Storms can be revealing. If rain drops look like tears, does that mean sorrow always follows? If I could have seen the future I would have erased the next few days. Being twelve can be stressful, I need my mom and dad and my best friend Josh.
The ballpark was full of kids as usual on this Saturday morning. There were games happening on five different fields. The gaggle of kids running around were calm compared to the parents screaming at their kids playing baseball. The boys on the giants team were big, fast, and oozed confidence. We were playing our arch enemy of little league baseball.
I love playing baseball and loved playing catcher, especially when Josh was pitching. Josh was on the mound today warming up for the game. It was a muggy day in spite of the puffy white clouds contrasting against the green grass on the field. Our field was dusty with crisp white lines of chalk marking the foul lines. My dad was working on a backhoe somewhere digging on a second job as usual. Mom was there as usual standing in the bleachers shouting "be careful". She hated it when I played catcher.
The game would not be as memorable as what I saw while warming up. Josh wound up and grunted as he hurled the ball to me. It popped in my catchers mit when I caught it. He threw a low fast ball into the dirt bouncing past me into the backstop. I jumped up running to get the ball. When I bent over to pick up the ball I saw mom standing next to the concession stand talking to someone. I picked up the ball and then froze. Mom was close to someone and leaned in kissing them. I couldn't see who it was, the corner of the concession stand hid them. "The ball dude, throw me the ball!", Josh screamed. I threw the ball back and glanced over my shoulder but they were gone. Who was she kissing?It sure wasn't my dad.
Sunday morning came quick and I was still mad about losing to the giants. I sat at the breakfast table in silence, staring off into space. What do I do about the kiss?, was also bouncing around inside my head. "Eat your breakfast Nick" mom screamed from the kitchen. Saved by the bell, the phone rang and mom answered it. "Oh no this can't be happening", her voice breaking.
Last night Josh and his mom were kidnapped by a couple of masked thugs with guns in the middle of the night. I was afraid for them. Those guys drove off in their family's car 6 hours ago. I was also ticked off at Josh's dad because he had left their backdoor unlocked when they went to bed. I guess I should give him a break since he is my preacher. I got up from the table wandering to my room in an emotional fog.
The Phone Call
Pastor Williams sat in shock in the study of his home. The room was crowded with FBI agents and local police officers. The questions being asked by FBI agents had revealed virtually nothing. "Who would do this......why! why! why!" the pastor broke down. The tension broke like a dropped wine glass as the phone rang. “Hello” Pastor Williams spoke his voice cracking. The voice on the phone was raspy, muffled and barely understandable. “I want one million in unmarked bills if you ever want to see your wife and son again”, the voice said. I will call you again with the time and location. And if I see a cop your family dies! Then silence, they caller was gone.
Change of Plan
"What happened to our plan?", the angry voice barked at the man on the other end of the phone call. The deal was you were suppose to put the fear of God into that waste of a human being. "Yeah well Daniel and I have a better idea," Carlos shouted back. We are going to get some serious cash out of this so stay out of our way or you will get hurt too. Don't open your mouth about this or we will come pay a visit to your family too. You guys are on your own, but don't do anything else stupid like hurting them." Click, the conversation was over.
What to do
"Are you alright, son", mom startled me. It was not typical for me to sit in my room staring out the window at the rain. "I am just worried about Josh and his mom", I said. Do you think they are alive? I am worried too son, I hope they are but it doesn't look good. We can hope and pray for them. "Do you think they are afraid if they are alive?", I quizzed my mom. I am sure they are but lets not focus on that.
"There is a prayer vigil instead of worship today, would you like to go?" mom asked dad. "No, not interested", he quipped. "Why not?" she asked. I've got my reasons, dad replied. You have been acting weird, what is going on? asked mom. "Nothing" was all he said. We should go, but I am not in the mood to argue, mom responded. "I will see if Henry wants to go", she said leaving their bedroom.
Church is cancelled today Henry, there is a prayer vigil at church, she said. Your dad doesn't want to go, would you like to go with me? "Sure", I responded. Why isn't dad going? I have no idea. Let's go son.
Drive to Town
The rain pattered rapid-fire off the car windshield with bursts of bright light in the sky every few minutes. This storm seemed to be growing in strength. The clouds were getting darker with each mile we traveled toward town. The silence inside the car was deafening. The weather mirrored my mood and the impending doom for Josh and his mom.
Prayer Vigil
We arrived at church and ran splashing through sheets of rain and puddles in the parking lot. I walked into the church greeted by a candle lit sanctuary. There were five people at the altar up front knelling, silently praying with their heads bowed. The silence and sadness in the large sanctuary was heavy. The flickering candle flames felt creepy to me in the A frame building filled with stain glass windows.
Mom and I slowly walked to the alter and knelt to pray. I could hear people softly crying behind me in the pews.Then before I started to pray I had this scary feeling, Something was off. I heard two or three clicks from the back of the sanctuary. "God please keep help Josh and his mom safe from those bad guys", I prayed. And keep mom and I safe too. I was ready to leave.
I stood up slowly walking towards the back of the church following mom with my eyes scouring the back. There was big bright flash of lightning. I saw the faint outline of a man staring at us from the back pew. I sped up pulling mom with me. He was getting up walking towards us. "Mom we gotta go", I said. The man caught us. He put his hand on Mom's shoulder and we stoped. "Don't hurt us!" I shouted, startling everyone in the church as they strained there necks to see what was going on. The man disappeared into the shadows before anyone got a good look at him.
Ride Home
Mom seemed shaken and I was pretty rattled too. I just wanted to get to the car and go home. It was only noon but it was pitch dark outside. The gusting wind bent trees over spraying debris everywhere. We made it to the car and began our way back home. The sky was a brownish-green color which I had never seen before.
The closer we got to home, the storm seemed to grow stronger. The wind was howling, throwing large pieces of debris. The lightening was flashing rapidly in the dark sky like a photo shoot. Then we heard a load roaring sound in front of us. It sounded like a freight train. The booming thunder rattled the car. "I can hardly see the road", mom screamed in a squeaky voice. She abruptly pulled off the side of the road. It seemed like a long time, but we sat there for about five minutes.
Arriving Home
The closer we got to home the more trees were down and houses damaged. Suddenly it was barely raining, almost like a slow lawn sprinkler. It looked like a war zone when we started up the hill to our house, or what was left ot it. . . . "Dad" I screamed at the top of my lungs. His truck was parked in the driveway. Mom stopped the car in front of our home in between the debris. I jumped out and ran towards the house, "Stop Henry!" my mom screamed. It is not safe, we need to wait on the fire department, she said. Our house looked like a bomb went off in it with the roof gone and trees laying everywhere.
The firefighters finally arrived and began searching for dad in the house remains. After an hour that felt more like a day, a guy with a red helmet asked to speak to mom privately. "Mam, I am sorry to tell you your husband died in the house during what we think was a tornado", the guy from the fire department said. Mom broke down falling to the ground sobbing uncontrollably.
When I saw her crying I ran to her, hugging her so tight I almost choked her. Is dad.... " yes sweetheart he died in the storm when it hit the house. I am sorry", she said. I don't remember much about the next several hours. We were apparently taken to stay overnight at a hotel provided by the Red Cross.
The Day After
I opened my eyes the next morning, somewhat disoriented. I could barely hear the sound of voices in the room. I turned to see a police officer talking with mom. "It appears he was already dead before the tornado hit your home", the officer said. Looks like he was shot in the chest at close range, he explained. "Do you know anyone who would want to kill your husband?", he asked. "No I don't" was all she said. We will need you to come to the police station, the officer told her. "Do you have anyone who can stay with the boy?, he asked. “No”, she said. They got up to leave and I ran to mom pleading, "please don't leave me". Despite my pleas Mom left with the police officer and some lady from Red Cross stayed with me at the hotel.
The Statement
The police station felt cold and frightening to mom when she walked through the door. She felt the eyes of officers and others judging her. It was like she had done something unthinkable. She walked down a hall and was escorted to a room with only a table and two metal chairs. There was nothing on the walls. "Wait here, someone will be with you in a few minutes", the officer said. There was a big reflective glass on one wall and she was sure there were people on the other side of it. She could almost feel them staring at her.
Detective Robinson walked in handing mom a cup of coffee, "here you go mam, I am Detective Robinson.”I am guessing you had a rough night. “Thank you”, mom said. Has someone advised you of your rights, mam? Yes, the officer told me about that on the ride to the Police Station. "Mam I don't want to waste your time or mine," the detective began. We know about your affair with pastor Williams. Mom hung her head in shame as tears rolled down her face. "Did your husband threaten to expose you?" the detective asked. "I didn't know he knew about us" she answered.
You were the last one to see your husband alive! Did you kill him? "No, absolutely not!" she shouted. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be" the detective coerced. Where is the gun mam? I don't own a gun, my husband does. I don't know where it is.
The door opened and as mom looked up she saw Pastor Williams walk by the door. A crime scene tech stepped in, "excuse me Detective did you want her hands tested?" Are you willing to let us test your hands for gunpowder residue mam? Sure, I don't have anything to hide. The detective left the room while the crime scene tech began to work.
The tech began swabbing her hands. "Was that Pastor Williams I just saw? mom asked. Yes mam, his wife and son were found and they are wrapping things up. The tech placed the swab in a container writing on it. Are they alright? mom inquired. "Yes mam, they are shaken up but seem to be fine with no injuries". The crime scene tech finished and left the room telling her to “sit tight”.
It seemed like an eternity since the tech had left them room. Mom was getting antsy, “what is going on?” she said out loud. She banged on the reflective glass, “hey, what is going on! Somebody talk to me!!!”
“You are free to go mam”, said Detective Robinson. What happened? mom asked. Your boyfriend, the pastor confessed to killing your husband. He says your husband was the brains behind the kidnapping. The pastor told us one of the guys we arrested for the kidnapping told him it was your husband’s idea. The guys we arrested knew your husband through some side work repairing drain pipes.
I was walking up to the back door of the Police Station when the door swung open. Mom walked out and I ran hugging her. “ I love you mom! I love you son, it is over.
Mom and I stood hugging in the rain for a long time. We let it wash over us like a shower. Rain drops aren’t actually the shape of tears as it turns out, but hopefully all the tears could help cleanse. There were a lot of people and relationships that definitely needed cleansing in our town.
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