“Are you coming out tonight?” Amara asked over the phone.
“No, I don’t really want to, Amara.” Maya sighed. “It has been a really long week and I really just want to stay home, enjoy some wine, and catch up on Ghost Adventures.”
“Okay, that sounds fun and all, but we haven’t hung out in forever and I would love for you to meet some of my friends from work. I’ll even pay for your dinner.” Amara begged.
“Appetizer and dessert, too?” Maya asked cheekily.
“Of course!” Amara squealed in excitement. “So, you’re coming?”
“Fine, Amara.” Maya sighed reluctantly. “What time are you picking me up?”
“Yay! You won’t regret this, I promise!”
Maya had decided that, if she had to go out, she was at least going to get dressed up and do her makeup. Might as well look fabulous, it was one of those things that oddly helped her feel better. She had decided to wear black halter top with quarter sleeves, skinny jeans, and a pair of black wedges, paired with her favorite living locket necklace, some silver dangling earrings, and a ring with an amethyst set-in silver. For her makeup hair and makeup, she went with a natural look, letting her wavy hair spill over her shoulders and only wearing some simple eyeliner, mascara, and a little lip gloss.
She had finished getting ready and was becoming more and more anxious about going out tonight. It had been a long week at work, the store had been swamped almost every day and she ended up staying long after her shift had ended to help out every day. The overtime pay was great but the overall experience on her mental health had left her feeling almost completely drained. She was worried that she would end up regretting going out instead of staying home to recharge like she had originally planned and was cursing herself for answering Amara’s call.
Amara arrived about a half hour later, wearing a red cocktail dress, hoop earrings, and a pair of black heels. She had gotten her hair cut since the last time they had hung out together, it was now a messy wolf cut that made her look wild. Amara was definitely the wild one between the two of them, she was always the one wanting to go out drinking and dancing. Maya would get dragged along, taking care of her friends as they partied their way into the night.
Amara came inside and chatted with Maya for a little bit, complimenting her outfit and giving her the run down of what she could expect from her work friends tonight. The plan was to go out to eat, have a couple drinks, and maybe go out dancing after. Maya was really hoping that her night would end after a couple drinks with dinner as she was already feeling like she was running on empty. She hopped into Amara’s car and they arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later.
Amara led them to a group of people waiting by the door and started introducing her friends from. One of them, Ryan, Maya recognized already and could tell that he recognized her as well. They exchanged mischievous smiles as them made their way inside and were seated at their table.
There were six of them in total. Maya sat at the end of the table, Amara sat next to her not wanting her to feel awkward next to someone she didn’t know, and Ryan sat next to Amara. The group placed their orders for drinks and appetizers and makes small talk so that Maya can get to know everyone a little bit so it isn’t weird for her.
While everyone was talking, Ryan casually reaches over and takes Maya’s hand, holding it on the table in front of Amara, neither one of them acknowledging it. The conversation pauses for a moment as everyone is confused by what is happening.
“Would you like me to trade seats with one of you?” Amara askes after another few moments of now awkward conversation.
“No, this is fine.” Ryan answers with a sly smile.
“Perfect really.” Maya laughs.
“I have no idea what is going on.” Amara says confused.
“We went to high school together.” Ryan explains with a laugh, finally breaking the awkward tension. “It has been a really long time since we last saw each other.”
“I was dating one of his best friends back then.” Maya adds.
“And I was dating Anna. We had hoped you two would become friends, too but that didn’t seem to pan out.”
“Probably for the best. I ran into her a few months ago, she was really drunk. She tried to convince me that Jared cheated on me with her while you two were still together.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. How is Jared anyway?”
“Sleeping with his best friend’s wife.”
“Oh… Does the friend know?”
“Oh yeah, caught them in the act. They’re in the process of getting a divorce.”
“Wow. So, Jared is a homewrecker now?”
“While also cheating on his current on-again, off-again girlfriend who he has cheated on numerous times now. Pretty sure she cheats on him, too.”
“Wow. How do you know all this?”
“The best friend is a good friend of mine. His wife accused him of cheating on her with me while she was cheating on him with Jared. Good times.”
Everyone at the table sat in awkward silence as they caught up with each other. Maya and Ryan laughed, noticing this. Maya was feeling much better about coming out tonight, seeing an old friend really broke the tension and anxiety that she had been feeling beforehand.
Their food arrived and everyone was feeling comfortable again now that they knew Maya and Ryan knew each other. They all exchanged fun stories about adventures they’d had with each other, things they were looking forward to doing, and decided on where they were going to next. They somehow managed to simultaneously plan another night out in the process.
The check came and, while Maya was feeling better about the night, she was ready to go home and have the rest of the night to herself.
“Ready to go dancing?” Amara asked, hoping that her best friend would say yes since they were already out.
“I’m sorry, I’m not feeling up to it. I have exceeded my extroverted capacities and it is time to go into introvert mode.” Maya apologized as they walked back to Amara’s car.
“Just as well. I’m never going out with the two of you again with how awkward you guys managed to make that.” Amara joked.
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1 comment
That was fun. Thanks.