Fiction Kids Teens & Young Adult

This was the time when I became the world youngest, but most famous, scientist of all. It goes like this: 'Abby!'' Mom calls from downstairs. I'm busy fiddling around with my grandpa's broken computer. People from all around the world send me broken items that they can't seem to fix, but I can. I'm not in it for the money. I'm in it for the satisfaction of fixing things other people think are impossible to fix. "Let's go Abby!'' Mom calls from downstairs again. I stand up and sigh. It's time for me to perform in my talent show. For many years I've been working on a time machine. A week ago, I finally got it to work! Not even the greatest scientists and engineers could build one, and I'm only twelve! I call it The Time 2000. My whole family and all of my friends are so proud of me. I open my bedroom door. I'm ready to show the world my time machine! I walk downstairs and give my Mom a nod, who nods back at me. We walk to her truck. The Time 2000 is settled in in the bed of the truck covered in dark green tarp. I climb into the front seat and fasten my seat belt. ''Buckled up?'' Mom asks. ''Yup.'' I say. She backs the truck out of the driveway and drives down the narrow road. We live in Reno, Nevada. The drive is 2 hours long. Time flies by, and about an hour into the drive, Mom breaks the silence. ''How about a game of I spy?'' Mom asks. I usually say I spy is babyish, but I need to get the talent show off my mind. ''Sure.'' I say trying to sound normal, but I have lots of fluttering butterflies in my stomach. I'm a very shy person. Mom smiles. ''I'll go first, I spy with my little eye, something dark green.'' she says. I already know what it is. ''The tarp on the Time 2000.'' I say, rolling my eyes. ''Yup, don't worry, you'll do great.'' she says. She pats me on the head. It's not helping. ''It's only a talent show.'' she whispers. I know that. But, what if The Time 2000 fails in front of the many people coming to the talent show. Another hour goes by. ''We're here.'' Mom says, and we climb out of the truck. I help my mom haul the Time 2000 onto a ginormous wagon that was in the bed of the truck too. We slowly trudge our way into the building with the help of 2 workers. One of them has long wavy blonde hair and the other one had short black curly hair. The Blonde lady looks at us. ''I'm Becky and this is Morgan.'' she says, pointing to the other worker. Morgan smiles and grabs a clipboard. ''Name?'' she asks. Before I can say anything, Mom is having a conversation with Morgan and Becky about me and The Time 2000. ''C'mon Mom.'' I interrupt, ''The show is starting in two minutes.'' ''We'll take that.'' Becky says and they take it backstage. ''Be careful with that.'' I say, but they don't hear me. Mom and I head to the waiting room. There's only 2 other kids here that look my age. Minutes go by and it's finally my turn. I walk onto the stage and take a deep breath. The Time 2000 is already on the stage, so I pull off the tarp and turn to face the crowd. ''Hello, I'm Addy, and today I'm going to present the time machine I created. I call it the time 2000.'' I say into the microphone. Lots of people are gasping and pointing. ''All you have to do is flip the switch to turn it on, then you walk right through.'' I look at the crowd. ''Does anyone want to volunteer to go into the past?'' I ask. Only a few people raise their hands. I point to a boy who looks about the same age as me. He walks onto the stage. ''How do I do this?'' he asks. ''Trust me, it's easy, just walk right through!'' I say, trying to encourage him to be brave. ''Ok I'll just peek through and come right back.'' he says. ''Sounds good!'' I say. I flick the switch and The Time 2000 bursts into life. The boy takes a deep breath and steps through the Time 2000. Suddenly he's gone. It worked! The boy suddenly appears again with a huge smile on his face. ''It's true!'' he shouts. Everybody stood up and cheered. Yes! The host walks onto the stage. ''Hello everyone, we have a winner.'' he says. He pauses and looks at the crowd. ''The winner is, Addy with The Time 2000!'' he says. Everyone, including the workers and the host, cheered and clapped. I'm overjoyed! The drive back and the next two days breeze by. ''Addy, can you get the mail?'' Mom asks. ''Sure.'' I say and I walk outside. I open the mailbox and look through the mail, a couple newspapers, bills, and wait! What I see shocks me. It's to me from the top science agency in the world! I tear it open. The scientists want to see the time 2000 tomorrow! I run inside. ''Mom, read this!'' I yell. She walks into the living room and glances over the letter. "That's amazing Abby!'' Mom says, and she hugs me tightly. ''Time for bed.'' she whispers. I run upstairs and get ready for bed. I can barely sleep. The next thing I know it's morning and I'm getting ready to meet up with the world's greatest scientists! I run downstairs and practically sprint like and Olympian to the truck. I don't feel nervous at all. The car ride flew by. I walk into the building and a whole team of scientists is waiting for me at the main entrance. Workers bring in The Time 2000. I tell them everything about The Time 2000 and they absolutely loved it. Each one of them get the chance to take a peek into the past. The next day, I'm in the news, newspaper, and I'm famous! Hard work really does pay off. That's how I became the youngest, but most famous, scientist of all.

January 14, 2025 23:55

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