A partially shaved man's face came into view on my display, his voice melodic and soothing. “Hello, fellow YouTubers. My name is Listening Brad, and today, I'm transporting you back to Australia in 2018.
The display transitioned to a rotating silver and purple flashing Merkaba accompanied by eerie music. A well-trained conspiracy theorist ear would pick up the music as a back-masked or reversed rendition of a well-known song from the 1960s which had explicit occult themes. The Channel's name was displayed in black, bold letters next to the now stationary Merkaba, "Spontaneous: Personal Stories of the Paranormal" by Brad Brown."
(The screen flickered and then dissolved into a chaotic jumble of black and white pixels, resembling an intense storm of electronic noise or what is known as white noise)
In the next scene, the camera smoothly panned out to landscape, revealing the illusion of a simple bedroom on the backdrop screen. Brad stayed silent and relaxed in his elegant red, velvet armchair for about ten seconds so his audience could absorb the setting and feel the Old Queenslander home’s space. Behind him, the high ceiling swallowed up the mirrored duchess resting in front of a tall, mauve painted wood panelled wall. A vase of messy flowers and a jewellery stand on crocheted doilies softened the furniture, while a beckoning doorway, gave the hint of spacious hallway entrance.
The background deliberately faded to grey, Brad pulled the cord to a standing lamp next to him and lit up:
"Angelina Bowen, that is not her real name, as she wishes to remain anonymous, thought that Sunday, July 22, 2018, was just another ordinary day."
(A short of a laminated kitchen with hanging plants, stacked dishes, and pots simmering on a stove played)
Brad continued to narrate:
"Angelina says, she remembers it clearly as if it were only yesterday. It was winter in the small town of Ipswich in Queensland, Australia. The sun was out that morning, so she quickly washed her clothes and hung out her washing because the intensity of heat usually dulled around 2 pm in afternoons. On the kitchen stove, her favourite winter comfort meal of spinach in cheese sauce and coarsely mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes cooked."
A close-up of Brad's soft, round face and intense blue eyes filled the screen:
"Angelina's email to me stated she was definitely very cheerful that day."
Brad had spoken to Angelina on Duo before he had researched her story. Her Australian accent was distinct, so he chose the computer generated voice of the "female Australian accent' with the specific option 'formal', quietly musing at another option 'bogan'."
The scrolled of quoted words rolled:
"My daughter had rung me a few days prior and announced the good news that she was pregnant with a girl, and being my first grandchild, I was very excited. Whilst waiting for my lunch to cook, I cheerfully browsed the internet for all sorts of baby stuff. I couldn't stop imagining what the future with my granddaughter would be like.” Brad returned, but his voice had deepened, "Little did Angelina know, even bigger surprises, if you could call them that, were just around the corner!"
(White noise)
A figure of Listening Brad materialized in a hazy outline before the camera refocused, which gradually exposed him slowly, flipping through the pages of a newspaper. Glancing up, he set the newspaper aside and proceeded, "That day, Angelina finished her meal and washed her dishes."
(A chromatic visual of a woman strolling through an open field in slow motion played. When she touched the tip of a wild flower, she turned and her long hair floated outwards. She shyly smiled at the camera lens.)
Brad continued:
"The news that her daughter, Sarah, was going to have a child still flushed her cheeks from joy and anticipation."
Brad paused.
(Now, a photographic extract of a woman opening the heavy lid of an engraved chest in measured time proceeded.)
"She remembered a few old-fashioned toys she kept that belonged to her daughter."
(The visuals included the heart-warming sight of a rag doll being gently unwrapped from a silk scarf and embraced. On the floor, besides the woman’s sitting body, an opened large, opaque, plastic container toppled out a delightful assortment of plastic farm animals and building blocks.)
Brad interrupted:
“The nostalgia flooded Angelina as she thought about her childhood music box. She remembered the ballerina dancing, the music, and her joy. She wanted to share that joy with her future granddaughter."
The voice spoke as quoted rolling scrolled words again:
"I knew that music box of mine was long gone. So, I thought I would do a specific search for a similar child's music box only.
As I searched, I became overwhelmed by the large variety of music boxes offered worldwide. Some were similar, but they did not offer the tune, The Blue Danube, that mine once had.
I had almost given up when an ad popped up. Way back then, I was not fully aware of how computers spied on one's emails, social media accounts, and searches as such. The ad seduced me, "Do you want to find a lost object? We can offer you a free meditation that will ease your mind and help you."
Somehow, I became intrigued by the promise of finding a lost object via hypnosis. My curiosity piqued. My nostalgia rationalized that the free meditation could jog my memory as to where I last placed my music box.
It was worth a try. I was hoping it would transport me back to the cherished memories of my 8-year-old self, where I can definitely remember seeing it. I packed it in the linen press to make room on my bedside cupboard for a transiter radio. scapebook and coloured pencils and felt pens.”
Brad stopped sipping his steaming hot coffee and casually took the reigns:
"Angelina cautiously perused the PDF transcript of the meditation, carefully assessing its content to ensure it was conventional and appropriate to listen to. To start, there was a focus on breathing. This was followed by a series of exercises involving consciously tensing and relaxing the different parts of the body. The meditation typically included a calming countdown while visualising walking down a set of stairs, ultimately leading to a symbolic going through an archway to an extended hallway of doors. Then intuitively, a door of the past which held your lost object would draw the nominee . Angela was intrigued. Suddenly, impulse flooded her, and right then, she decided that her free afternoon would involve this meditation.”
(White Noise)
(A long misty but bright hallway full of closed doors parried on the screen.)
Brad interrupted the visual's silence:
“As Angelina envisioned the hallway in her mind, and she found herself standing in front of a seemingly endless row of doors. Amidst the dreamish atmosphere, she caught sight of a door with a bronze plate and the number 1975 engraved on it. She thought, "This is year 1975 when I was 8 years old!
Upon turning the doorknob and entering a garden, a cacophony of indistinct voices echoed and quickly stopped. Angelina temporarily startled involuntarily opened both her eyes, but a soothing, authoritative voice caught, reassured, and lulled her back into trance, “You have no need to fear, simply proceed through to the garden.”
The usual monologue and script displayed:
"I wandered through the lush garden of my childhood home, the scent of the gum, and eucalyptus trees lingered in the air as a gentle mist of rain touched and cooled my skin and face. I approached the old front door of my childhood home. I found it unlocked. The house was eerily quiet. I ventured into the dimly lit house. I smelt the remnants of a roast dinner from the kitchen.
My feet instinctively carried me to my childhood bedroom, but what I viewed was unexpected – there in that room was an empty bassinet . I panicked, I thought to myself, that can’t be! The door said it was 1975 and my sister wasn't born till 1978.
I felt boiling hot and very unsure of myself. I made my way to the guest room, the very same room I had been moved to when I was 11 years old, after my sister was born. On the way, with my new awareness of the timeline, my heart sank as I passed my brother's empty room. I felt even worse when I heard my father snoring and saw him sleeping alone.
I was met with a chilling sensation when I entered my correct bedroom. There, in the bed, was my pre-teen self fast asleep, and at the foot of the bed lay Kerry, my best friend also sound asleep. A rush of emotions swept over me as I stared at Kerry, she swivelled in her sleep to lay parallel, head 'to-head with my younger self. Kerry snuggled as I cuddled her. I screamed but they didn't hear me. It was too much - The day Kerry had passed away from cancer became vivid; I was 25 years old. Something sinister had happened, I couldn't get out of my head! I couldn't wake up! I was stuck there! I yelled out something was wrong! Oh God, what is this happening?"
Brad checked in:
"In the midst of Angelina's overwhelming distress, a deafening fog horn pierced her mind, cymbals clashed and whistles shrilled. A commanding, thunderous voice resonated in her skull, demanding, "FIND YOUR LOST OBJECT NOW!"
Trembling and most likely convulsing Angelina complied. She spotted her mother frantically packing belongings and shoving a cardboard box filled with items into the bottom of her wardrobe. Her precious white vinyl music box spilled out. As she reached for it, her mother's hand landed on it simultaneously, and at that moment, her mother uttered, "I'm leaving your father. I've had enough!"
Angelina finally lost all consciousness, and when she regained it, she found herself in complete darkness of her own adult bedroom. Nausea overwhelmed her as she struggled to get out of her bed and make her way to the bathroom. Her body again convulsed uncontrollably, and she desperately clung to the hallway walls for support before vomiting on the floor and collapsing."
(White noise)
Brad, in his smoking jacket, hair slicked back, sucked on his cigar, and then exhaled:
"Angelina awoke, trembled as the bone-chilling winter cold seeped through the old, bare floorboards she had collapsed onto. She longed for a sip of water to quench her thirst and soothe her weakness. With great effort, she mustered the strength to shower. Despite feeling feeble, she bravely cleaned up after her own dried vomit and soaked her grubby and smelly clothes.
As she grappled with her disorientation, Angelina realized that her phone was in her bedroom. When she finally located it and checked the date, she was stunned to discover that two days had slipped by unnoticed.
(A shot of a music box playing and reflection of ballerina dancing anticlockwise in the boxes circular mirror)
The computer generated voice spoke for the last time:
"I entered my bedroom, I was taken aback by the most bewildering sight. Was I hallucinating?
It seemed almost unfathomable, but there it was – my music box. I Lifted the lid and with a twang, the ballerina sprung up on its tiny platic legs. The winding key, with its delicate pink ribbon, was still in place. I carefully turned the key. The music clear and bright pinged quick notes of "dah, da, da, da, dah, dee dar" – while the miniature figurine elegantly twirled anticlockwise to the enchanting melody of Blue Denube.
I also read a small handwritten notepiece found inside the music box, "I dreamed about you last night. Love Angelina."
(White noise)
Brad took a sip of his wine:
"Things did not stop there. Angelina continued to get messages from her younger self. If she dreamed of her childhood a note would disappear in the music box. Like, "Hi, Grown up Angelina, I dreamt of you again. I saw I had a baby girl and I called her Sarah. Love Angelina.
Months passed and this mystery continue. One day Sarah and her mother Angelina decided that Sarah should take the music box to her home and see what might happen? After only two nights Sarah freaked out aftershe received a message from her own younger self. She pointed at the music box, "That things knows what no other soul knows about me!"
And then one morning Angelina awoke and it, the music box, had disappeared into thin air.
(White noise)
"I hope you enjoyed today's story."
I found Angelina to be a genuine person. I vewied a few hours of footage, photos of that anomalie and the whole thing seems odd."
(A few shorts of teletransported ortime-duplicated videos aired. Screenshots became visible with small movable red cursor)
Brad anslysised:
"Angelina also sent me screenshots of the Advertisement and the website of that originated the meditation. I was able to enlarge this small blurred area here and there. Now, you can make out this: The Institute of Furthering Parapsychological Research, Calabria Coastline, California.
I spoke and taped a paranormal expert, Dr Judy Le Monte, who inspected the said activity. Also a trained psychiatrist, she also counselled Angelina over a period of six month. Due to the limoted time I have left on this video, I can only replay a small part of the interview.
Dr Judy Le Monte: Angelina's case is truly extraordinary! There were whispers in the whole of the Paranormal and Psychological community around 2017 onward, that some sort of MKULTRA experiments were on the go. It was proven, that one such experiment questioned if extreme human emotions could manifest objects into the present time.
Brad: Do you believe that is what happened to Angelina?
Dr Judy Le Monte: Yes I do. I studied that meditation and I can say it had exactly 3.14 seconds of compacted commands that are designed to enter the emotional centre of the brain immediately. That said, the loud clashing sound, whistles and horn furthered the intention to disturbed her brain. That command, 'Find your lost object' definately caused a forced search of any extreme traumatic event around the object. The intensity of induced emotional, mental and physical trauma, or stroke, intended to manifest the item to the present time.
Brad: So what you are saying is that the meditation was designed to trigger extreme trauma with the result of a music box manifesting in Angelina's current bedroom.... AND Angelina had a mini stroke?
Dr Judy Le Monte: Precisely., When Angelina was counselled and treated around the issues of her parents' divorce and her best friend's death she emotionally stabilised. When, in my own opinion, she resolved those past issues, she was able to move forward. That said, the music box, the dense apparition vapourised.
(White Noise)
Brad: Thank you, everyone. Thank you Angelina for sharing your story with us too. All, Be blessed.
I forwarded the YouTube video to my daughter Georgette (alias Sarah). As I wrote, "There's our story darling!" , the music box played. My granddaughter, Dusky danced to the tune of Blue Denube. She pursed her lips, "Grandmama, when I look into the music boxes mirror, I can see an old lady who used to be me!" I closed the lid of the laptop, "Dusky Mary May Louise Hamilton Shh! Some secrets can be good secrets."
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Good creeping horrors, and a nice lampoon of the YouTube and paranormal investigation genre. Very engaging!
Ty for your encouragement. I can understand what you meant. I chose the setting of a mimic of what I saw in many different paranormal storytelling YouTube channels. I chose the style so I could emphasise the emotions by telling the main character's, Angela's attest, and the duplication in the host's , Brad's narration.
Really unique format to this story. Different! I liked it. Also a new concept to me, physical manifestations as a result of extreme emotional responses... this is very clever. Definitely a movie in this one!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your thoughtful and encouraging comment. Funny, I watched a paranormal show on Friday afternoon, and there is a name for the mind/emotions manifesting phenomena not as extreme as solid mass manifestation.