Fiction Sad

This story contains sensitive content

Trigger Warning: Death

Anna was awakened from her fitful sleep by the incessant screeching of her grandmother’s antique tea kettle. It was a horrible sound; grating on every nerve in her being. She felt instant, red hot anger rise into her belly. She opened her eyes in the soft pink room, tossed off the handmade quilt, now faded and worn. 

Jumping from the bed, she furiously pulled her long, black hair into a low ponytail. Realizing she had forgotten to put her clothes in the dryer the night before, she snatched her black work slacks from the floor. She hoped they would still look presentable for work. She found a red blouse at the back of the closet. It was a bit too tight, but it would have to do. She pulled it on, stomped into her boots, grabbed her favorite lipstick and headed downstairs. 

Her grandmother, still in her light blue, threadbare housecoat, greeted her warmly. There were two tea cups sitting on the table. “I don’t have time for tea, Grandma”, she snapped as she reached for her coat and gloves. Anna knew she had hurt Grandma’s feelings, but she just couldn’t understand why she insisted on trying to have tea every morning. Didn’t she know Anna had to be at work on time?

She took a deep breath as she stepped outside, the cold aching in her lungs. She plopped into the driver’s seat, praying her car would start as she turned the key. Luckily, it started without any issues today. It was rare, and Anna cussed her ex-husband as she put it into drive. He was the reason for all of this, after all. When she found him with his mistress six months ago, she had threatened to take everything he owned. He became outraged and violent. Luckily, she had escaped with her life, but she also ended up with nothing. 

Now she was living in her grandmother’s spare room, driving this worn out car, and working at this crappy job as a customer service agent. Her grandmother had saved her life that night. A twinge of guilt pierced her heart, as she remembered the way she had spoken to her that morning. 

She walked into the office building, punched the time clock and sat at her desk. She couldn’t help but think of how much she hated this job. She soon realized that she still had not put her clothes in the dryer, so she called her grandmother to ask if she would do it for her. She also wanted to gauge how grandma was feeling after their spat this morning. 

No one picked up the phone. “She must be busy,” thought Anna. I will try again later. She took several more work calls and tried again. Grandma still didn’t answer the phone. 

Anna, knowing this was out of character for her grandmother, decided to call the neighbor and have her check in. She was worried, but tried to distract herself from the anxiety as she picked up the phone at her desk. 

Before she knew it, it was time for lunch. She still hadn’t heard from her grandmother or the neighbor, so she tried to call again. No answer again from Grandma. When Anna called the neighbor’s phone, she picked up and sounded frantic. “Oh Anna, I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I had to call the ambulance and your grandmother is on her way to the hospital,” she said. “You need to go right away.” 

Fear rose in her chest. Anna couldn’t understand what had happened. Surely she would be okay. She had to be okay. Anna quickly told her boss she would be leaving and headed to the hospital.

When she finally arrived at the Emergency Department, she had convinced herself Grandma was probably just not feeling well and everything would be fine. Trying to tamp down the panic that kept rising in her throat, she found a nurse and told her who she was there to visit. “Oh,” said the nurse. “The doctor will be down to speak with you shortly” as she guided Anna to a small, sterile waiting room. 

Anna took a seat on the hard plastic chair and waited for what seemed like an eternity. The doctor finally came in and sat down across from Anna. He smelled like bleach and medication. He had kind eyes and offered a partial smile as he started. “You are Emma’s granddaughter?” “Yes,” whispered Anna. “When can I see her?” 

The doctor continued, “Your grandmother has had a heart attack. She is not doing well. We need to know if she has communicated her wishes for you, in the event she cannot make decisions for herself.” 

“What?” said Anna, unable to comprehend what was happening. “No. She didn’t have a heart attack. She was fine this morning!” 

“Unfortunately, things like this often happen quickly. We do need to know if she has ever communicated her wish…”

Just then, Anna heard a loud dinging on the overhead speakers. “Code Blue, Room 447. Code Blue, Room 447”

The doctor jumped up and began to run out the door. Anna followed. The doctor stopped in the hallway and turned around. “I need you to know. This call is from your grandmother’s room.” he said and continued on.

As they made their way down the hall, Anna could see a large crowd of nurses and doctors in the hallway. The young doctor who had met Anna in the waiting room turned to a nurse and stated, “This is her granddaughter. Please stay with her”

The nurse stood by Anna as she watched the medical team perform CPR on her grandmother. It was horrifying and traumatic. It was nothing like the medical shows Anna used to watch. Her poor grandma was lying there, in a room of glass, naked, for all the world to see. “Oh, she would be so embarrassed,” thought Anna. They were sticking something down her throat. The nurse said it was so they could help her breathe. They were pumping on her chest. It was so very rough, almost violent. Anna couldn’t take it anymore. As she closed her eyes and turned her head, she heard the sound everyone dreads. Beeeeeeeeeeep. 

Anna opened her eyes and realized that she was back in the soft, pink room where her mother grew up. Even though she was snuggled warmly in the handmade quilt, she had a difficult time getting herself to stop shaking.. She realized it was only a horrific dream. As she sat up in the bed, she heard the most beautiful sound. The sound of her grandmother’s antique tea kettle calling her downstairs for tea.

January 12, 2022 03:08

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