice relaxing bath and I'll be fine, besides, I'm running late don't want to create an unpleasant first impression now do we...Morris also it'd be nice if you could fix me breakfast at the earliest." "Already done Master, would you like for me to prepare the bath for you?" "I'll do it. Thanks."

"As you wish Master Theodore. Before I go, your tux has been retrieved from the laundry and it hangs in your wardrobe, now, I'll be downstairs at the table if you need me. See you at breakfast."

Today was a big day, After my father was brutally murdered in cold blood I vowed to find the killer, the monster, to know why he'd killed my father I'm looking for the truth and justice needs to be done. Flashbacks from that night still haunt the living daylights. What happened to me shouldn't happen to any other kid in Weiman nobody deserves to lose their loved one the way I did.

Today I would be attending my first formal meeting with the board of executives of Galavan Enterprises. Galavan Enterprises, is not merely a building that stands on its foundations but the foundation of hard work, dedication and passion of my forefathers who worked relentlessly to make Galavan Enterprises what most people today call the most powerful Enterprise in the whole of Weiman City, my father Marcus Galavan was an honest man, I loved him dearly to me he was more of a companion, a friend and someone I always confided in we had the most unbreakable father-son relationship and I always looked up to him. He was instrumental in bringing fortune to Galavan Enterprises through honesty, integrity and his sheer passion for business something I admire to date about him. But since his death there has been some astonishing revelations about Galavan Enterprises being related to his murder and I'm determined to uncover the secrets even if this means endangering my life.

"Ah Master Theodore, just in time. There's scrambled eggs with bacon and buns as for the drink there's orange juice. Enjoy." "Thanks Morris". "What do you think?." "About the tux Master Theodore or about you going to that meeting". "The tux Morris." "Ah it looks tailor made Master Theodore." "Morris I assume we'd already talked about the meeting, it is of utmost necessity, I have to understand the gentlemen at Galavan Enterprises which requires that we sit down for a formal talk and get to know each other this is for the betterment of the company. "Very well Master Theodore you've made up that mind of yours and I know that there's no backing away now". "Just know that your father was a very good man and he wouldn't intentionally do anything to jeopardize Galavan Enterprises." "I know that Morris, I believe that".

My mind was constantly plagued with questions, some I knew the answer for, some that I needed to know the answer for and some that I know better than to ask for. I hadn't realized that we'd pulled up the entrance to Weiman's most powerful enterprises, The Galavan Enterprises although I'd been here a couple of times with mom and dad for events and charity organizations, I've never before felt such a surge of emotions. "Master Theodore are you ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be". Morris got off his side and dodged over to mine, when he opened the door a gust of wind swept over me I felt a shudder run through my spine, it was only mid October and Weiman was already succumbing to the cold.

"This way Mr.Galavan". Morris and I were being led by a girl named Selina Tompkinson whom I'd met upon my arrival into Galavan Enterprises she'd introduced herself as one of the members of the board who was assigned to escort me to where the meeting was to be held." "We are here Mr.Galavan". Miss Tompkinson spoke, Morris decided to wait in the lobby while I meet up with the board. We nodded in understanding and he walked towards the lobby. Miss Tompkinson led me to a room with a door, I could feel the rush of adrenaline rising within me with every step I took, this wasn't the moment to be a coward and to chicken out you have to fight the urges Theodore this is for your father, I guess Miss Tompkinson was calling out my name because I hadn't realized until I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, she gave me a moment sensing that I needed it, she seemed understanding. "May I Mr.Galavan". I nodded in response. She pushed open the latticed double mahogany door to reveal a group of 10 fine looking gentlemen dressed in their finest suits seated across an elongated glass table. As a gesture of acknowledgement they stood up to greet me. I was clearly a nervous wreck but I couldn't possibly let them see that. I put on my best facade and greeted them back. I took my seat at the head of the table the place where my father once sat, I was being reminiscent but soon broke away from the trance to focus on why I'd actually called in for this meeting. I regained my composure and decided to take a glance at my notes before I could begin. "It is a pleasure to finally be able to meet all you gentlemen, without your cooperation and devotion Galavan Enterprises wouldn't have seen such growth and prosperity. "Mr. Galavan your father was a respectable man he devoted his entire being for the development of this company." Mr. Aron Lennon the chief executive of the board spoke with genuine gratitude in his eyes he was at least six feet tall lean and wore a black Italian suit with a black tie to compliment it his hair the color of hazelnut was slicked back and held in place with hair gel his deep ocean blue eyes penetrating mine with each word he spoke. His gaze unflinching. There was something about this man I thought.

"Yet, Mr. Lennon I suspect that the company is keeping away secrets". I spoke with certainty "Mr.Galavan we are pleased that you're here and on behalf of your father you will continue to work for this company and we are delighted to be a part of your board and I hope its likewise". "This does not answer my question Mr.Lennon". "Perhaps...Mr.Galavan some things are mean for big boys." It was Mr Pennyworth who spoke. "I don't seem to understand." Before Mr.Pennyworth could make a statement Mr.Lennon interrupts him "Mr.Galavan I assure you that everything in Galavan Enterprises is under control and there is nothing for you to worry about, infact I suggest you tour around the company to get a better understanding of the place...Miss Tompkinson here would be glad to assist you, and if there's anything you need feel free to approach me or any of our board members." I took a moment to process what Mr.Lennon said, maybe he was right what if I was being paranoid, I was desperate to find the killer on my own, if law wasn't going to help me I was going to do it myself, but you are just a fifteen year old boy Theodore what can you do? to what extent can you go? Are you ready enough to fight? I began questioning my abilities, perhaps I was too caught up in the maze that I started doubting my father's legacy this....this company.

"Mr. Galavan .... Mr.Galavan". "Huh- Ah yes... yes Mr. Lennon". "You seem to be in deep waters... Mr.Galavan". "Please call me Theodore..." "Oh no, you are a Galavan after all". "I insist". "Well then Theodore Welcome to Galavan Enterprises". Mr Lennon proclaimed rising from his seat as he walked over to where I was seated simultaneously the other members of the board rose from their seats, when Mr. Lennon extended an arm I was hesitant, It didn't feel right my purpose felt unresolved yet Mr.Lennon the man in all his glory had such a convincing face that alone instilled in me a kind of emotion I was new too. I drew in a heavy breath to calm my pulsating nerves and shook his hand. He held mine firmly his eyes held my gaze strong and deep there was something about his eyes and the way he held mine almost like it held a personal meaning that I couldn't quite understand but someday I am going to as the eyes are the only windows to ones soul.

August 27, 2020 19:28

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