An Unwanted Experience

Submitted into Contest #31 in response to: Write a short story about someone cooking dinner.... view prompt



It was around 6:30 and i had just returned from work . I was hoping the food would be ready by the time i reached home . Then I just fell on my sofa and called for the maid "Grace". There was no response so I called her again thinking she couldn't hear me "Grace, where are you". There was no response so I decided to call her "Hi Grace , why aren't you here ?" I asked . "mam did you forget I was taking a leave . I told you early morning before you left for work" she answered . "oh right! i totally forgot about that. Alright have fun during your leave" I replied "Thank you mam" she replied.

Sitting on the sofa i was thinking about what I was going to cook "oh god, how am i going to cook when i have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO COOK." I was just sitting there and scolding myself why I dint learn how to cook. Then an absolutely useful but a risky plan came to my mind. I thought about cooking by looking at videos online and after awhile of searching i found one . "PASTA ALLA NORMA" it was my favorite. I checked the recipe and i had all the ingredients i needed. I kept my phone right beside me and iIstarted . I cut the eggplant and I poured some olive oil into the pan and cooked these eggplants in it. While the eggplants were cooking I got a call from my mom "oh hi mom!" I said "hey darling , how are you doing"she asked " its been a long time and I have been doing well except for the fact that I am really tired after work". we spoke for about 10 minutes and my mom asked me what I ate for dinner and I said I was cooking it and then I suddenly realised I left the eggplants in the pan. then I hung up and went to check on the eggplants and they were burnt so I had do them all over again.After I was done with cooking the eggplant i started cooking the pasta and this time I set an alarm so that I wont forget it. I was then checking my phone because my colleagues were taking about files and I was the one who knew all about it and them the alarm started going on and I checked on my pasta and it was perfectly cooked. Then I checked my phone again and I see that m colleagues were waiting for my response and I was busy with the pasta and they were mad at me for not responding so I had to apologise to all of them . Then after the discussion I was finally ready to arrange the things on my plate and when I was putting them on the plate I thought something was missing so I checked the recipe again and realised that I didn't make the sauce so I had to spend more time and make the sauce for the pasta. Then finally I was done.

Then I arranged everything on my plate and took a picture of it and posted it on Instagram saying that it was the first time i ever cooked my whole life. I really didn't know how it was gonna taste and I was scared because I thought maybe this could get me admitted in the hospital for food poisoning. Then I finally tasted it and it didn't taste that bad i ate the whole thing . I ate the whole thing and went to bed. The next day I woke and went to my work place then there my stomach started aching so I went to the doctor in my office and she did some tests and asked a few questions and concluded that it was probably food poisoning.

February 29, 2020 13:03

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