
Wind blowing through the air as leaves fall gently to the ground, the smell of fresh air roaming, trees surrounding the area. There stood a giant old brick house with vines and plants on the walls. As I was admiring our new home I fell in love with it. My little brother and mother rushed excitedly to look inside. I followed along. One step in the door and I fell in love with the house even more. The tall ceilings have little swinging lights on them and the walls have an old floral wallpaper. “Come look at the rooms!”, my brother said excitedly. I ran up the stairs and saw 4 rooms, I went into the room my brother was in, “This is gonna be my room”, said my brother. It had blue wallpaper and there was a huge window and the ceiling was shaped like a triangle. I checked out the other rooms and I found a room that I liked. It had two large windows and the biggest closet I had ever seen. My mom said, “ Do you guys like the house?”, my brother and I shouted, “YES!” at the same time. This house had character in it.

      After a few hours went by we finished unpacking most of our stuff, since the house came with some furniture we didn't need to unpack a couple of things. “How about we order some pizza for dinner?”, mom said. My brother and I were fine with that, after all, a new home plus some pizza, couldn't get any better. An hour went by and we heard a knock at the door. “Pizzas here!”, said my brother. Mom came out from the kitchen and asked if I could go get her wallet from upstairs. I ran up to her room to look for it and after a few minutes, I finally found it. As I was getting out of her room I saw a shadow in the hallway. “Conner is that you?”I said. There was no reply, but I didn't think anything of it and I thought it was just me. So I quickly ran back downstairs to give my mom her wallet. This middle-aged man was at the door with a pizza box. My mom was telling him that we just moved in. The man looked surprised and said, “Wow, the previous owner must have not liked this house then”. “Well, what's not to like about this house” chuckled my mom. “Who knows, the previous owner just moved in last month”, said the man. “It probably wasn't their style,” said mom. “Yea probably,” said the man. My mom paid him and said bye. While I was eating I couldn't stop thinking about the shadow I saw. I kept telling myself it was probably nothing. That night I couldn't sleep so I got up to get a glass of water. When I went down to the kitchen I could hear the lights softly swinging back and forth. “It's probably the wind,” I told myself. I went back upstairs and went to bed.

     The next morning we went to town because my mom needed to get groceries for the new house. my brother and I were excited that we got to see what the town was like. It was small and smelled of pumpkin spice. When we entered the grocery store me and my brother got all our favorite snacks. Once we finished getting what we needed we got in line. It was our turn next and the cashier asked mom, “Are you guys new to town?”. “How'd you know?” said mom. The cashier said, “It's a small town, where'd you guys move in?”. “It's an old brick house a couple of blocks from here,” said mom. The cashier gasped and said, “I've heard rumors about that house”. “What rumors?” asked my mom. “Shadows,” said the cashier. “Shadows?” my mom repeated. “It's probably nothing to worry about,” said the cashier. “Well thanks for letting us know,” said mom. She paid and then we went back home. The car ride was silent and I was thinking of telling my mom about the shadows. When we arrived home I did it, I told her about the shadows but she didn't believe me. She thought it was in my imagination because of what the cashier said. I believed that until my brother said he saw a shadow passing his window and thought it was just the curtains, he said he didn't think anything of it but was still confused about what he saw. My mom still didn't believe it and told us to let it go.

        That night I went downstairs because I thought I heard the windows close. I looked around the room and saw shadows all over the walls, all the windows slammed open and the wind was going crazy. I screamed and my mom and brother came running downstairs. I was terrified and was in shock at what was happening. My brother and mom were also in shock and couldn't believe what was happening. The windows started slamming shut and the wind would push them back open. The shadows were dark and roaming through the house. The curtains were flying everywhere. My brother and I were screaming of fear. My mom told us to go upstairs and pack the things we needed. When I was in my room there was a shadow on my door and my door slammed shut. I screamed for help and my mom and brother came running, they tried getting the door open but couldn't. My mom went downstairs to get something to get the door open. She came back with a hammer she had found in the garage. She ran back upstairs and started breaking the door down. I finally had gotten out of my room and we all ran downstairs and we left the house. My mom drove away from that town. “How about we move somewhere that has a neighborhood and not just trees,” I said. To this day we still don't know anything about the shadows and how they were even there.

May 08, 2021 03:26

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