Drama High School Romance


Ms. Medina clapped her hands together smiling, "For the second semester we are switching lab partners." There was a collective groan from the class of seniors. "You guys need to branch out." Her eyes fell on me, and I looked down, "You're getting too comfortable."

My former partner Jane sighed softly, "Who do you think you'll get?" I shrugged doodling in my journal, "You're going to have to do more than shrug your shoulders and whisper..." She leaned forward, "Especially if you end up pairing with one of the football players."

I glanced over at the group of football players who was talking amongst themselves. During the first semester Ms. Medina allowed us to pick our partners, Jane picking me in the end. At first it was awkward but, I was actually starting to warm up to Jane.

"I'm splitting the class in two, this side will write their names and this side with choose." I ripped a piece of paper in two handing one piece to Jane, "Then I'll discuss your first assignment."

I dropped my name in the bag as Ms. Medina came over holding it out a smile. Jane reached over tossing hers in, "Ms. M?" She hummed, "You do know you split the class into the preppies and the regulars."

Ms. Medina winked, "Thank you for dropping your name Jane." She walked away and after the names were collected, Ms. Medina shook the bag. She then walked around the other side of the classroom and I watched as everyone dug in the bag pulling out a name.

I bit down on my lip cold sweats on my back. I gulped blinking looking down at my journal and began doodling again. "You're okay Elaina, you're breathing kind of heavy..."

"Fine." I muttered my heartbeat sounding in my ears. I closed my eyes as my head began to feel light and my throat becoming dry.

I could hear Ms. Medina muffled against my beating heart, "Alright everyone, look for your new lab partners."

There was a couple of mumbles and chairs being dragged across the classroom. I rubbed my eyes gulping to ease the bile that was rising in my throat, "Who's Elaina?"

I kept my head down licking my lips, harshly biting the bottom one. I looked up at the deep voice, my body feeling like it was on fire. It was Archer, the school's golden boy.

He crumbled the paper in his palm looking around, his eyebrows knitted. Jane had already left her seat joining her new lab partner. I slouched in my chair hoping not to draw any attention to myself. His eyes met mine and I quickly looked away my heart hammering in my chest.

"Excuse me?" I kept my gaze down, "Are you Elaina?"

I shook my head tucking large chunks of hair behind my ear. From the corner of my eye, I could see that he was still standing at the desk. "I'm not Elaina, leave me alone."

"You're lying." I flushed red and he took a seat next to me, "It's says it right there on your journal."

I flipped my journal over, "Elaina lent it to me."

He chuckled, "You're a really bad liar, you answer here to the attendance when Elaina is called." He pinched my chin turning my head to face him, "Did she lent you her name too?" His rough touch sent shivers down my spine, and it made me feel funny.

I smacked his hand away, "Do not touch me."

Ms. Medina called the room to attention, "Seems like this partner thing took a bit longer than I hoped, but nevermind that." She explained the project we had to work on, and I felt like I was being stabbed with each word, "So hang out with your partner today, get to know them, and fill out those questions."

Archer hummed, "I have football practice but if you give me your number, we can make plans."

I didn't answer my mind spinning from what Ms. Medina just told us. Jane was bearable, she was a kind of a homebody liked me. Archer is far from a homebody, or well I think he was. "Your phone." I turned facing him, "You want my number, right?"

He pulled out his phone and I typed my number in quickly. I handed it back and he smiled, "So you are Elaina."

The bell rung and I collected my things practically running out of the science room.


There was another loud knock on my front door, and I groaned putting some more pep in my step. The sun was setting, an orange glow filling the small house, and I exhaled putting my hand on the knob. I opened the door and Archer smiled holding up his journal, "I came prepared Elaina."

"Just get in." We had decided to have the hang out at my house, my mom was picking up long shifts from work so we would have the place to ourselves. I was comfortable at my place, so a part of me was relieved that he agreed. "The couch." I pointed and I quickly grabbed my things from my room.

I came back out to see Archer chewing on the bottom of his pen. I took a seat next to him keeping a good distance between us, "Do you have snacks?" I flipped open my journal, "I came here straight from practice, I'm hungry."

"Sorry, grocery shopping is next week." I wrote down a sloppy heading, "Can we just get started on the questions?"

We slowly went through the questions, Archer's phone buzzing almost every 5 minutes. I rolled my eyes at the 30th buzz to come from his phone, "Sorry..." He picked it up instantly becoming consumed in what he was viewing.

"We have just one question left, then you can go do whatever."

He placed it face down, "Just a party the boys are throwing..." Archer began writing in his journal again, "Want to come?"

My eyes widen and I slowly looked over at him, "What, no."

"No?" He crossed his arms, "The school's quarterback just invited you to a party and you said no?"

My throat became parched once again and I swallowed uneasily, "Can we just finish this assignment please?"

"Come to the party with me Elaina." He nudged me, and I froze, "It'll be fun, you're home alone and that's no fun."

I closed my journal, "It's fun to me, please leave."

He didn't move a muscle, "Come to the party." I shook my head, "Why not?"

Memories of being ditched at parties and embarrassing encounters filled my head, "Because I said no."


"Nervous?" I hugged my jacket closer to my body, "You want to hold my hand?"

"I'm not a baby." I gritted and we walked up the pavement. The door opened and I grabbed Archer's free hand squeezing it. He chuckled, "Please don't leave me."

He rubbed the back of my hand, "I won't." We walked in the loud party the scent of alcohol wafting under my nose, "Stay close." He whispered in my ear my neck heating up.

I nodded and he led me to the kitchen. His friends welcomed him, one of them noticing me, "Who's the girl?"

Archer smiled, "A friend... I think." He leaned down so that only I could hear, "We are friend's right Elaina?"

"Yeah." I whispered and he kissed me on the cheek, "Friends..." I could feel heat rising to my face and my heart rate increasing. His friends grinned widely looking at me and I noticed that the whole room's attention was on me. "No." I ripped my hand away and ran off.

"Elaina!" I put my hands to my ears pushing my way through the crowd. The room felt like it was spinning, and my legs wobbled underneath me.

I bumped into someone, and I backed looking at the group of girls. The one in the middle chewed her gum easing me, "Who do you think you are?"

"What?" I could feel tears stinging in my eyes, "I'm..."

She scoffed, "Stay away from Archer." She took a passing stranger's drink dumping it on my head, "He isn't into weird girls."

My eyes widen as the cold liquid seeped into my clothes sticking on my back. There was low oooo's and I felt tears fall down my eyes. I stood in the middle of the room, not being able to move an inch.

"Elaina..." Archer sighed as he stood in front of me. He reached over and I smacked his hand away from me.

I wiped my tears sobbing, "I'm never going out with you again."

July 29, 2021 04:49

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Eric D.
22:20 Aug 06, 2021

This was a sweet story you described the shyness, awkwardness of the character really well she seemed very sweet and reacted realistically in the story.


T.Q. Charter
23:21 Aug 06, 2021

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it!!!


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