"Ugh!" I slowly placed my hand on my forehead as I felt it pounding intensely
I slowly sat up and carefully open my eyes as I couldn't tell whether it was night or day. Once my eyes were open, the curtains were drawn, but there was light seeping through. 'Well, I slept in late,' I got out of bed and stretched, feeling myself wake up every more and walked to the restroom. I let out a scream when I saw my reflection. I looked like I was caught in a hurricane. My hair was tangled like you could see it was in clumps.
"Going to be a pain in the ass when I brush through it," I groan as I tried to take it apart with my fingers which only made me flinch
I grabbed my brush and lightly and slowly brushed my hair as I didn't want to cause myself pain. Once I was done with the excruciating exercise, I took a shower, feeling even more better. I got out, dried myself, put lotion, brushed my teeth, and left to my dresser. I put my undergarments on, I set my towel on the chair after drying my hair and walked to my closet, picking out an outfit. I grabbed dark blue jeans, beige turtleneck, and a navy blue coat. 'It looks cold outside and I felt cold.' I walked to the covered window and pushed open the curtain, I saw flurries falling from the sky.
"It's snowing!" I gleamed, my hands intertwined as I held it in front of my mouth in awe
I ran to my closet, grabbing my high-knee boots, but ran to my drawer to get socks. I quickly put the socks on and then my boots. I set my coat on the bed and brushed my hair, putting it in a side braid. Basic, but cute in my definition. I put on chapstick and went to the bed, grabbed my coat and put it on. Wait, I forgot my scarf, gloves and hat. I ran to my hanger that hand my accessories. I put them on and looked in the mirror. Better. Time to play in the snow!
I walked out of my apartment and felt the cold breeze. I lifted my scarf a little more to my nose. It felt like I was getting pricked. I walked down the sidewalk, amazed to see the snow stick to the ground and how the ground was being covered with snow.
"There's going to be a lot of snow," I mumble as I stuck my tongue out to taste some snow
I continued to walk, but stopped when I saw a pile of snow. I crouched down to make a snowball. I stood up when I had it in my hand and turned around to go back home, but stopped when I looked down and didn't see footprints. That's odd. I just walked here. Probably the snow covered my prints. I walked forward, but turned my head to look behind and I didn't see footprints. What is going on? I looked down in front of me and stomped on the snow then stepped back. Nothing. I continued to look down as I walked backwards slowly, but there were no footprints. I started to panic and ran back home. Where were my footprints? What happened? I stopped and felt my body froze. I don't remember what happened to me yesterday or the day before.
"D-did… I… die?" I panicked, my hands shaking in front of me
I ran back into the apartment complex and to my apartment. I stood in front of it and didn't know what to do. Was I going to go through it or could I unlocked it like a normal human? I inched my hand to the door, but stopped when it was inches away from the door frame. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the door, but that didn't work. My hand went through it, I felt my breath and heart quicken. This can't be happening. I slowly took my hand out the door and thought of what to do or what the hell is happening to me. First, I have to find out what happened to me and why I'm like this. I took a deep breath and let it out then jumped into the door. I wobbled, but regain my balance. I looked around and saw that I was in my apartment. Wish it was that easy in real life. Focus! I gotta find out what happened. I walked around my apartment, looking for clues or hints to start me off.
Wait! I could see my face in the morning. I ran back to the restroom and I could see my reflection, but I was sporting new bruises and cuts. That wasn't there earlier. I reached to touch the cut, but hissed when I touched it. That stings.
"So, you acknowledge what you are?" I looked in the mirror and saw a woman standing behind me
"W-who are you?" I yelled out, turning around, so my back hits the sink
"You know it's very easy to kill you. I could just ripped your heart out or I could stab you, but I won't since you're on the brink of death," She joked
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, scared
"Do you remember anything that happened to you?" She asked, I shook my head, "Well, this is going to be difficult,"
"How so?" I asked, my fear was rising
"How about I show you?" She reached for my hand, but I kept my hands to my chest
"How can I trust you?" She let out a groan and held her hand out to me
"I'm Titania, a helper of the grim reaper and death. I'm here to ease your soul and tell you everything that has happened leading to your death," Titania told me
"Then that's why I couldn't see my footprints in the snow, right?" I asked her
"Yes. Once you noticed that, you acknowledged that you aren't in living world anymore, but in the middle," Titania assured her
"So, you'll tell me what caused me to be like this and do you think I'll be able to live,"
"I can't tell you anything of that, but I can tell you your tragedy if you'll let me," She motion her hand to me
"Okay," I placed my hand in hers and she tightened her grip on me and then there was black
"Open your eyes. We're here," Titania said, I slowly opened my eyes and it was nighttime
"Hey, wh-"
"Shh, watch," Titania grabbed my head and made me focus on the scene in front of me
There was a man trapping a woman to the wall. Titania moved us closer to them. I couldn't hear anything, but I saw the man pushed her hard against the wall. Her head hitting the brick wall, hard. The woman was hitting him and scratching his face. I tried to look at Titania, but she kept my eyes ahead. The woman kneed the man in the crotch and he let go of her, stumbling back, touching down there. She ran off and he followed after her, but he was stumbling. Titania covered my eyes and uncovered them. I saw that we were in a different place. I saw the woman runnin out of the alleyway and my eyes widened and my heart dropped. It was me. I tried again to look at Titania, but she kept me looking ahead. Myself stopped and looked to the side and the other side, I guess for a person or a vehicle. I saw the man behind myself and he held something in his hand. Myself turned around and ran into the street then there was a gunshot. I let out a scream as I clutched my side and I fell to the ground. I looked at my past self and she was on the ground too, but she struggled to get up. The man was walking to her with the gun aiming to her. Myself started to crawl, but the man started to shoot, not hitting her, but scaring her as she stopped and moved to the other side and tried to crawl faster. I saw headlights as It came down the road. Myself saw it too and waved her good arm, but started to crawl faster as the truck didn't stop. The man froze and ran off. Myself continue to crawl, but it was too late.
I tried to look away, but Titania made me watch as my legs got crushed by the truck.
"Stop! I can't watch anymore!" I yelled, closing my eyes and moving my head
"It needs to be seen by you," Titania said, emotionless
"Please, I can't watch it anymore!" I cried out
"Don't worry. You don't need to close your eyes. Open them," She told me
"I don't trust you," I sobbed, my hand covering my mouth
"Were in the hospital," I slowly opened my eyes and what she said was true
My eyes landed on the figure on the bed. It was me. I moved away from Titania and walked closer to myself, but fell to the ground. I looked down and let out a scream. My legs were gone! I looked up at Titania, tears streaming down my face.
"What's wrong with me?" I cried out
"This is how you are in real life," Titania walked to my unconscious body, "The reason you couldn't see your footprints in the snow is because your your own soul and you've lost both of your legs after uncovering the truth,"
I let out a sob, I rubbed my eyes to see clearly, "Am I going to live?" I asked her
"I can't say anything, but it's up to you," Titania disappeared and I was left there
Titania couldn't tell you the truth as you already knew.
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I loved reading your story, and your title is so great!! Keep writing:)