Transaction Initiated

Submitted into Contest #237 in response to: Write a story about two people falling in love via email.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship

Case ID: #000033


07/02 15:40

Hi there!

This is an automated email confirming your enquiry

“I was meant to order the new Bahama sunrise tea mix but got confused and realised I should’ve ordered the Texan coffee tisane. sorry. It’s meant to be a gift and I need it in 7 days so i’d really appreciate a swap of tea rather than a refund. I only ordered it this morning thanks. And is it possible to change out the matching tea set for the texan one too? With matching tea cosy of course. My partner is obsessed with the taste of coffee but wants to cut down on caffeine and is too self-conscious to order decaf so I want to surprise him with the Texan one! ”

 has been received.

Aaron has been assigned to your case and will help you with your enquiry.

Thanks for being a valued Tea Premium customer.


07/02 15:45

Hello Michael!

I’m Aaron and here to help you today.

Unfortunately, we’re not able to swap the teas as the order has already been shipped.

I’d recommend returning the order once it has arrived. Then we can process a refund and you can order the Texan Coffee Tisane with matching tea set and tea cosy.

Have a nice day,



07/02 16:32

Hi Aaron,

I’m not sure if you read my entire enquiry but I really need to have the Texas coffee tisane by the 14th Feb for a gift. if I do what you say then I’ll have to wait another week before it arrives because I’m buying from overseas… and by then it’ll be too late cause your service is so slow.

I know you don’t know me and my circumstances but I’m really relying on this gift… it may be a little bit oversharing of me but my boyfriend and I are kinda on the rocks at the moment and he told me exactly what he wanted for valentine’s day and I forgot and somehow ordered the Bahamas one.

It sounds a bit stupid and I don’t expect you to fully understand but I’m really relying on this to help patch us up… is there anything you can do? Please help me.

kind regards,



07/02 16:37

Hi Michael,

That sounds bad. And you’re right, I don’t fully understand. I’ve never known heartbreak.

Unfortunately, we cannot do anything as the courier is a third party and are somewhat separate from us. Please return the order once it has been received and we can go from there once it arrives back at the head office.

Have a pleasant day,



07/02 17:09

Are those extra comments really necessary? I’m going through a lot right now so the least you could do is cut me some slack. So what about the third party courier? Can’t you contact them for on my behalf and stop it? I expect a better level of customer service from tea premium.




07/02 17:14

Hi Michael,

I can’t help you with those personal problems – maybe try a counsellor instead. Or couples therapy.

Tea Premium did not make an error in the booking either.

Nonetheless, I’ve tried to contact the courier and they cannot stop the order unfortunately. You will have to return the order once it arrives and then we can refund you and then you can order the Texan Coffee Tisane and matching tea set with tea cosy.

Have a lovely day,



07/02 21:25

what the?? Okay so I made a little error but you don’t need to dig into me about it. Why are you getting so personal??

Also I refuse to believe this order cannot be stopped when I literally ordered it just this morning?! I thought you would want to do better by customers to maintain a good brand image… Obviously not! Your business sucks! Do better.

You have ruined my valentine’s day and my relationship probably. I would order the Texan coffee tisane and matching tea set with tea cosy right now and double up on the orders but I’m actually struggling with cash flow if you must know and won’t get paid again until next week… which is too close to valentines.

Stop my order!! Whatever it takes..!


07/02 21:30


The order cannot be stopped as it is now on a plane, 41,000 feet in the air… on its way to Singapore.

Unless you’d like me to stop it myself, but I do not have a pilot’s licence and cannot guarantee a successful outcome, let alone account for my personal safety if I were to carry this out for you.

Also, may I take the time to point out your blatant contradiction? You’re simultaneously complaining about how fast we’ve processed your order yet still upset about how long it will take to arrive. Reflect on that.

Good luck,



07/02 23:43

what the fuck do you take me for aaron? is this a joke to you? Shove the sarcasm up your ass. I want you to cancel my order immediately and give my money back NOW. I don’t want your fucking Bahama bullshit tea or the Texan crap or that bloody tea set with the fucking tea cosy….

Go fuck yourself aaron. I hope you pilot a plane and fail.


08/02 09:38

hello? I haven’t had a response from you …??? Maybe actually face up to me then?


08/02 10:15

hello?!?! Still waiting…


08/02 12:00

Case ID: #000033

Hi there!

This is an automated email from Tea Premium. We are sorry to hear that Aaron could not resolve your issue.

We have now assigned your case to Axel who will help you with your enquiry.

Thanks for being a valued Tea Premium customer.


08/02 12:05

Hi there, I’m Axel!

Apologies for Aaron’s totally inappropriate responses earlier. We do not tolerate that and he's no longer part of the Tea Premium team. But I would also appreciate no swearing through email correspondence either. Together we can work towards solving your problem.

As a new customer, we value your business and strive to help you however we can.

Looking at your previous messages I can see you had an issue with your order.

I've sent out the Texan Coffee Tisane with matching tea set and tea cosy to your address. With express shipping, it should only arrive one day after Valentine’s Day.

As an apology, we can offer you this extra order free of charge.

If you feel your case has been successfully resolved please reply with ‘resolved’ and we will close the email transaction.

Have a beautiful, stunning, amazing, incredible day!



09/02 9:40

Hi there Michael!

I noticed you didn’t reply to my email yesterday and am therefore uncertain as to whether your case is resolved.

Please reply to this email letting us know if your case has been resolved.

Kindest regards,



10/02 9:40

Howdy Michael!

Has your issue been resolved by me? Please let me know by replying to this email so I may close your case.



12/02 9:40

Hi Michael,

Just checking in, is everything okay?



12/02 18:25

Hi Axel, everything’s not fine... except maybe for the fact my Bahama sunrise tea arrived 2 days early. But I don’t have anyone to gift it to anymore and I don’t drink tea (or coffee I guess) so I have no use for it. You might as well cancel the second order you made too if you can even do that.

And sorry for the swearing in previous emails to aaron.. he was being really rude and I was vulnerable.


12/02 18:30

Hi Michael,

I’m sorry to hear that everything isn’t fine with you. If I can help in anyway way please let me know.



12/02 17:56

If there’s any way you can help to get my partner to talk to me again that’d be great? We had a massive fight… it didn’t stem from the tea order mixup though so not your fault. I guess there was a lot more going on under the surface that I didn’t want to face…

Thanks anyway axel, you’re a lot kinder than your colleague aaron that’s for sure.

I’ll send both teas back in the same package once the coffee tea arrives.



12/02 18:01


I’m truly very sorry to hear about your relationship. I know I don’t know you personally or the situation you’re in but I would like you to know that whatever you’re facing you don't need to go through it alone. I’d recommend reaching out to some trusted friends or family for support.

If neither tea nor coffee brings you comfort then maybe a free hot cocoa sample will – made from the most ethically sourced materials and harvested by the fairest trade possible.

I’ve sent the sample pack to your address express mail. It should arrive by the 14th as it is small enough to fit in an envelope rather than a hefty package.

I hope this brings you some sort of comfort.

And feel free to keep the tea.

Axel :)


12/02 22:14

Wow, Axel… I don’t really know what to say. Nobody has shown me this sort of simple kindness for a while… even if it is from a stranger over email. I love hot cocoa and am really excited to try the sample you sent through.. just in time for valentine’s day too I guess. If only Ollie was around to share it with me (that’s my ex)

I don’t know much about you or your life either but I hope all is well with you and that you have a good support network if you ever need one.

Michael :)


13/02 9:00

Hello Michael,

I hope you’re getting on alright. I’ve checked with the courier and your tracking information says your free sample is on track to arrive tomorrow :)

If I may offer one more piece of advice to you it would be to take the time for yourself and rediscover the things that make you happy.

Nothing you haven’t heard but maybe the reminder will help.

All the best,



13/02 11:20

Hi Axel :) :)

Thanks for the update! I’m so excited to try it!!!

The reminder is good to hear and I’ve taken your advice!! I’ve been binge watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy which were my favourite movies as a child. A bit nerdy I know but they’re such good films and are definitely cheering me up!



13/02 11:25

Hey Mikey – those films are great! Especially the bits with Cate Blanchett. I know it’s not a main character really but I love when she has those moments of being madly affected by the power of the ring and then when she lets go of it she is all normal again! Haha

Hopefully the cocoa sample will help to create a cosy feel!



13/02 13:03

Just finished the first Hobbit film, I forgot how amazing it is!! Omg haha I totally know what you mean about the Cate Blanchett going crazy for a second with the ring!! That’s me first thing in the morning I guess haha. Also I forgot how stressful it can be to watch because the stakes are so high in those films! Like I know everything gets resolved in the end but still… I get so nervous watching the war scenes thinking they’ll fail!!

Looking forward to trying the cocoa sample tomorrow! What would make me feel even cosier watching LOR would be if someone was with me watching it too ..

Hope everything is well with you too :) :)



13/02/24 13:08

Case ID: #000043

Hi there!

This is an automated email from Tea Premium. We have now closed your case as you have indicted that is has been resolved.

Thank you for agreeing to be a part of the trial with our new AI online customer service feature (which you agreed to when ticking the ‘terms & conditions’ of purchasing your order).

You’re invited to leave feedback about our new AI by sending an email to

Thanks for being a valued Tea Premium customer.


13/02 13:12



Subject: AI Customer Service Feedback

Hi there,

I need a bit of clarification about your email customer service process .. I feel a bit embarrassed saying it… but I believe I formed a bond with the person/ai serving me.. His name is Axel.

I want to know if he’s an AI or a human because he seemed very human and personable to me and I would like to get in contact with him if he is actually a person if that’s allowed. I’m pretty sure he took a liking to me too.. if he’s actually AI I’m very sorry and embarrassed.

My case id was 000043 if that helps.

Also, while I’m here I wanted to give my thoughts on aaron.. he is not good. Please don’t use him. But also I apologise for my language in my emails to him. I don’t really read terms and conditions when I tick that box so was unaware I was a part of a testing program. You might want to make that a bit clearer on the purchase page too.




13/02 13:45

Re: AI Customer Service Feedback

Hey Michael,

Thanks for your feedback! It’s greatly valued in this time of further testing. I apologise for the confusion around the AI testing. I’ll review your feedback so that it’s more obvious for other customers. Your profile indicates a liking for cocoa so I’ll send a month’s supply free of charge to compensate for any troubles it caused you.

As for Axel, he is indeed an AI.

We’ve engineered Axel to have a more nuanced ‘human touch’ than previous AI’s (take Aaron for example who was the previous model).

The AI response testing is near its end but based on your feedback (and those of others) we may dial down the empathy of Axel, however we are confident he will be the right one for Tea Premium… with some adjustments of course.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions.

Kind regards,

Henry Wright

AI Engineer @ AI Solutions


13/02 13:58

Hi Henry,

I appreciate your response even if it does hurt a little that Axel isn’t a person. Sorry you probably think I’m a bit unhinged but i guess I am a bit. I’m just going through a lot at the moment.

He just felt so real and I haven’t had somebody be so kind to me like that for a while… which was nice admittedly.

Thanks for listening to my feedback and for enabling my cocoa addiction too haha

I just have one more question though… the things Axel said about reaching out to my support network and getting in touch with my old passions, even Cate Blanchett – where did that come from? It all really helped me a lot and I’ve been feeling more myself ever since.




13/02 2:20

Hi again Michael,

To answer your question simply, it came from me. AI needs a bit of a human touch and my team is only very small so I took on most of that role.

I’ve just read your case transcription and am unsure as to how the Cate Blanchett information came into it though! I’ll add it to my list of bugs to fix.

I do hope you’re doing alright though. It does sounds rough. God knows I’ve been a mess during previous breakups.

Also, a quick side note: I think the Hobbit trilogy is better than the LOR trilogy. My friends think it’s bizarre!

And I do agree with you and Axel, Cate Blanchett is iconic in that moment and in general too. ;)




13/02 2:35

Hey Henry,

I guess that all makes sense about the AI human touch stuff. Thanks for explaining. And don’t delete the Cate Blanchett bug!

Also, you’re totally right about the Hobbit trilogy being better ahaha

Long live Galadriel!! And ms Blanchett.




13/02 2:37

Hey again,

I’m always right about anything LOR related ;)

Yes, Galadriel is the one who deserved the ring haha! I would’ve liked to see her rule as the queen that she is!



13/02 2:40

Hi Henry,

This may be a bit weird and please let me know if I’m reading this wrong.. but do you have socials or anything? Would be nice to have a LOR/Cate Blanchett fan as a friend as all my other friends hate it/don’t care for her.



13/02 2:47

Sorry Henry, ignore my previous email… this is your workplace technically and I just remembered you’re using Tea Premium email.

Have a good one and thanks for the explanations.


13/02 2:49

Hey Michael,

Haven’t got socials sorry (hate what those platforms do to my brain) but I’ll give you my personal email if you’d like?

Could even chat more fantasy nerd stuff over zoom if you’d like!

And don’t worry about the Tea Premium email… I’m the only one who uses it and as a contractor it’ll be deleted in a week or so once Axel is completed.



13/02 2:51

Okay I was freaking out there for a second haha. Thanks for the email address – a zoom meeting sounds great!

Any time in particular you’re free? Could do a hobbit 2 stream at the same time!



13/02 2:52

Love that idea! How about tomorrow? 8pm your time if that works?

Interested and excited to virtually meet you ;)



13/02 2:54

That works for me! My cocoa sample will have arrived by then too!

Excited to meet you also :P



13/02 2:56

Perfect timing… it’s a date! :)

See you then ;)

February 17, 2024 01:41

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