
Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together?

Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences. It didn't begin as romance, or friendship either. My friends and I were doing our part-time job when a call reached my phone. It was an unknown number. I picked it with courage in my hands ready to fight whatever consequence I'm going to face. '' Hello, you just won a ticket to date with billionaire's,'' said the man. I gasped with shock. It was one of the most famous shows in the world. You have a day in the life with a billionaire. Eating fancy foods, hanging out in the hot tub, wearing expensive gowns, and last but not least going to the beach for 3 days. Mom loves that show however she is gonna get jelly[ Jealous] and proud of me at the same time. I stammered as I tried to tell my friends the action. They looked into my eyes' as jealousy ran through their veins.

We all had a misunderstood meant. Can you believe it? Your own friends not concurring with your motion. I decided to got to stick with the show. I ran home as fast as a deer hoping I didn't surpass my curfew. I rang the doorbell and a familiar face opened the door. The familiar face was none other than Jake, my childhood friend. Rumors say that BF and GF but let's not talk about it today.

'' Hey stranger,'' said Jake

'' Hey Dork,'' I said mockingly.

'' Lela, get in here right now. said, mom in a thunderous voice

Fear started to run and expose in my body like a mirror exposed to light. I wiped all my fears away by taking several breaths in and gathered much gallantry as I could. Voices of my parents arguing could be heard from a distance. knew for sure it must be about me and my expectations began to turn into reality.

'' I know this is difficult to tell you but you don't have the right to date at this age,'' said dad.

'' I'm 15 years old and a clear well that I am a teenager,'' I said in an exasperated voice.

'' That does not qualify you to date, not until you are 18 years old, bye the way as long as you are in my house, you are still young. So for the time being you cant date, not in my house young woman or whatsoever, you call yourself,'' said dad.

'' Were you spying on me?'' I asked curiously.

'' I put a recorder inside your clothes,'' Dad said

''What,'' I said in a booming voice.

I slammed the parlor door as I made a beeline to my room. I cried like a baby without candy. A voice said abutting near me, '' Don't worry I'll always be there when you make a decision.'' With fear all over me, I turned around little by little and to my surprise it was Jack. He was in my room while I was arguing with mom and dad. A smiled and accidentally kissed him. We gawked at each other for a moment. I got scared and passed through the window. I started wandering off the streets when a sigil was advertising '' Date with a billionaire.'' Joy began steaming in me like a boiling pot. Without wasting any second, I entered the place, I didn't believe what I saw, it was my favorite celebrity; Ben Willows. Well, you know what they say: Seeing is Believing ( Thomas Fuller's quotation)

"HEY, are you hear for the audition," said the director

"Um," I stturted

"Let's take that as a yes, Larvna," replied the director

" Yes, sir," Larvna asked

"Take this young lady to her room." replied the director

After half an hour, our hard work paid off. I looked different, no one could recognize.

"Lela, you are up," said a woman.

I walked slowly enough like a tortoise. All eyes were on me. I went to the booth, next to my dream crush: Ben Willows. He's scent was like tulips with roses. I tried to pose but I did the dumbest thing in my life. All the pictures, we took for the cover of the magazine were awful.

Tears rolled down ruining my makeup. " Don't worry about that, my first time was bad too, " said Ben. I almost fainted but didn't want to be dramatic. We went to the set and began going live. "Hello, this is date with billionaire's, and today, we have a guest on our show: Ben Willows. said the host.

I fell down, destroying the mics and cameras, that day wasn't the way I'd looking forward to it. First, an argument then this, technically, I vanished into thin air as quick as lightning heading straight to my window. Well, you know how someone gets into trouble when you are not at home, Mom grounded me for a whole year. NO TECHNOLOGY OR FRIENDS besides Jake. I felt bored with all the help mom with workday and tiptoed back to the lounge

The house phone rang, '' Hello, this is Lela Downs, How can I help you? '' I asked.

'' Hey, do you remember me, Lela,'' replied the mysterious voice.

'' What do you mean,'' I asked.

'' Yesterday, you looked cute.'' said the mysterious voice.

'' Um, is it, Ben Willows,'' I asked

''Yeah,'' Ben replied.

''Do you wanna go for a date?'' Ben asked.

I hold the phone for a moment

'' Sure, at what time?'' I asked.

'' 7;00 pm?'' He asked.

''Let me get prepared,'' I replied.

I can't imagine, a celeb asked me on a date. If you are kinda wondering he's 19. In a sprint of a second, I wore my new dress which technically mum bought at Christmas.

I took a taxi headed to the best hotels in Pittsburgh; O'vour Hotel.

"I'm glad, you made it," said Ben

" Sure, how could I miss a date from a hottie like you," I said blushing

" There is something I've been wanting to tell you, said Ben

"Will you be my girlfriend," he asked

"Is this a joke, " I said laughing over my ruddy visage.

'' I'm serious,'' he said

"Yes," I replied

We kissed again and got

It was really a blind date because of all the coincidence and stuff.

August 26, 2020 20:39

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