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Teens & Young Adult Drama Romance

August 1 

  I never would have thought that my father would be right when he said my fear would hurt me. Tomorrow is my first day of school. My second year at my dad’s collage. Usually, kids in my situation would love to go to school but school is my hell. Good night only friend forevermore I will not see you again. 

 Beep, beep, beep. I slam my fist on my alarm clock, willing for it to stop. A sudden relaxing wave of silence rushes over me. I swing my feet over the side of my bed into my fuzzy pink slippers. I stand up and my mind swings back and forth from the lack of sleep. I trudge to the bathroom to refresh myself. I stand at the mirror and rub my hand over my bruise on my cheek. My skin used to be flawless. I pump out my foamy soap hoping it will wake me up. My eyes widen in the mirror as something pierces through my stomach. Theres nothing there, it's just a piercing feeling. I start shaking thinking of what might have happened. Camly I go to the toilet and check. I sigh with relief I'm just on my period. I quickly put in a tampon it not hurting anymore. Already decided on what I was going to wear I put on my ripped blue jeans, my pink shirt that is balck. I never understood why the call their material pink when most of it isn’t. When I was younger, I never knew what Victoria's secret was until I was about 14, I was lost. I go to my bathroom and apply foundation to the bruise and a little eye shadow. I just flip my hair up in a messy bun and tie it off with a pastel blue scrunchie. I snatch my backpack of my hook and it weighs me down with the thousands of pounds of stuff I have. Out front I see my freshly washed blue Chevrolet cruise. I break out in a grin and run to the car. 

Here I go, on to school. Just step out of the car. I plaster on a fake smile and head over to the front of the school. I'm the daughter of the principal you would think I have lots of friends. I stop myself from having friends, so they don’t get hurt. I wallow around and trudge on to class to class. Photography class has always been my favorite class. Ms. Kayla is my teacher and lets us talk all class while we work on projects. Last summer her husband got killed in Iraq on deployment. She kept his last name, she loved him very much. I told her one day I want to love someone as much as she loved her husband, she told me I will. When I walk into class my fake smile fades and is replaced with a real one. Nobody can ever fake a smile I Ms. Kayla’s class.  

“Good morning Ms. Kayla. How was your summer?” 

“Good” a sly grin spreads across her face. "Look what I got you.” 

I take the newest all exclusive cannon camera out of her hand. 

“Oh, my goodness how did you get this!” I place it up to my eye and see the product of a picture. It’s clearer than looking with the naked eye. 

“I know a guy. I showed him your work and said the camera was worth being used in the hands of the creator.” She smiles. 

I squeeze her and say, "Thank you, I will not let you down.” 

I race over to my desk in the back of the room where I figure out what to take pictures of. Right before the bell rings a flustered boy stumble in. 

Ignoring him Ms. Kayla, in her game host voice pronounces, “I want to welcome all of the new people to our class this year.” 

She motions her hand forward to introduce the people. Or should I say person. The only one to get up is the late boy. He grips his bookbag so that his knuckles turn white. Ms. Kayla motions her hand to him. 

“This is Landon, our only first year.” She darts her eyes to me. ” He is wonderful artist, so treat him with respect.” We go through the rest of class going over rules and ways to hold a camera. Next week the rest of the class will be getting cannons. At the end of class Ms. Kayla pulls me aside. 

“Berkley, you know exactly what I meant by respect. You are a good artist and so is he. I know you have a problem with competition. I remember when you were in his situation.” She smiles and I solemnly nod and head towards the door. My feet move without even me telling them where to go. I don’t stay for the talk; I don’t stay for the fun. Fun is what ruined my life. As I take my keys out of my purse getting ready to get in my car, I hear a voice. 

“Are going to go put another girl in the hospital.” I grit my teeth and just head try in get in my car. Before I can get in a firm hand is placed on my shoulder. I get whirled around and my feet are one inch off the ground. ”I was talking to you. You put my girlfriend in the hospital and ruined her chance of ever dancing again.” My body starts shaking furiously and I feel my face get red. I move my face real close to his. 

“I didn’t hurt her; she was like my sister.” I spit in face, which was a bad idea. He threw me one the ground and kicked me hard in the stomach. I hear thunderous feet pound on the ground towards me. I see Landon throw Evan on the ground and tells him to leave. Landon is a whole two inches taller than Evan. Evan gets up and runs away. Landon tries to help me up, but I push his hand away. 

“Are you okay.” He sounds sympathetic.  

“I was doing fine by myself." I say, as I brush the rubble off me. His face breaks out in a lopsided smile. 

“Really, from what I saw you were on the ground.” I hold my stomach and shrug my shoulders. 

“Wouldn’t be the first time, I got beat up.” His smile fades and he balance on his heels. I go to turn away when he shouts. 

“Hey, me and some friends are having a party. You're welcome to come if you want.” I stop short, it being hard to breath. I turn around and see his lopsided smile, broad shoulder, tall, smooth face. I think I'm falling in love with Landon. I can’t, he’ll get hurt then I'll get hurt. I don’t have to take that risk; I want to take that chance. I nod with a sad smile. 

“Ya, I'll see if I can make it.”  

I drive home and see dad's car in the driveway. I take a few deep breaths, and step in the house. Like a snake his voice makes me itch. 

“Berkley come up here.” I take the steps one at a time, slowly not seeming too desperate. I knock on his door and shouts over his tv. 

“Come in.” I walk in like a regular person seeing my soul stay at the door. 

“Yes sir.” I grip my purse. 

“I’m going out, there is 50 dollars on the island if you want to go shopping.” He grabs his coat and just leaves. I go downstairs and grab the money. I put it in my car savings jar. In my closet I don’t have many clothes for a party. In the back of the closet, I find the box Zoe left me. Before she went to college, she left me a box filled with college party essentials. Inside there is a sparkly blue dress, earing's, and a condom. I throw the condom away and put on the dress. The dress rises to just above my knees and is tight. I can see all my curves. I slip on the earing's which I realize are microphones. I ruffle out my hair and apply my cherry blossom lip stick. When I pull up to the house, I can see bright lights from inside. I walk in with aw, the house was a two-story mansion, the air reeked of beer. I see Landon and wave to him. He sees me and comes over. 

“Hey, do you want to go upstairs and talk.” He laughs, his breath smells clean. He wasn’t drinking. I smile but for a different reason than his. I let him guide me to the room and people stare at us. Landon opens the door and I guess it’s his, there's posters of cars all over the wall. We sit on the bed and just stare at the wall for a minute until I speak up. 

“I know I just met you, but I feel like I have known you forever.” I real smile and just stare into his eyes. 

“Why are you looking at me like that.” He chuckles with his sexy lopsided grin. I lean over and start kissing him. His hands cradle my face and My hands run through his hair. I sit up on him then we fall on the bed. He kisses my neck, and a moan escapes my lips. 

“I think I love you.” He just keeps kissing me and he puts his bare hand on my bare stomach. I feel his soft lips kiss down my stomach, and I shiver. He stops 

“What's wrong.”  

I just shake my head. "Nothing I have just never done this willingly.” He just nods and holds me. After about 3 minutes my stomach growls. I just hear a giggle. 

“Come on let's get you something to eat.” My dress is a little messy, so he lets me wear his hoodie. When we walk out Evan yells through the crowd. 

“Hey, look it’s little miss bully.” His wild drunk eyes look at Landon. “I wouldn’t go screwing her, she’ll go beating up your girlfriend.” Landon just looks at me with a confused look. Then he just shakes his head. 

“I wasn’t screwing her Evan, what did I tell you last time you messed with her. I would kill you that’s what I said.” Landon nods to one of his friends. He whispers something in his ear. Then he bends down and gives me a hug. “Berkley, go with smith, I’ll handle it here.” I just shake my head and plead with my eyes. Smith takes me by the arm and leads me outside. I can tell he’s drunk, his footing staggers as he walks. When we get to the car, he starts trying to touch me. 

“Stop, you perv.” I slap his hand away. 

“Fine, but if you say anything about this party, me and my buds will come after you.” I just nod and get in my car. He knows my dad-Mr. Smith hates parties. I open my phone and the florescent light blinds me. I go to my contacts and see dad. I click on his name and place my phone to my ear. The phone rings 3 times before he answers. 

“Hello, Berkley this better be good.” He sounds really aggravated. 

“Ya, dad there is a party going down at the college. Landon’s place.” He just sighs. Then there is a loud click. I fling my phone to the passenger seat. I start crying furiously. Once my eyes clear up, I start the car and drive home. When I get their dad is standing in the doorway. 

“Whose hoodie you are wearing.” I just look at the wall pass him and my heart beats in head. “Do you think I'm stupid Berkley. I knew you were at the party. I already heard about the party and knew you were going.” He comes and starts to stroke my face with his devil hands. “Now I know you don’t want what happened to your ex-best friend, to happen to Landon now do you. So, I have a deal for you. Either I hurt you or I hurt him.” Now I am really enraged.  

“You are not going to hurt either of us. I’m tired of being your little puppet. You’re the reason my life is ruined.” I poke him in his chest. He grabs me by my hair and throws me on the bed. 

“You never talk to me like that. I have chosen for you.” He keeps his firm grip on my hair. I try to get out, but he’s too strong.  I know exactly what is about to happen. He unbuckles his paints and pulls up my skirt. I start crying and try to stop him. Afterward I get in my car I'm still in my dress, so I slipped on Landon’s jacket. I go to the park which is my happy place. I park my car and get out. Even though My dad’s office Is right around the corner, I still go there because every time when he is done, he won’t talk to me for a while. I guess to let it sink in. When I turn the corner around the office, I see some of Landon friends. Smith just smiles at me. 

“What did I say I would do if you told.” He just smiles and I know I'm too late to react. “Get her boys.” They grab me and pin me to the wall and start punching me in the stomach. One of them hits me in the nose when try to escape. I’m in too much pain to scream. They just keep hitting me until Smith raises his hand. The boys hold me there as Smith tries and kiss me. I spit my bloody saliva on his face. He grows furious and hits me in the jaw. That happens 2 times before you hear a small crack. They let me go and run off. I try to sit up the wall but fall over coughing up blood. It feels like my stomach is splitting open. I just think of Landon. At least I will die with the feeling of love. Then I hear the familiar sound of feet on the ground.  

“Berk, oh my god. What happened. I’m going to call the ambulance.” He holds me and I hear him on the phone. He’s crying. “It’s okay, they are on their way just stay with me please.” 

When I wake up Landon is next to me holding my hand. There is something on my jaw. I start panicking but Landon tells me to quiet. ”It’s okay, your safe now.” He looks disturbed. “The doctor said your jaw is fractured; you have 2 broken ribs.” He gets up to the doorway and ask for the doctor. The doctor smells like alcohol. 

“Berkley, when we were running a scan on you, we saw that you got beat lot prior your accident.” Tears fill up in my eyes as I look at Landon. “We also saw that you were pregnant.” Now I really start to cry. “Is Landon the father.” I shake my head. 

“My father, he always made me tell him when there was a party. He always hated parties. Last year my best friend was hosting a party. I didn’t tell him, and he beat her half to death. He knew I went to Landon’s party and when I got home. He gave me the choice he hurt me, or he hurt Landon. I told him me. Then Smith and his friends jumped me. He's raped me before. It started when i was 16.” Landon is crying. The doctor sees me looking at Landon.  

“I’m going to leave you too.” He turns on the balls of his feet and leaves. 

“I’m so sorry, Landon I was so scared I was going to get you hurt.” I’m crying hysterically. He comes over and hugs me. 

“Don’t ever be sorry for trying to protect me, just don’t do it again I'll be the one to protect you.” Now I'm looking at my stomach and I can tell he knows what I'm thinking. “I’m not going to leave you we will raise this baby together. They will all pay.” Then he laughs. “At the party you said you think you love me.” 

I reply with all my heart. “I do love you.” 

December 01, 2020 21:39

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1 comment

Ramon Nieves
00:44 Dec 05, 2020

Great Story.


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